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Everything posted by Wrthlessnoob

  1. Thank you guys for your replies. I have had some thought on it, and have decided that as long as I enjoy the class and learn how to use it to its potential, then I should be fine. As for the suggestion that I prepare to have an alt to switch to, I actually have many alts, all my slots are filled. I play my characters not just for the endgame, but for the class stories as well. So even in the case that I decide to move on, I have plenty of other chars to work on.
  2. I was thinking something like this, http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200McMZRZcMfRrMkrfz.2 I still hope they will adddual spec though, as for example the reduced sprint cool down is nice for pvp, but not hugely useful for pve.
  3. Keep in mind for loading screens, while it's nice to have some beefy components, do not neglect your hard disk. In other words what you use for storage. If possible get a Solid state drive, even a small capacity one would be best if you want to really increase your load times.And then for your every day file storage you can just use a 1tb (or more if you need the space) Hard drive, 7200rpm+
  4. Interesting, I'm not looking for faceroll dps, just dps that is good enough for enrage timers I suppose. And are you sure about not using shock at all? What spec do you use because the madness tree has a couple skills that give more effects to shock, ( Chain shock +Unearthed Knowledge) Oh and btw my Assassin is still low level, i'm just looking ahead as while I enjoy a good challenge, I don't want to gimp my fellow players if the dps was inadequate.
  5. I am planning to play as a Madness spec, and some feedback in regards to the specs performance in endgame PVE and PVP would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by nfzdj I'm probably someone from the support server or GM killed in PvP or varzone and they both decided to take revenge on the server I can assure you that our personal experiences within the game never affect the way tickets are handled, everything is done to policy and is investigated properly. On a side note, while I can not discuss my colleagues, I can safely say that within PvP I rarely get killed, as I play an Assassin Tank. Thank You. Axolipher | BioWare Customer Service - Forum Support P.S. (Don't exactly take this seriously, but I found it somewhat funny as many players find assassin/shadow tanks to be op, and someone from Bioware is confirming this.) This was posted in a thread with the poster claiming he was forced a name change unfairly.
  7. I personally think operative is easier, but really leveling is not very hard for any class. Operatives have stealth so of course you can skip any trash mobs, and if you need to fight mobs then you can always sleep dart the toughest enemy and clear through the rest of them before you take the tougher opponent out. Also have self heals which can be helpful, however it depends on how you spec really.
  8. Now I realize that some sort of nerf was necessary, but did they really have to weaken it so much?
  9. I support this, but I was also wondering if anyone has asked for this to be brought back in the suggestion box yet. http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=349
  10. You can be a jerk with any class really as long as you play ds. So if you prefer choking people, go sw. If you prefer electrocuting people, go SI.
  11. I do, and for the mirror class I always pick the other ac. For example my Jedi Knight is a guardian, so my Sith Warrior is a Marauder. I like having it all set out for me and my family tree filled so when i'm ready to work on that class, I can go ahead and just log on and start playing.
  12. "Helping others is both a duty, and an honor." -Jedi Knight If I remember correctly that is:rak_02:
  13. YES. I would love to be a rampaging, murderous assassin droid just like my good friend, HK-47:d_evil:
  14. Well I don't remember having too much trouble with me as a DPS Guardian and Scourge tanking.
  15. No I think you would still get the title, because the title is for completing the JK Class storyline. I'm only 99% positive because I picked the ls choice
  16. Huh are you sure? Because I checked my stats after a warzone, as a level 11 Marauder it said my highest hit was for 3k damage. Not trying to brag but I'm fairly certain it should not be too hard to get some high ravage hits.
  17. It's called entrench. It only lasts 20 seconds and has a 1 minute cooldown.
  18. Not just one of their abilities, but actually quite a few. Snipe, Ambush, Series of shots, followthrough, and takedown. All 5% more damage now. I think this was actually good. Snipers/Gunslingers have a reputation of being glass cannons, without the cannon part so maybe now actual decent damage can be put out.
  19. I agree with this, although honestly I need to play a sent/mara to see for myself how challenging it is. But yes in pvp for guardians the rotation is very simple and once I got the hang of it, it got very boring to me.
  20. Yeah if your looking for a bunch of abilities to manage, sent would definitely be the way to go. Now as for guardian, it depends on the spec but I found Focus and Vigilance to be extremely easy, while aoe tanking can be a challenge but single target tanking is great. As for pvp, apparently if you can play a sent/mara properly then they are very powerful. As for guardian dps, My guard does not even have full BM yet, so I can't really speak too much without being properly geared. I will say however that vigilance is pretty decent, several Dots (Blade Storm, Plasma Brand,) and debuffs on enemies with sundering throw and sundering strike.
  21. During my first 2 tries I felt overwhelmed with all the clones, but as long as you ignore them and just focus on the Emperor then the fight is actually quite easy.
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