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Everything posted by LordRelyks

  1. You know MMO's don't release with tons of content, right?
  2. So, Ive been looking through the general forums, noticing the Maintenance Time woes. But look at it this way, most of the patches they do last 30-45 minutes, or so I noticed.
  3. Meh, probably in March. They're adding a buttload of content.
  4. In my guild on WoW, they have people create forums characters to spam general forums with hate. No joke. On SWTOR, we go to WoW forums and troll them.
  5. That one company that has a Panda fetish and will go bankrupt after they hire too many ex DA2 devs. GG.
  6. Ambassador, sure. Prince/Princess is just unbelievably stupid, no insult meant.
  7. The patch times are based on when BioWare employees are heading to work, based on the headquarters they have in Austin, TX. The reason Blizzard can do Euro and American separate is due to the different headquarters they have.
  8. Ill pay for his Insane Asylum stay. I swear, hes nuttier than a box of peanuts.
  9. Lol @ the guy saying all fights are tank and spank. You obviously have never done Black Talon, Hammer Station, Cademimu, Foundry, Boarding Party, and the rest of the Flashpoints.
  10. Very fake, lol. Same people doing the same thing like they did in WoW. At least these guys have decent grammar.
  11. I was able to play SWG without becoming depressed, or having buyers regret.
  12. Ranges up to 5 days or so? I got mine the same day of billing.
  13. I...just don't know what to say. I think I just caught cancer by the foolishness of this post. BTW, your character is jumping around, and running around, losing weight. Unlike the large women who feel they need to complain because their characters can't be large.
  14. Because BioWare sucks straight up at making successful MMO's. They nerf things to the ground, and basically force you to play a nerfed class for the rest of your existence.
  15. This is very game breaking, PVP wise. Makes the baddies turn into great players. Obviously, we should riot.
  16. If 15 bucks is a lot of money to you, then you need a better job.
  17. I got a vidya game, which is what I spent 60 bucks for. So yea, Im pretty sure thats what I wanted and got.
  18. You mean a UI bug isnt a world problem? WHAT IS THIS!
  19. Are you saying that hunter pets were able to craft, do missions, talk to you personally, create relationships with you, and have their own say in matters?
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