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Everything posted by pjskull

  1. It's funny, because my IA really followed the story arc. In the beginning, I was a loyal and obedient servant of the Empire and the Sith...
  2. You didn't say in your OP, but I assume you are talking about PVE? I have to be honest, for PVE, any division of the Trinity is going to do just great. My 2 buddies and I also have a trio that plays together, and we roll Jugg tank, Sorc heal and Sniper (lol, is there an option other than DPS?) If you have a healer and a DPS, you can likely play the tank you like the most in PVE and be fine. We have a blast and we roll though mobs with our group...
  3. Well, the only thing I would chime in on this topic is, don't get all bent on me breaking your CC when we are facerolling a Heroic or whatnot... It makes me laugh when we are taking elites down in 5 seconds and people are CC'ing mobs. Dude, don't waste your time, we are laying waste to this instance. If it's a *necessary* CC, pay attention people. You can hold off on your AOE until it can be used.
  4. It's not a good or a bad idea as your first class; it just depends on what you are looking for. I have a Lvl 50 MM Sniper that I love, do well in PVP with, do well in PVE with. I also have a Level 42 DPS Arsenal Merc. I can tell you that you can get by with much less situational awareness as a Merc than you can as a Sniper. TL; DR: Sniper requires a lot more "work" to stay at peak of the class. BH (Merc, at least, my PT is still under 20) is a much more forgiving of a class to play. Both are fun, depending on what you are looking for. (Ah, hell, truth be told, I found Merc to be like face rolling, after playing Sniper to 50.)
  5. It just makes no sense to not have access to this information... If you don't want add-ons, cool, your call... But a Combat Log is a pretty basic source of information for players...
  6. What game came with a Threat meter that was not an add-on? (Serious question, not sarcasm. I have never played a game that came with a threat meter as a part of the original software...)
  7. Lmao... My Lvl 50 Sniper has an entire bank bay filled with Orange gear... I am always broke... Orange Gear took half and Crafting took the other half...
  8. I'll sign for this... the Republic is just so overwhelmingly... brown. Bunch of UPS drivers at a rave. (<-- glow stick reference...)
  9. Thank you for a valuable post... Appreciate it.
  10. I recently hit level 50 and started doing my dailies on Ilum and Belsavis. Last night, some mobs I have not had problems with in the past suddenly waxed me in 3 seconds. I rezzed and took them on again, killed them no problem. I assume they got massively lucky on multiple crits and surges and this can happen... RNG is R, right? But why the heck can't I look and see what happened? This is the first game I have played without a combat log. More than a few times, death has come with suddenly amazing damage being done; again, rare, but it happens... Can I get any information? No. The add-on argument is well hashed in other threads. (I don't feel strongly for or against them, other than to say more options is usually better.) But lots of games don't allow add-ons *and still have a combat log*. You can have one without the other. If a Elite mob is spamming specials at me, I'd like a log to see where I should be using my interupts, for example... Is there any official Dev declaration on why a game of this budget does not have a combat log? I am just baffled by this omission... I like the game; I am enjoying myself and my guild; I am playing with good friends... All good. Not a rant by any means, but why was this left out of the game? It's just odd...
  11. It's used by morons to indicate that their post in the thread has been so amazingly complete that the thread is now closed for all intents and purposes since any further discussion is pointless (according to the user). It's a full out DB move, in other words, although used ironically from time to time...
  12. This. Ignore the Icon and click on them (the companion). If they say something to the effect of "Let's talk when you have a moment" --> This means, go to Cantina/Ship. Or they will say, "Now is not a good time" or "I am going to eat you, Force User, because that's how I do..." or "I'm gonna shoot you with a BB gun when you're not looking. Yep, back of the head...." or "I'm a man who discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That's what kind of man I am. You're just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It's science. " If they say any of that, they don't really want to talk or they have turned into Ron Burgundy. In which case, you have to get them an Orange Jazz Flute.
  13. I think also, this issue tends to be very server specific. I am on Vrook Lamar as an Imperial and I just joined a guild at Level 48. I wanted to find a good guild I could stick with, so I waited until I was almost Lvl 50. My server just seems to be mostly free of drama and chuckleheads... So, I PUG'ed almost all Flashpoints and Heroics on the way to 50. And I played almost exclusively with cool knowledgeable MMO people. We had a few people we had to teach the Trinity to, especially at lower levels, but by and large, pretty good players. (And only 3 people on /ignore for ninja looting.) One thing is, people should own up to mistakes if they make them. A few times, running Heroics short handed, I had to say, "Oops, sorry for breaking CC. I forgot to take the AOE off my companion's toolbar..." Fixed and move on... Things happen, ask people to slow down, explain things out and try to be cool about it. (I told people I am going to scavenge droids, so if you want me in the fight, wait the entire 3 seconds it takes me to scavenge...)
  14. This happened to me, but only with Scorpoi... The rest are working for me... At least for the time being...
  15. Lol. I did not know this was a bug... I was wondering why Jedi were chucking grenades... That makes no sense.
  16. It's not just you stealth guys that hate the "summon the angry mob right on top of you" or "cut scene straight to combat on top of you"... As a Sniper, my whole point is to set up combat the way I want it to happen, pick the time and place, so... Yeah. I'm on your side on this...
  17. Gear up Lokin, try to stay on Alacrity/Power for his mods (as much as you can) and get him a good pistol. (Remember, he did not come with one, lol...) I found down time with him was minimal. I kept the Doc in business until Temple... I use Temple now and only bust out the Doc for Elites. Temple is face shredding DPS if you gear her up. I found a few seconds recuperating was worth how much faster we blew through mobs.
  18. Guy was a moron... You can make a case for some issues in PVP, but for PVE, any min max Sniper spec is going to do great. I run a 50 MM Sniper through Ops and the only thing I worry about is energy management (and staying out of the fire, lol..). In PVE, Snipers are a fantastic class to have along...
  19. Her armor/gear would be useless for Lokin/Temple, because they are Medium/Cunnings and Kaliyo is Heavy/Aim. Thats is why Lokin and Temple are so awesome, because they can have your hand-me-downs. Although, I try to keep Lokin in Alacrity/Power and Temple and myself in Crit/Surge...
  20. Put purple 22's in her pistols and watch her mow things down...
  21. There is no "correct" answer to this question, because the answer depends on *how* you are doing your leveling. I can see how this works just from watching me and my 3 RL friends in my guild. Me and one other guy are semi OCD when it comes to "completion" and also what I call "dabblers" and explorers. We sytematically attack planets and quests. We complete every quest and when we get Heroics, we untrack them, and then after all the regular quests are done, we blast through the heroics with he and I plus companions. We do the Bonus quest lines... We farm droid areas for crafting materials, because we craft. We ran space missions and we PVP WZ's. We log out in Rest Zones... We usually end up overleveled. My other 2 buddies will skip quests on planets if it means going backwards. They will try to get a PUG for FP's and say eff it if they don't get one in 5 min. They move fast and run hard. They usually end up underleveled. Long story longer, if you do all the content provided, there is *no way* you don't end up overleveled. If you skip, go fast, which is cool (it's your game), you may be underleveled. Running 2 PVP WZ's per day while leveling will seriously outlevel your quests, trust me and many people run a *lot* more than that. No right way, no wrong way... but it's also in your control. My suggestion revolves around movement speed. I hate playing my low level alts because of this... Sprint (slightly slower than it is now) at Lvl 11. 1st vehicle, again somewhat detuned, at 15. 2nd vehicle at 25 3rd at 40 4th at 50 Find the make sense speed bonus breakdown for the 6 speed lvls. (Walk, Sprint, 4 vehicle levels)
  22. Took some time off from being Lvl 48 on Voss to go help 2 Lvl 30~ish guildies faceroll through their Heroics on Alderaan. The tank asked me which one I wanted (48 Sniper) and I said "Don't worry about it..." and dropped Orbital Strike and mowed face through the whole thing. Then we found out that Torhead was wrong and none of the Heroics we did on Alderaan dropped Orange gear as the reward. :/ Had a funny moment where the tank Force Leaped backwards and drew like 8 additional mobs into our little scrum. Lost the Quiz we had with us, but me and Temple killed everyone and the Jugg managed to survive. It was fun razzing him for the rookie targeting move and telling each other that this sort of overleveled BS move we were pulling was going to give us bad raid habits... Lol. We were so sloppy.
  23. This sounds like a well thought out and practical approach to doing NM Ops. /thanksforinput
  24. I am not Kiwii and I do not know this lady, but I wish you well in your Sleepless in Seattle search... May you find Kiwii in a right proper slave girl outfit.
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