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Everything posted by LordRelyks

  1. Once you own 99.99999999999% of Bioware/EA stock, we will listen. Until then, blow it out yer butt. No offensive meant.
  2. Haven't you already posted about this? Btw, you can't fix hacking, obviously by the years old multiboxing hax's in WoW.
  3. I went and saw it for lulz. When I got to the ticket seller person thingy, they asked if I wanted the toys or stickers. I said "Actually, I would rather see the Grey."
  4. If you're going to protect this guy, at least stop playing WoW.
  5. Thank you for your insight, valued customer.
  6. Gosh, BioWare can just never win can they...
  7. AMG BLIZZDRONE AMG AMG But yea this game gets boring fast.
  8. Before speaking to a quest giver or person you talk to during the quest, you could always summon and dismiss Vette.
  9. Basically, Anakin would make it to Grand Master of the Council for being the Chosen One, rewrite the rules, and allow Jedi to have relationships. He would then raise his son and daughter, only to be killed in his sleep by Luke. Pro, amirite?
  10. Not to be rude or anything, but you could always catch a terminal illness, and have BW make one in your honor.
  11. Lol, its not a stupid response. Your response is utterly foolish, you contradict my thoughts because it opposes your own. You're going to get far in life.
  12. PVP servers basically mean if you go to a neutral planet, you will get face ganked, and the server is usually centered around PVP. PvE is just all about PvE.
  13. SWG didnt have LFG. Yet you could still find groups for Axkva Min, IG 88, and Tusken Raiders in about 5 minutes. Hell, SWG didnt even have a world chat, just /yell and /say.
  14. The people that feel they need LFG are far too lazy to sit on the Fleet and spam General Chat. God forbid you take time to earn the loot.
  15. Yea, how much longer. Not like this game has been out for 2 months, been about 7 years now.
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