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Everything posted by Ifrit

  1. I agree with Peckenpaugh partially. Some classes like PT are WAYYY OP behind the right user. However, it just comes down to the numbers, no other class can keep up with its dps in pvp. The opposite applies to my main class too, merc dps. Merc dps is clearly at a disadvantage, and has to be one of the hardest classes to do well with. That said, i can do very well with it, but the majority of players REALLY struggle with merc dps and do really really bad while bashing their heads against the wall. All mmo's have a class that is easier to play and still do well with. Many players will migrate that way because of it. Overall, classes are not balanced. PT is very OP. PT is very easy to play. Additionally, even the hardest to play classes are not on par with the easiest class to play.
  2. 9% More aim. (skill tree) 6% more damage on Death from above. (skill tree)
  3. Use your thermal detonator in between your 2nd rail shot (while on 6 sec cool down) and the next round of rail shots/unload?
  4. I agreed pyro >>> arsenal for pvp. But since 1.3 it is really hard to overheat with arsenal. And in pyro, its very easy to overheat with IM spamming.
  5. ps. What server do you play on?
  6. First off. There =/= Their. FFS learn BASIC grammar. Second, Rage Juggs CAN be cc'ed after jumping. Vengeance Juggs can't be cc'ed after jumping. Third. You didn't even mention taunts by all the melee classes you are bringing. Fourth. You barely talk about Snipers, and don't mention Merc DPS at all?
  7. I have a few more suggestions. 1. Advanced target is a MUST 3/3 points. It boost railshot which is our bread and butter. 2. Do NOT get supercharged gas from the healing tree. 3. Pick Degauss or IR sensors, not both. 4. Get Rapid Venting. 5. Move Integrated Cardio into Systems Calibration.
  8. I the kinetic/nrg ones might be better although I haven't sat down to do all the math. Quick back of the envelope says that if you use the internal dmg it will be better the majority of the time. If a tank has (~40% armor) then 246 kin/nrg dmg * .6 = 147. I am not positive, but I think tanks have ~10% elemental/internal resists? So I will be generous and say they have 20%, 186*.8= 148.8. Internal is better. But for heavy armor (~30% dmg reduc) 246 kin/nrg * .7 = 172 dmg. Internal would be 186 * 1 (zero resists) = 186. Internal is better. Medium Armor =~25% dmg reduc: 246 * .75 = 184.5. 186 internal * 1 = 186. Internal is about equal with kin/nrg. Light Armor = 20% dmg reduc (?): 246 * .8 = 196. Internal 186 * 1 = 186. Kinetic/Nrg is better.
  9. I would highly suggest getting "Muzzle Fluting" in the Arsenal tree (left side, above Mando War Heads). It drops the time your powershot takes from 2 seconds down to 1.5. You might want to think about the "stabilizers" right next to it. People can debate that skill for and against. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300MckZ0cZMIMrdhGMs.2
  10. when and where are you "seeing" this" If it is in raids it may be because you are only getting 20% armor debuff on a boss vs previously getting stack armor debufffs
  11. Ironic you are telling him the wrong rotation. Use Unload only with barrage. Opener is TM, not unload.
  12. The bug was found because people were testing the damage of abilities, such as unload and barrage. Most testers would fight naked, with no buffs, and only a main hand weapon because it helps elucidate the core game mechanics by reducing the background noise from variation in the combat numbers due to the lack of stats such as crit etc. Testers found a bug where barrage wasn't working, so they posted their results here trying to get it fixed. They were only using 1 blaster though, and with 2 blasters barrage works fine. The devs fixed the discovered bug.
  13. I completely disagree with the OP. Please do not bring back the old TM. It was far too easy to spot and pick on in pvp. Not to mention, it looks terrible to be squatting over >50% of the time.
  14. Agreed. Pyro PT has been, and is THE most potent dps. Of any of the classes, it has the most strictly OP dps (not talking about defensive cd's, utility, or survivability etc).
  15. I assume you mean post 1.2 **C**. Between 1.2 and 1.2C our HSM was hitting REALLY hard.
  16. I agree aim > defense. however your aim + endurance = enough defense argument isn't great since I could counter with using the power/defense augs.
  17. As of 1.3 crit no longer = vent heat, it is a consistent proc now.
  18. Nothing to see here, move along.
  19. Wow. I have NEVER heard anyone say the synergy for merc is better than pt. OP, I agree that if BH doesn't have a good snare or interrupt a smallish healing debuff would add appropriate utility to our class. I have suggested this multiple times on these forums.
  20. One of the few good things that Arsenal spec compared to Pyro/Healer for pvp is the larger/lower cooldown knock back from Jet Boost and Rocket Punch KB. However, a 31 point pyro/healer has no way to get these knock backs. Because Jet boost is also one of our only utilities as a merc, I feel like it is unfair to limit our best utility to Arsenal. I request that Custom Environmental Suit (Endr & Healing %++; Tier 2 skill) be switched with Afterburners (Increases the knock back range for Jet Boost and Rocket Punch; Tier 3). This would allow for Arsenal to still have the 5 sec cooldown advantage on Jet Boost, but also allow Pyros/healers to have the decision/option if they want to get Tier 2 extra knock back utility. This would also make Pyro Kiting more viable in PVP and put them more on par with PT Pyro.
  21. I bought the Neutral Galactic Market for my legacy/ship because I thought I would be able to sell my items to both sides and therefore increase revenue. However, the neutral GTN is actually a completely separate GTN. As it is currently, it is extremely expensive and has no real benefit because currently so few players have access to it. What is going to happen to this legacy reward as the Hutt's take over the GTN?
  22. wow I can't believe this is all they are offering to "fix" merc for pvp. It is honestly a slap in the face. These devs have no idea what they are doing to balance pvp.
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