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Everything posted by Nightmarer

  1. Bioware devs: Hmmm, WoW is releasing Pandas, we need to react, let's make Ewoks a playable race... no wait, we need to do better than them let's make Ewoks AND Gungans playable races"
  2. Well, if I am not wrong, if another wipe, the waiting time would have been increased again... it resets after a certain time without faceplanting though.-
  3. Heh, it doesn't only happen in PvP, soon after reaching 50, I was in a guild and said I'd like to do a few HM's with them on my Shadow, I was asked "how are you dpsing?" which meant they wanted to know my "Damage (Pri)" stat, which at the time was 600something to 700something. All of a sudden some Smuggler in the guild says that his same stat was 5ksomething to 7ksomething, guildleader freaks out (he was a Jedi Guardian who hadn't previously checked HIS own primary dmg) and says that I needed to gear up until I reached at least 5k primary dmg then we could talk about doing HM's with them. Elitism is sad, but elitism based on plain ignorance about a game bug is really really sad.
  4. Had a similar from a lvl 50 Guardian from my former guild, after asking him if he went Tank or DPS he said "I guess tank, what is a tank btw?". Even more worrying than another lvl 48 Guardian guildie asked then "What does DPS mean?"
  5. If they were to compete with vanilla wow, they should have released this game 7 years ago.
  6. True, but CoH already had plenty of microtransactions long before they went F2P, The good vs. evil upgrade one with that jump power (although that one gave access to villains), the wedding pack, valkyrie pack, cyborg pack, magic pack, mutant pack and lots more I can't remember right now tbh, hence why it probably took them longer to go F2P since they got cash from both models.-
  7. I think NCSoft (and Cryptic at the time) opened the Pandora box when they realized people were willing to pay 5 euro for a new costume, a few emotes and a pretty much useless (but sometimes fun) power, they realized there was a huge cow to be milked there, in fact, devs even stated they had been able to implement extra content for Issue 12 due to an unexpected income amount from microtransactions (those were the days of Sister Psyche and Manticore's Wedding pack). Microtransactions are also probably what keeps CoH running still today, despite going F2P, they're adding new powersets that have to be purchased even for regular subscribers (via direct cash or veteran point rewards, which are cash nevertheless) so it maybe suits a game like CoH which seems to be heading towards the end of its lifespan. This game has a standard monthly fee that should cover for any new content plus the box is expensive enough for what's been delivered so far. I'm not a doomsayer but 55 euro for a game missing key features any MMO out there already has (and yeah, I know WoW at launch didn't have all the features it has now, but SWTOR is trying to compete with WoW today, not 7 years ago) is a lot of cash and I don't want any extra expenses added into an expensive enough game so nay to microtransactions. There are quite a few things SWTOR could adopt from CoH (and other games), specially to increase social interaction among players, but microtransaction system is not one of them.
  8. 42 next month... hey, I'll be the answer to everything!!
  9. I'd rather them evolving like Trion instead and make transfers free
  10. Can't comment about WoW but true about Rift, having an intra-server dungeon finder was like having no LFD at all even being able to join covering 3 roles with my rogue. Let's hope it works different here, since it's been confirmed it'll be same server only LFD, I highly doubt it will work, but it's one of those things I'd love being wrong about.
  11. A LFD tool is, in my opinion, much needed in this game. As it stands now, after I'm done with boring daily missions for cash, the perspective is to sit in the fleet spamming to get a group for who knows how long. If said tool is either single server or cross server, I don't really care, but I think it'd be kinda pointless implementing a cross server LFD tool without allowing server transfers, who knows, you might find ppl with whom you get along with and you might want to change servers to join their guild or start one with them. Once dreaming, free weekly transfer system like in Rift would be awesome.-
  12. Hmmm, I've done Voss with a Balance Shadow and a Gunnery Commando recently and I don't recall any particular hard quest elite boss. Found a brickwall on Ilum, for some reason my Jedi Shadow was able to kill Darth Arho easily (must have since I don't recall that fight at all on my Shadow) while my Trooper so far has been totally unable to get rid of him, but I don't honestly recall any major problem in Voss.-
  13. Wish list: 1.- Level 50 faction change if enough Light/Dark points achieved (one can dream).- 2.- Reverse engineering fixed plus a major crafting overhaul (and no, just a few more schematics is not a major overhaul).- 3.- Advanced Class respec (even if only allowed once).- 4.- Cross-faction user created chat channels.- 5.- Color customizable gear.- 6.- Customizable UI.- 7.- Global names to identify friends no matter whch char/faction/server they're playing (maybe Legacy name would work).- I'd honestly love to be able to change factions, if a, let's say Bounty Hunter reaches lvl V or lvl IV Light, I'd love to see a mission quest chain opening to allow him work for the Republic instead (and of course vice-versa with vicious smugglers, fallen jedis, bloodthirsty troopers...). If it can happen in the Star Wars and The Old Republic lore, why can't it happen in this game?
  14. 1.- Pop up window when companions return from a mission closes the GTN window.- 2.- Clipping in general, hoods, robes... 3.- Real stupid character names.- 4.- Orbital Stations, get rid of them or at least allow us to use the speeder in them.- 5.- Coruscant Spaceport and Senate's Tower... all that walking? really? 6.- GTN filtering (or lack of it) 7.- Darth Arho
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