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Everything posted by Snert

  1. To be clear, this isn't a rant about things that are currently in game ( in case you weren't paying attention ). The game is roughly two months old, I get it. I don't expect there to be WoW type content right away, or even complete and total balance. I would be a fool to expect that. Perhaps you should read what the blatantly obvious point of the thread is and don't start throwing WoW around.
  2. So last week I was on my way home from dinner when I noticed an email on my iphone stating that my ToR account had been locked due to "suspicious activity." Keep in mind, I have a security key on this account. I come home, attempt to log in and find that my account is indeed locked. I then follow that up with a call to someone who barely speaks english and am told that there was a server error which caused some accounts to become inadvertently locked. I was given a ticket number that I was suppose to give to the billing department so that my account could be unlocked. Fast forward an hour and a half: I finally get someone, who again, barely speaks english and get told that there was no server error that caused accounts to get locked. I am instead told that I need to send in a photo ID to verify that the account is mine, to which I refuse due to the fact that I was told by another customer service person that the locking of the account wasn't intentional. I even provided the ticket number multiple times. I then asked, if there wasn't a server issue, why was my account locked? I was told "suspicious activity" was the reason. I probed to find out what "suspicious activity" supposedly took place and the response I got was that they weren't going to tell me. Needless to say, I requested that my account be deactivated because I am not going to pay for a service that I am not receiving. I was then told that I couldn't deactivate the account because it was locked and I needed to provide a photo ID to unlock it ( I was told this multiple times ). I told them that if they didn't deactivate the account that I would block payment from my credit card. Only after I threatened to block them did they agree to deactivate it. Fast forward to the next morning: I decided that I would call and see if I could get an agent who wasn't totally clueless on how to treat a customer. During this call I was told that there was in-fact a server issue that caused some accounts to be locked. I was then transfered to billing AGAIN. This time, I was on hold for approximately two hours. FINALLY I was able to get my account unlocked so that I could access it again after a long drawn out conversation with the agent.....I spent FIVE HOURS trying to get this problem fixed. So first there was a server issue, then there wasn't a server issue, then there was a server issue. This is the kind of service that will make me not continue subscribing. I can deal with annoying bugs, a lack of real end-game content ( for now ) and a somewhat unbalanced PvP system, because at some point I expect these issues to get fixed. But the one thing I will not do is pay for a service where I do not feel valued as a customer. What a completely unacceptable experience this was. I thought the lack of communication and service was bad in beta, it seems that it's carried over into live / retail. Just to be clear, I do enjoy this game and I think it has a lot of potential. But if this is how BioWare / EA intends on treating people you can count me out.
  3. It certainly is more difficult. But I can gurantee you that it can be done and has been done.
  4. Let me rephrase my response. You can get all the way to the top with other classes then a Knight or Marauder to get the matrix shard, and then drop down and get the strength datacron. I am 100% sure that this can be done with consulars as well.
  5. This can be done with classes other than a Knight/Marauder.
  6. The biggest problem with the way the system worked in beta was that 95% of all uncommon drops you got, were item modification pieces. There were A LOT of item modification pieces floating around. I really think that they took the communities advice here and toned that down a lot. There modification system DOES lessen the need for an appearance tab, and I'm 100% sure it will improve as time goes by.
  7. I haven't been in a raid / operation yet where the boss dropped no loot. This goes for normal and hard-mode (which I've been clearing for the better part of three weeks). Which boss in EV dropped no loot?
  8. I had the option to save him, and did. I'm not sure why you didn't have that option....
  9. You could travel to other planets by 42.
  10. My favorite companion for the consular is Nadia by a long shot. However, I'm still curious as to the necessity of companions in the first place aside from crafting and gathering. I'd like to see some kind of dynamic interaction other than just dialogue options. I would assume something like that will be added in the future.
  11. I'm well aware that this isn't your first video game....and yes I did read your entire post...which if you wouldn't jump to conclusions, you might have leared interdependently. I never said that your list was a bad thing, but the fact that you've basically laid out your list of demands as if you are somehow entitled to anything is beyond me. My guess is that BioWare isn't going to miss your $15 just like Blizzard wouldn't. Are there bugs? Sure! Are there things that need to be fixed? Absolutely! Features that need to be added? Definetly! But the bottom line is this, we are dealing with a company that has zero experience in the MMO market. Improvements will come in time. WoW was not perfect at release....and it still isn't.
  12. Yea....ZA and ZG rehash wasn't a content patch was it? Oh wait....yes it was. Which raid did they add with that patch by the way? Oh wait....they didn't add one. Oh! There was a new arena season with it wasn't there?! Wait....no......dailies....no..... Yep, I think you've thoroughly proven your point. Seriously though, what do you expect from a game that has been out a month, has been designed by a company that has never designed an MMO and is running on an engine that has previously been untested by an MMO? Personally, I think you are putting way to much of your time into being angry about a video game. Maybe you should just unplug for a while, go out in the sun and meet a member of the oposite sex.
  13. I find it funny that you say you don't want someone arbitrarily dictating how you play a game.....since you've said this, I'll take a stab and guess that this is the only video game you've ever played that was developed by someone other than yourself. Am I right? If they allow add-ons to be used in the future great, if not great. I'll use them if they do and I won't use them if they don't. I hardly think however, that this would be a game-breaking feature either way.
  14. This should answer every question you have.
  15. It was the same way in beta, don't feel bad.
  16. I agree it doesn't let BioWare off the hook as far as fixing goes. They need to step up and address a lot of issues here. I have only seen one response by a dev on the character responsiveness thread saying that they are "investigating the issue." Cool....how about responses to the other issues going on? No, instead we get threads from BioWare employees saying thanks for playing and reminding us about account security. This is the same kind of thing that happened on the beta forums when bugs were reported. Either threads got locked and moved, or they seemingly got completely ignored and never received responses. My guess is that BioWare has yet to figure out how to address the community.
  17. This game was not ready for release. The version we are on now is essentially the same verson as the last beta phase and a lot of the same bugs exist. The biggest, game breaking issue, is the responsiveness of abilities upon use. To some of you it might not be a big deal, but to most folks it is huge. Boss names don't bother me in the slightest, but bugged encounters and bugged zones do. They had to expect people would rush end-game encounters, it's what happens in any MMO. Given that, the zones shouldn't have been accessable or should have been more polished when the game launched, at least until they were ready to be played and not tested. I tested EV during beta, and it was extremely buggy. In fact, the same bugs that the OP mentioned about not being able to re-enter the instance, bosses mechanics not working properly if at all and bosses not spawning in their proper places. I can understand having these kinda of issues in beta, but when a game is released to the general public with the kinds of bugs that are being found it is very discouraging. Don't read it the wrong way, I'm not going to cry about how I am quitting, I am patient and will give BioWare ample time to fix some of these issues. But I would encourage BioWare to fix a lot of these issues quickly. Failure to do so can and will result in a lot of players quitting. You can complain all day about how we don't need those impatient players anyways, but I would contend that we do. We need every player to pay every month to fix the issues that currently exist. To be clear, I don't blame BioWare for the problems that exist. I blame EA for pushing the game out to soon to score some extra bucks during the holidays.
  18. Going there to explore is one thing....going there to exploit is another....and yes it's pretty easy to tell if someone is exploiting the game.
  19. Going to Ilum to exploit the PVP system should infact be bannable....and yes...that's why these people were getting banned.
  20. Back on topic, I am curious about this as well. We have four different colors which we can collect 3 of each for, but can only craft one. I've spent a bit of time collecting all of this stuff now that I've hit 50 and found this out today. Not pleased about all the time I've wasted on this. Are there plans to allow us to do something different with the shards we've collected?
  21. 1. I will anticipate the release of your groundbreaking MMO in a few years. Because you clearly have the pulse of the gamer nation. 2. I find it funny that you reference WoW by saying that it took what Everquest did and made it better in the years it's been in circulation, but then later on say that telling people its because the game is new is a cop-out....wait what? Double standard much? What do you expect from a game that has, only within the last 2 days, been released to the general public in a mass release fashion? We all know that WoW was a complete blockbuster with fully customizable user created add-ons, customizable ui's, awesome endgame and pvp content and an amazingly perfect, bug free environment when it was released...... 3. It seems to me that you have a hard-on for WoW judging by the number of times you reference it in this post. 4. I happen to think the whiny "I want it now" attitude makes entire game communities look bad. I thank WoW for this....yes I said it. 5. You clearly space-bar through all the content or you wouldn't be saying there is nothing new. What was the last MMO that was fully voiced? Oh ya..... 6. So I will tell you what everyone else has been telling you. If you don't like what you find here, move along (back to WoW).
  22. I don't find it unresponsive in the slightest. Right now the entire network is a bit laggy, but other than that I find it to be quite fluid. Obviously it is no where near as fluid as WoW, but I don't really think it needs to handle just like WoW to be fun to play. SWTOR has its own style and WoW has theirs. Pick which one you like and play it.
  23. Sorry for you....I bought the digital collectors edition knowing exactly what I'd get from it because I read the package deal. Reading for the win.
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