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Everything posted by Audoucet

  1. Yes, to destroy the base means something. If you choose to destroy it, it's destroyed. If you don't choose to destroy it, it's not destroyed. You know why most people liked chapter 13 & 15 ? Because you actually could, chose what happens to something. I don't care if the fact that I killed Jorgan and the Republican senator changes something in the future. The fact is, I actually could, chose to kill them or not. Yeah, building my own fan fiction is actually what I want ! That's why I play Bioware's games. I do like to know that in MY ME Galaxy, the universe is guided by an inter-galactic federation of various races, and that everyone is now a mix of biology and electronic. I like to know that I made some entire races disappear, while I saved some other ones from ashes. I like it, that in ONE of my ME fanfictions, the Galaxy was destroyed by the Reapers, because my lesbian Shepard reeeeeally wanted to **** with Morinth. I like it that in my own Thedas, Alistair is a king, and a purified Old God roams the world. You don't need to have big consequences, for choices to matter.
  2. I always disliked him because I always thought that he was an unreliable, hypocrite self righteous jerk. The Gravestone thingy is just a confirmation that I was right.
  3. The fact is, we don't really care about what you think is incorrect, do we ? The hard cold fact is, we think they didn't matter, and we are not happy.and we will not once again subscribe for an entire year. We will wait for September 2017, and do all KOTEE in one month. And you know who will be the loser ? The game. Because it needs subs. If you think that hard fans will save the game, look at the fabulous destiny of Pathfinder Online. You are happy with the game, that's great for you, and you are not WRONG. It's not about being right wrong. It's about enjoying the experience. Chapters 14 & 15 were ok. But in the end, a vast part of us, are disappointed by the experience, because of the lack of meaningful choices and consequences.
  4. I think that the BIGGEST mockery of a choice was, to kneel, or not to kneel. I was so happy, when I thought that I actually COULD, kneel in front of the bad guy, with my Wrath. Well... He didn't even seem to remember it. He even went to the point of accusing me of "resisting him". Even though I literally NEVER said no to him. I mean, even on Ziost, I told him that I still wanted to serve him even if he killed everybody.
  5. Good for your. You basically didn't do anything, in the end, though.
  6. What is THE most powerful creature in the Empire ? Vaylin. Who destroyed Vaylin in face-to-face fair combat ? Senya. So, essentially, Senya could easily replace you.
  7. Er... In all of your examples, the Outlander isn't the one in charge, and you don't take any tactical decisions man. You just basically kill stuff.
  8. I was writing something, but I won't bother, you can't argue with someone who's taking as a personal insult the fact that we are disappointed.
  9. Again, I used his power every time, and nothing happened.
  10. So what you really mean is, choices matter only if you follow a certain precise script, lol.
  11. Maybe it won't be a shared opinion. But I wouldn't mind it if BW heavily re-used old planets, like they do for Alerts, but for more "central" quests. I personally would prefer to go back to Coruscent, Nar'Shadaa or Korriban, if it could mean more investment in the story aspects. Because except chapter 14, maybe... I don't see the point of the new zones.
  12. What consequences, exactly ? I always accepted his power, I don't have any consequences. Stop being mad and whiny because we have standards and you don't.
  13. You can always give choice. You can give the choice to kill Arcann or save him, by making him sacrifice himself to save you or someone else five minutes later. Like, I don't know... Vader ? Nothing to change in the story after that, and everyone's happy. Being Dark was meaningful, you killed your foe, and being Light is meaningful, you gave him the chance to redeem himself. Or if you really need him to stay alive, you can always decide that Thexan wasn't actually dead, and make him replace Arcann. Thexan wasn't killed by the player, so that would be okay.
  14. He isn't the Emperor anymore since chapter 15. And I have no idea if he is still trying to kill me or not. I don't know why he wouldn't, I just tried to kill his mother along with him.
  15. Yeah, it's not like I survived the exact same thing in chapter 2, when Baras collapsed a mountain on me. It's not like the guy survived a 1 mile fall the first time I beat him.
  16. That's why I stopped following Peter Molyneux's work, I enjoy Stefan Molyneux way more.
  17. You know what would have been done in a nicer way ? Making people subscribe for an entire year for one hour of gameplay/month to finish like that. BW's current writers, They need some reality check. They are awful, and they need to hear it, if they want to get better. They need to GET, that their love of their characters is irrelevant, and that the NPCs shouldn't be anything but tools to put the spotlight on the player character. There are some elementary mistakes that are unacceptable for anyone PAID, to be a writer in a game. Bastila immune to death because she can apparently stop time and teleport was probably the worst one.
  18. Don't. He will become even more powerful and screw again and again and again and again. Don't kill Revan, too. The story seems to make you believe it's a good idea, but in the end it wasn't.
  19. Yes, the Cartel is a very good example to follow.
  20. "Ultimate" ? REALLY Bioware ? The guy is neither maimed, killed nor captured, and you call it "ultimate" ? (And NO. "Nothing happened" isn't a spoiler.)
  21. I'm a cysgender demi-sexual Astromech-kin, plz stop mocking my roots.
  22. Under one hour, means around two hours with a stealth character skiping the dialogues.
  23. Yes, that is prejudice against the organically challenged.
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