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Everything posted by Maxil

  1. use macros for a lot of things. As long as you don't go and afk bot I really doubt any GM will care. I've used them to combine buttons, ability combos, made space combat tons easier (move ship around/flip all the time for you), chat text for certain abilities, etc... If you don't have a kb/mouse that can do it for you there are a handful of programs out there that can do it as well. Personally I use a logitech G13 and Razer Lachesis
  2. they should tell us more about a lot of things. Those wearing wool though will tell you just to wait, everything is under control.. The Q&A Answers everything. Hold on tight if your bound with a long subscription, or have a bit of faith of the future. Truth is best case is news floats us a bit longer, worse case is we bleed a lot more than we already have. Time will tell. And use the ignore feature of the forum. Really unclutters a lot of posts from the sheep, a few nights on our server we just announced a lot of the bw incognito posters and added them to ignore. Although sadly thread starters still get their posts on our list, and also show up in quotes. Hope BW addresses that.
  3. Maxil

    Anger on hoth

    I feel for the op, however 1) It is a PVP server, _nearly_ everything goes. There is a line and it can be crossed, but for 99% of players, even the biggest a-holes won't jump over that line. With that said... 2) there should be some boundaries set by BW, this becomes their responsibility by design in a pvp server. -placement of guard droids so enemy factions cannot get into/camp certain areas for example. I will say I do not think enemy factions should be able to do what they are capable of doing, such as getting into space ports / standing right next to med droids (Ilum fiasco awhile back as an example of what BW should consider over the line, in which they then adjusted game mechanics to prevent that situation from happening) But... Given the nature of a pvp server If people want to be asses then they will be asses, BW should not tell people what they can/can't do but rather just prevent it outright if they deem something beyond intended scope of the game. Party on dudes
  4. People using marks was slowly increasing, thank goodness. But now with the change so that you can keybind the marks, I'm seeing people go a little crazy with it, marking everyone on the other team, followed by "Y ARNT U KILLING I MARKED THE BEST DPS THR TEAM"
  5. The GM's are quite amazing, and I'm not even going to reopen the pvp issue from earlier. But you can turn off the profanity filter, and then report someone who was swearing (not even harassment type swearing, just a lone word) and they will get a warning about it or suspended if multiple offenses. Report anyone for anything, and the GM's make a nice file about it, wouldn't be surprised if we all have our character names loaded with information gathered from reports and logs on the GM's database
  6. Doubt it if EA is giving them direction, they actively tell their PR people and devs to go use other forums (operation sports for madden, nhl, Reddit for BF3, etc) to ask players for ideas and set up polls. Don't even get me started on twitter as they made it pretty clear in BF3 that it had first priority on news/updates before forums/site.
  7. Maxil

    Armor Confusion

    orange gear that has an augment slot can be made by crafters, check the GTN. I believe it's from critical creations, that's one side of crafting I haven't done yet.
  8. If you want it anywhere on the fat, czerka lab for sure. Dune sea can be iffy as some people will see you but just drive on by as it's not worth it, but the czerka lab puts ya right next to each other. Other than that, even in that big temple on voss where every class goes, we just walked on by each other. >.>
  9. from RTS games. When the game starts (such as starcraft) the minerals/gas closest to you is your "natural" base. In this thread, it's being incorrectly used to describe the objective closest to each sides spawn. i.e. the grass turret being republics natural
  10. 7:15 CST and fatman queue up again the next evening (was 50th waiting) At least people are playing a bit during the holiday. said 10 minutes but in server less than 2. oh yeah, took this before I logged off last night. While fp/op pugs are still possible to form so late at night, they were still almost insta-filling. Would hope after all the upcoming work to servers we could look forward to similar numbers on off-holidays. screenshot
  11. most pvp'ers I know just log onto their ship, get onto the fleet grab the dailies, go back to their ship, queue pvp, at the end of the night turn in dailies go back to ship to log off. When I am just pvp'ing I do the same, load times to ship faster than anywhere else. Fleet isn't bad load time wise but I end up turning general off so might as well sit in the ship and talk on vent with guild. With the LFG tool, and legacy ship upgrades my 50's will pretty much live in the ship minus those still grinding daily comms.
  12. Other than some of the children in chat (and mainly only on DK, fleet is hit and miss at times), world pvp is pretty close to nil. I just wrapped up another 50 and I had 1 run in on tattoine in the czerka lab, on fatman the full server. Other than that, in other high-traffic cross faction areas, and about 20 times on voss, repubs would just drive on by me, and I'd really do the same. Imagine the thought process was the same, "world pvp is a waste of time and slows down time to 50" so it just never happened. If there were rewards or even some type of tracking system on world pvp kills I'm sure people would seek it out a bit more, but unless it's an organized and you intentionally seek it out it's not really going to happen much at all.
  13. what others have said.. combined with companion affection boosts, and using presence cantina food buff and presence stim buff.. with the human unlock and others..jeez companion turns into someone I wouldn't even want to fight, helps speed up leveling quite a bit.
  14. What usually happens in these instances is some people get tasked with double duty. In FURY when the community reps got the pink slip when Auran declared bankruptcy, I was just a lowly mod at the time. The manager in charge of support (which really was oversight, as Auran until then outsourced CSR's to another company) was tasked with watching over the forums/irc chat. However the regular forum moderators were brought into a closer circle with what was left of the dev team and basically given admin level power and became the true community reps, but the bossman would make the big announcements himself. Anyway I'd except less regular news now, but someone will be tasked with delivering it in some manner eventually.
  15. This is nothing new and using twitter/fb/all that is perfectly fine. In fact actually EA very largely uses outside sources rather than their official feeds and forums. Madden takes most of it's feedback and announces new features first from the operation sports forums (as does a lot of NHL news as well). Most of the BF3 community reps/devs post news and ask for information on reddit instead of the bf3 forums, MLB the show, while not EA, also uses operation sports forums.. and the devs for all those often spill info on their personal twitters quite regularly. Offical forums/official anything is the worst place to ask for feedback/drop hints on what is coming, the 'official' anything for any game is ripe with hate and breaks down to trolls vs sheep over and over, and does no good for the look of the forums. Want to know what is going on track down where the devs/reps like to go and what they use and you'll be steps ahead of everyone else.
  16. Most MMO companies outsource CSR/GM duties to contracted companies. Doesn't mean a BW staff member won't hop on, but it's not within BW's scope of operations. Of course there are exceptions, such as blizzards in-house support staff, but that is not the norm in the MMO biz today. Actually In my time as community rep for Fury when it was released, GM's came from a separate company than the CSR staff who answered tickets. So if that type of field interests you make sure you seek out the appropriate company. (and no, not all CSR companies are from overseas, however they are quota'd to death on ticket responses and usually work on multiple games at once so it may seem like it... But some are from overseas too)
  17. Remember this is KOTOR 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10. BW's plan was for a little bit of end game, a little bit of PVP, but a big emphasis on playing through all the class stories - where the largest chunk of the budget and team was. Legacy is actually a nice idea in that regard as several of the offers can (or will, rather) speed up the grind aspect of multiple playthroughs. Also accomplishes a role of credit sink when at the time of 1.2 there was very little of. Not what your typical MMO players want to hear, nor end game players, but BW has not shown a drive to change direction priority.
  18. That and most of us add the wool wearers to the ignore list. Sadly they still show up in quotes though. Everything is sunshine and rainbows to them and noone will convince them otherwise, best to just ignore them and keep fighting the good fight in what swtor needs to survive.
  19. A healthy server with a balanced population should be able to manage that just fine. Being able to find a group for content in the game should not be a "peak time benefit". And on that note on fatman I get flashpoints and op fill ins just fine 3-4-5AM at night when I normally play.
  20. What is missing is how it will be handled though in regards to amount of characters. Will you only be given one character transfer for free, and while the legacy itself goes with him if it is the highest (with the info so far) you still need to pay to move the rest of your legacy characters? And if they are letting people choose from a list, there is no guarantee people won't choose servers that will empty out from re-rollers just like in 1.2 and before. Many stories of people who have rolled to populated servers 2 or 3 times only for it to die out. And that's not even taking into account if the community doesn't spread itself thin instead of an organized effort to target specific servers come the transfer, which is why merges would be much preferable imho.
  21. While I get the point, it's no effort at all to right click the abilities you know will cause the cc break.. You have the advantage anyway going into the fight knowing if you are going to CC or not. (Right....?) Better tip, keybind all companions abilities or at least the ones that are viable to use, disable all his automation and trigger them yourself while you do your own, which really helps and shortens the fights once you look at it as just a second GCD extension of your own attacks. If you're jumping into combat with that much spur of the moment the first tip can't apply, and don't have the skill to do the second tip, I'd say you have another issue that's impairing you, and until you can solve that just turn off the AOE's for good.
  22. there was a similar focus group conducted by a third party last week or so that was legit, wouldn't be surprised if they are doing it across the country. Leery about there being any money involved though
  23. jumping in here, then I'd assume if you went madness spec you would want power for a better overall dps? I haven't researched into how crit goes into dot ticks, if it is or isn't the same system
  24. Here's my view on the datacrons: They take a skill not necessary for the entirety of the game to get. Some will call them all easy, some impossible, and I'm not sure if they ever fixed the body size restriction on some of them either. Get rid of the platforming. Hide them if you want, but cover them in champs or elites, do something that makes sense with the rest of the game. It was fun the first 5 times, but I bothered toi get them all on my first character. Then my 2nd through 8th characters? I just said F it and bothered with the ones I needed for my stats. Especially again now that I've rerolled on a new server. The platforming necessary is just stupid for this genre, and especially the engine/mechanics involved. It's a nice idea, but tedious and out of the scope and can't believe someone got paid thinking that up. Get rid of them all or change how you get them. Here's one, make them all like the +10 where it is some kind of puzzle, may or may not require multiple people. I would live for that. But the jumping is just... **** with that.
  25. west/east doesn't matter in swtor it seems. A couple dozen extra ms in ping but nothing noticeable when I even connect to Oz land from missouri
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