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Everything posted by pjskull

  1. Yes, look up. You do not need to be on top of these to trigger your little hand cursor. IIRC they are next to the building on either side of the door you'll need to go through... It's not a bugged quest, it's just really, really not obvious what you need to target...
  2. Bowdaar is sweet, because what his gear looks like doesn't matter... I have undergeared other companions because I did not like the way upgrades looked, lol...
  3. A crafting system that is more than a mini game would add spice and variety to a game that is in danger of being too repetitive at endgame and therefore dependent on expansion to keep the content fresh. A robust crafting system would inject gameplay that is variable and offers a break from the rinse/repeat endgame. Currently, nothing in SWTOR is complex. It's all just a matter of timesink to grind to xyz gearcheck level to do xyz content. Lots of people like this, but ultimately, it leaves the game in a content rut. I feel there is a demand, based on contact with other players and including my own wishes, to see more complexity in game. In my opinion, crafting in SWTOR is the 2nd weakest gameplay component in the game right now. (Space combat is #1.) I would love to see Crafting completely redone, perhaps as an expansion, since my proposal would be a lot of redesign. I would love to see a massively more robust and complex crafting system introduced to the game. I think that the danger themepark designs like SWTOR run into is the content locust. You get to a certain point in game and Raiding, HM and NM FP's and PVP are all that's really left. This content gets stale and then the only freshness is new expansion content. By more fully fleshing out crafting, you add an alternative gameplay for players. (Admittedly, only for those that are attracted to this sort of thing, but as long as you don't make it gamebreaking for those who don't enjoy this sort of thing, where's the harm?) While adding more sub-components, dye systems, coloring, cross profession interdependence all would be steps in the right direction, I do believe that the critical resource variance that makes crafting addictive and worthwhile could be added as well. TL ; DR --> How you could add resource variance w/o a sandbox world of harvestors, etc: New zones modeled after the Cloud City of Bespin... These zones, which are mines, cloud cities, Mustafar-type lava zones, etc, would be small and you must visit them in person (time sink). You then examine the variable resources through a fee or a skill you level. If what you need is there, you "rent" a mining apparatus that expires at a point (money sink). The resources shift their quality within random but acceptable gathering timeframes. You would have to visit your mining world in person again to pick up your resources. Biological resources may need to be harvested by other professions (Cross profession interdependence...) I don't think this would be that hard. The player stat system in SWTOR is not that complex. Make raid/FP/PVP gear the same quality as craftable gear and people that don't want to participate in crafting/buy crafted gear don't have to... But those who find this sort of endgame diverting have that option...
  4. This. I go there to sell stuff and try to find stuff all the time and all that is ever on there is Lvl 18 - 22 from both sides leveling there. This AH system doesn't work. At the very least, add a new blurb about the Nar Shadaa GTN system to the loading screens to increase awareness.
  5. I would welcome in a crafting system similar to SWG's for the plain fact that I don't like rinse/repeat games. I recently hit 50 on my Sniper, and I am finishing my dailies to gear, then it's FP's and raids and Nightmare modes... Unfortunately, just repeating my dailies is making my eyes bleed. Also, running Black Talon for Social Points is making my eyes bleed... Repeating the same raids over and over will make my eyes bleed. (This is my issue, and I understand that...) A crafting system that is more than a mini game would add spice and variety to a game that is quickly heading down the road of being repetitive and therefore dependent on expansion to keep the content fresh. A robust crafting system would inject gameplay that is variable and offers a break from the rinse/repeat endgame. Since I realize that many will say, maybe this isn't the game for you, you may be right. I did not like WoW, played it to a point, then realized it was the same thing over and over. But, since no AAA gaming companies have the stones to try a sandbox recently, I have to give these games a try. Clearly, crafting in SWTOR is the 2nd weakest gameplay component in the game right now. (Space combat is #1.) Adding more sub-components, dye systems, coloring, cross profession interdependence all would be steps in the right direction, I do believe that the critical resource variance could be added. TL ; DR --> How you could add resource variance w/o sandbox world of harvestors: New zones modeled after the Cloud City of Bespin... These zones, which are mines, cloud cities, Mustafar-type lava zones, etc, would be small and you must visit them in person (time sink). You then examine the variable resources through a fee or a skill you level. If what you need is there, you "rent" a mining apparatus that expires at a point (money sink). The resources shift their quality within random but acceptable gathering timeframes. Biological resources may need to be harvested by other professions (Cross profession interdependence...) I don't think this would be that hard. The player stat system in SWTOR is not that complex. Make raid/FP/PVP gear the same quality as craftable gear and people that don't want to participate in crafting/buy crafted gear don't have to...
  6. Did you not read the patch note? They changed the name to Masterbattlers.
  7. Congratulations, that is awesome. I play across 2 servers, have Imperial on one and Pub on the other. I have one level 50 and my highest level alt after that is 21. All of my 8 Imperial toons are on DK or past it... (Plus 4 beginning Republic toons.) So, I thought I have been playing a lot... 7 Level 50's. WOW. Good for you and keep having fun. Edit: I'd have to check, but I think I am Legacy 7 or 8 ~ish...?
  8. I assume you do not have an IA, then. The Chapter 1 climactic class quest for Imperial Agent has a *massive* bug revolving around a LOS issue. It has been this way *since launch*. You can read the IA forums for details. This bug is particularly hard on the Sniper AC, since the LOS issue forces most players to get up close to the Boss, which the Operative AC would likely do anyway, while the Sniper needs to maintain distance. I am actually really boggled that a severely bugged Class Quest Chapter End does not get more attention, but I think IA is a lesser played class, and doesn't get the attention that others do. I really feel if Sith Inquiz had a bugged end of chapter quest, there would have been a lot more crying. To the OP, if it's the IA quest that you are struggling with, there are work arounds for both AC's in the IA forum. If it's not, post a request for help with specifics in your AC forum.
  9. Orange bracers and belts sell for 95,000 to 300,000 creds on my server, Vrook Lamar (on the Imperial side), depending on how restrictive the class requirements are on them... People gripe about the price, but hey, if they sell, they are priced correctly, lol...
  10. Man... What the heck with nasty options... I want hot evil women accompanying me through my conquest of the galaxy... Scorpion Woman!
  11. I am analyzing your response, and I am trying to be constructive and respectful, as your response was... I appreciate your platitudes, there is too much negative hysteria on the boards right now. But right now, but respectfully, Armstech 400 is useless. You can't get orange Schematics from drops/missions. The end game (400) crafting is surpassed by what the dailies grind will get you at 50. Definition, meet pointless. Nice to meet you...
  12. Biochem killed Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru...
  13. None of the Orange Social stuff is heavy (or medium for that matter), it is all light armor. Therefore, it will not give you the multiplier you need for a Heavy Armor user... If you sort the GTN by level, for some reason it seems to clump the vast majority of the orange armor at the lowest level... You can search that way.
  14. I posted what's below in another thread and was told it needed its own thread, so here goes: As Ron Burgundy would say: (paraphrased) "*I have a very important question!*" Very important matter, this... Which has the hotter customization kits, LS Jaesa or DS Jaesa? Are the DS Jaesa kits all Sith corruption syphilis'ed out or is she still hot in some of them...? Thanks for your time on a critical issue. Please sound off with the most attractive DS Jaesa Customization kits. (What number do you use? Can you describe?) If I can't find uber hot DS Jaesa, I am quitting and going to play Legoland New Jack City Vice Chronicles.
  15. Is this a true statement? Wow, SW is a lot more interesting than Imperial Agent, lol...
  16. I think we need to remember that the entire movie story arc is about the rise, fall and redemption of Vader. So, when we say, "What would Vader do?" we also need to know when you are talking about... Clearly the answer is different depending on when we are talking. I don't have a problem with Vette with my DS Warrior, because my DS Warrior had already taken on her persona by the time Vette arrived on the scene. Arrogant, self-centered and hungry for power, Vette is the first slave granted to her. She tolerates Vette out of nostalgia and humor. She finds her amusing and finds shocking her amusing... Eventually, the collar will likely come off, because it's ultimately pointless. In terms of having a full throttle, kill immersive Sith and the options that would be needed, unfortunately, we have not arrived at the stage where computer games allow *that many* permutations. Killing companions was tried, and ultimately failed, because game design for the masses will have limitations. I would love to see more companions added, difficult questlines to get these companions, SGR added at that point, and potentially the ability to kill off existing companions as part of story line continuations. We'll see if that happens. I mean, at 50, you have 6 and you can only deploy 5, so I already have 1 extra, right? And we all have the one we hate most. For me, it's not Vette and it's not the droid. (He actually amuses me. My SW needs that kind of hind shining...) It will be interesting to see if expansion will be 3D space or more FP and end game raids or story continuations for class and companions... We'll see what direction they go.
  17. I love Vette, she is awesome... Why did they take the Poll option out of the forums?
  18. As Ron Burgundy would say: (paraphrased) "*I have a very important question!*" Very important matter, this... Which has the hotter customization kits, LS Jaesa or DS Jaesa? Are the DS Jaesa kits all Sith corruption syphilis'ed out or is she still hot in some of them...? Thanks for your time on a critical issue.
  19. OK, so my hijack the thread question for you guys that have run BT 500 times (I have only run it maybe 25 or so) is: Have you ever seen leg pieces drop? (In Black Talon normal mode, I am talking about...) I have never in 25+ times seen a leg piece for *any* class drop... Is it just rare or does it just not happen...?
  20. Your Legacy name should really be Morkand. Cipher Agent Nicola Monserrat reporting in...
  21. A geared up Temple just mows face... I only use 2 companions for questing (my dailies now, at 50, but it was this way since I got them), Temple and Lokin. I use Temple for everything up to Elite, and I use Lokin for Elite and Champ. Crafted myself 4 22 lvl Purple Barrels and got ourselves geared up for the party. 1 for me, 1 for Doc and 2 for Miss Temple... Faster Pussycat, Kill, Kill...!
  22. I agree... All 8 of my toons are at fleet or higher, scattered between 50, 30's and 12's... I really hope Legacy is not fresh rolls only, or I am screwed...
  23. I think that one of the things that people have to get used to is the the "Republic" of this era is not the good guys of Episode 4-6... This is more like the end of the Roman Empire... Bloated, fat, inefficient, with "provinces" (planets) in open rebellion, an army that is not longer powerful anymore, corruption, bribery, malfeasance. Sure, technically, the Republic isn't "Imperial", but it clearly is a sick man, corrupt and a carcass that is being chewed on... Not the good guys, just not the evil guys either...
  24. I would think that a great way to add additional content to the game would be to allow the addition of new companions. I mean, you have the 5 deployed-on-crafting limit already, plus you can only have 1 out at a time for combat... So, the only thing stopping you from having 10 companions is the amount of work and resources it takes to craft their story line and programming for BW. (Not an insignificant concern...) I think a very difficult Quest line with a great story that results in getting additional companions at the end would be a great "end game" addition. Make the stories somewhat generic, in that they fit into all classes (you would need to do this for each side, since that can't overlap, obviously) so everyone can access them. They seem to be heading this direction anyway, since they have to add new companions to add in same gender romance arcs. So, if more companions are coming, at that point allow us to kill the ones we don't like, down to a minimum number, say 6... For me, Kaliyo is toast. I hate that idiot psycho. I do not find her charming. OP, great rant, thank you... You made me laugh a lot.
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