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Everything posted by Audoucet

  1. http://www.swtor-spy.com/item-single/Vectors_Killik_Vibrostaff/50361/
  2. Just one thing : Rey had experience with melee weapons. She is clearly skilled with what looks like a vibro-staff.
  3. I think it wasn't BM, she was just calming herself, which is the way of the Light side. She was just getting rid of her emotions, to have perfect Force clarity.
  4. I love him because, of his weakness. It is something new to actually witness the progression of a dark Jedi. Vader was already amongst the 5 most accomplished Jedi in history, we just saw him becoming evil, but not becoming a powerful villain. He was already powerful. What we are looking at is a character who is not yet, the great villain : it's what he aspires to. Is he weak ? Geez, the guy can froze light... He is one of the most powerful things we have ever seen, but it is raw, undecided power. He isn't even yet completely corrupt, at the beginning of the movie. But he obviously has very basic knowledge of saber duel. He obviously never actually fought any serious force user. He just murdered a bunch of young padawans in training, and a lot of villagers and maybe republic troopers. We probably saw him trying to defend his life against a light sabre for real, for the first time. And he lost. With a blaster wound to the side (anybody else would be dead). Against an obviously very, very powerful girl, who has the advantage of being obviously naturally very very calm. And had probably as much experience in hand to hand combat as he, taking into account her skill with a staff. I mean, I'm not going to argue you know, I don't see any point. But for me, Kylo Ren was the best thing in this movie. And even the actor, I think it was an incredible choice. He actually looks like a real person, and not some random American Hollywood face.
  5. PvP is a very tiny minority, 10% if I remember the numbers I saw two weeks ago. PvE, I don't know. Honestly, I started playing on the first day of launch, and I am still playing, but I actually never played an operation, and I stopped FP two months after launch. And from what I gather, I'm not the only one. So I don't know. If the majority of players are like me, only playing for the story, well done I don't think that you are going to have a lot of what you are hoping for.
  6. My main problem is that I actually bought HK-51, and I would have preferred more content with him, than an other HK...
  7. I have only the French citizenship, and I am the weird one in my country. Double citizenship is so much commonplace, in France...
  8. Well, too bad... I don't really see that as a Maul archetype.
  9. Well, I don't find it curious. I have absolutely 0 choice to stop the planet destruction, but I could have saved Jaxo. And she was a friend, you know, I even had a little girls night out cinematic, with her. On the other hand, as a player, I don't even remember the JK's destroyed planet's name. Which makes the good/moral choice VERY hard.
  10. Hello. I have a stupid problem. I want to play my assassin's story, but I seem to be forced to mainly use Force powers, and not my actual weapon. The one I actually chose assassin over sorcerer. Is there any build in which most of my attacks will actually use my lightsaber, or not so much ?
  11. I guess that we can agree on Trooper being the most shallow, even though the first chapter is okay.
  12. http://www.ign.com/articles/2010/01/28/star-wars-are-you-ready-for-the-mandalorians?page=3 Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia, Specifically described them as half human. In Star Wars insider n115 Ask Lobot Leland Chee confirmed "Twi'lek's and humans can interbreed." So...
  13. I agree. Sidious had clones but it was still his bodys. Vitiate is a ghost grasshoper.
  14. You can always consider that Valky is more powerful than Yoda for now, but the definitive answer should wait for his end. Because I think very likely that Vitiate is actually using powers without considering the consequences. My personal opinion is that nobody else did what he did, for the simple reason that it's a doomed path. Not for lack of knowledge, or power. And if I happen to be right, then it would be very weird to give him credit.
  15. The background is actually that she already was with a human in the past, she just had a type. The children are from her previous companion, but said companion was human too.
  16. I have one too, and my role playing background, since I'm on a RP server, Is that she is a survivor of the Red Reaper, who was from an agricole world, without any remembrance of the Sith teachings. She ended up saved by a Republic commando, and since she had a good connection to the Force, she joined the Jedi order.
  17. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jek_Lawquane Offspring of a human and a twi'lek, 100% canon.
  18. I hate BW's relativism, so I actually played the craziness implied by a growing connection to the Dark Side. But obviously, it doesn't mean systematically killing everyone. With my SW, when I offered someone his life in exchange of something, say information, I actually spared him, not because I was trustworthy or honorable, But just so people wouldn't answer me "You will kill me anyway !". I lied a few times, because I considered the target to be too important to live, but it was rare, and nobody could now it. I think that the main problem is that SWTOR's light/dark system is just a stupid subjective good/bad dichotomy. Obeying your hierarchy in the Jedi order and not intervening in a conflict should definitely not make you dark. It was obvious with Revan, against the Mandalorian, he did a good thing, by listening to his emotions and not his reason. That eventually led him to the Dark Side...
  19. I'll see it two days earlier, but it's cause I'm french.
  20. No need to bring up ancient Korriban, or the EU, because we actually have two very clear cases of actual zombies in The Clone Wars. Parasitic, on Geonosis, and Dark Side sorcery in the battle of Dathomir. Both 100% canon.
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