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Everything posted by redheadedtim

  1. He actually states what he means and he is talking about individual hits.
  2. I've heard mention of aim lightsabers. Pretty sure those would be useless. And I know personally I got 2 aim scatterguns. Useless. One was a security box loot and one was a lockbox loot from a weapons vendor. Pretty sure there are no aim main stat, scattergun using companions. Can anyone verify this? My theory is they randomized stats and naming for green loot drops and didn't bother to think about preventing useless combinations. Surely they didn't actually have someone manually "code" these items. I'd hate to think that someone got paid for coming up with decent star warsy names and then put these stat combos on the database items. Unless they needed a way to fill a day or two for an intern.
  3. Your ingame "customer service" says that breaking our preferences is needed sometimes. But I don't lose keybinds or graphics settings, so it would seem that the given reason for breaking my chat, mini map zoom level, and companion toolbar settings is a lie. Stop breaking my stuff. How are we supposed to believe that you can fix the big problems when you can't stop breaking the little things. It's bad enough you have broken end game bosses and took 2 months to fix counting wins for warzone quests. The fact that you can't get little things right, things that everyone would agree on, like "don't break my settings", shows a lack of commitment to quality. I'd accept it if there was a realistic chance that performance will ever be dramatically improved, but I'm not naive. A major engine rewrite is out of the question. Fine. Stop breaking my settings.
  4. Anyone else getting sick and tired of having to recreate chat tabs, reset chat options per tab, turn timestamp back on, fade back off, and reset which way your companion toolbar expands? Seriously, why don't you just reset everything while you're at it. Happens most every patch, although it didn't seem to happen for the first couple in Dec. Stop breaking my crap Bioware. It's little crap like this that you f up and makes you look stupid. What hope is there for big issues if you can't "not break" something like my chat timestamp option?
  5. Literacy for the win, but you get points for using technically and feasible. Those are big words. I said that in my post. I think the debuff would still be sufficient deterrent to most people. I know I run with more than just swtor being connected to the internet, so I would view pulling the plug as a more restrictive option. It's still something. Again, they've figured it out in the game this one was based on, what's the big deal?
  6. You don't automatically re-enter it (I agree I wish you would, you do in wow from what I hear), but like I said, find the subroutine called when someone manually leaves a warzone, add the debuff code there. Leave the "detect that someone disconnected and remove them from WZ" code alone. Bam! No debuff for folks with actual, non-player based issues.
  7. You folks realize they could tie the debuff to the manual leave option and not affect disconnects/crashes right? Then the leavers would yank their ethernet cable, but it would at least be something. WoW has a leaver debuff and their pvp does fine (from what I hear). It can be done in a manner that doesn't punish bad tech luck.
  8. Fanboy detected. This has been an issue going back to beta. Here's the fix: Take the code that is supposed to increment win count and place it right after the code that sets a victory scoreboard. Done.
  9. What I don't understand is why my trooper/smug/bh/op can sheath while running and my jedi/sith can't. Surely the force users aren't clumsier and in need of stopping to ensure they don't chop off something.
  10. Agree that, while performance wasn't great in beta, it was better than any retail version. The patch released on 2/9 has worsened my performance. 4 crashes today, none prior, at least since they fixed the space station exploding hangar crash (week 1/2?). They can't even fix winning warzones counting for daily quests. I mean what is going on. They got some good devs from swg, some of the ones who turned swg from nge 1.0 into nge 2/3 with real content and fewer bugs. And lord knows that swg's engine was a cluster of crazy systems where touching 1 thing affected 3-30 others.
  11. Could be something stupid like 6-0 works but 6-n where n > 0 doesn't. I don't recall all the 6pt matches I've been in, but I'll keep an eye out. I've pretty much just given up on anything working and I'm getting my motivation from wz comms with dailies being a "bonus." Set a low bar, ya know
  12. My last win of 2 that somehow counted for 3 was a 6-0 Huttball win, so that theory's out. Folks in the match were worried about it too, but it was fine for me. I've had it count before as well. I think we're still out on a common theme besides poor coding and dev->patch note writer communication.
  13. I may have stolen someone's win. Started 30 minutes ago with 0/3, 1 win in huttball (counted), 1 loss on alderaan (didn't check the mission, it was untracked), 1 win in huttball, and suddenly the mission was complete. No idea what happened or why, but I guess I'll take the champ bag with 7/15 champ/cent comms. Saddened to hear this isn't fixed. Well, not saddened, frustrated. How hard is it to move the code for incrementing/detecting completion of this mission to the location where tor decides which header to display (victory/defeat)? Enough with the "possible fixes" that apparently work as well as the legacy system rewards. At least one of those is acknowledged to be vaporware.
  14. So add the debuff, make it be triggered by /leave or by the afk code being triggered. Maybe add one to boot anyone who doesn't unstealth in 3/5/7 minutes (take your pick). If RL calls you away, you get to sit because you caused your team to be shorthanded. If you got kicked/crashed, you don't trigger the code for the debuff. Increase the "kick you out because you didn't leave the spawn" to 90? seconds to give folks time to make it out even when the game is kind of buggy (? means scale up if needed). If you're going to require wins for daily quests (which I favor as opposed to "credit for queue'ing"), then penalize leavers. It can be done without impacting the crashers. If you really want to be one of those "I'll queue and not worry about that phone call that I know is coming/any other IRL issue that is known might make me leave" then you can yank your ethernet cable. You win too!
  15. Also doesn't change the fact that people have reported this doesn't work for them. Fix it Bioware. And way to go with announcing day of the patch that 1.1.2 is going live. Considering you didn't feel sure enough to announce it last week, I'm sure the extra 3 days of testing was long enough to prove that all the fixes in it actually work.
  16. It doesn't take much of a background in CS to know that this should be something to be fixed asap and that it shouldn't be that hard. I'm amazed that people who obviously have no CS background think it's a magic art. Pull the current code for incrementing wins and flagging the mission as completed out of wherever it's at and put it into the end of warzone code, right where the code for displaying the scoreboard is. You know at that point if you're showing victory or defeat, so increment the win count in the same part of the if statement that determines which scoreboard header you display. Geezus, it's not that hard. No one is claiming they could recode the graphics engine to fix the horrid fps, we're just saying it shouldn't be that hard to fix a bug that's been present since beta. Of course, they can't stop resetting my chat window settings either, so who knows. Like I said earlier, they're lucky their story is so good and that swg was cancelled or I'd have cancelled my sub by now. Obviously judging by the number of little bugs that go unfixed, there is an issue with the number of or direction given to the programmers on staff. Quit working on 2013 content and fix the little things now so there is a game to add content to in 2013.
  17. /agree Seriously, this shouldn't have made it past the first patch. At end of wz, mark quest completed or increment win count. It can be hard enough getting a win in pug v pug matches as it is. This is the type of thing that will lead (and has lead) to people quitting. There are tons of stupid little bugs in sweater that shouldn't exist. Any dev team with competent management would have flagged one or two people for all the crap like this and resetting chat window settings on patch release, resetting default companion toolbar expansion direction, crafting mission not available messages, and they would have made sure the little stuff was fixed during early access. Lucky for them I'm too much a fan of their story and star wars to quit just yet, but it's very disappointing. Hey bioware, hire programmers who are on par with your writers. Screw the 2013 content, fix this crap now and start work on that in June. Otherwise, EA's next quarterly meeting won't go nearly as well as this past one.
  18. He's saying they don't matter because "teams" have healers who can purge dots. Capping is about control, as an earlier poster said. Control the area, get the cap. If you don't, then bring some teammates with you to either hold off the folks on the speeders (light cc, enemy uses cc breaker, hard cc), or purge your dot. Or cap it themselves if they're not dotted. Seriously, dots are one of the few things left that make scoundrels/operatives worth pvping with before 36. Otherwise we're useless. Would Learn 2 Team be the appropriate acronym here? You don't have to group with a healer when you queue, just speak up in ops chat before the wz starts. And don't try to cap objectives solo.
  19. I've been a part of plenty of republic victories on my pre 14 sentinel. If you say "I'll help defend west" or otherwise just assist others, you won't be a detriment if you're willing to learn. I would suggest stealthing so you're not the first target since you will be squishy. You can always throw out flashbangs as interrupts and vital shots as dots to prevent capture of objectives. You won't be able to race to the ball carrier in Huttball, but they will probably come to you. Sprint will help, but you can be helpful without it, just be mindful of your capabilities and limitations.
  20. Or do a few matches right away, at least do the first daily "play in one warzone". Easy xp, though maybe it scales to your level and would still be useful? Not sure. I just know that it's always been an easy and fun 16k xp while on corrie.
  21. As a level 27 madness sorc, I don't seem to have any problem with the 2.5k medal. I pop a 150 surge adrenal, Recklessness, and go to town with Shock (when up) and Force Lightning (otherwise). I stack crit and willpower on my equipment since I haven't come across much surge at my level yet. For comparison, my base stats with equipment and no extra buffs (besides the always present Mark of Power and a reusable 60 min, through death, battle resolve stim) are willpower 554, crit 99, surge 20, power 39, force power 353. I assume it's the shock doing the damage, but without a combat log, that's just an assumption, since I suck at seeing numbers on screen when I'm pvping.
  22. Thanks for the feedback on 30+ leveling. So far, I'm mostly pvp'ing for valor in between class quests, though I've done a lot more questing than I had anticipated. Partially because I love Tatooine. I'm about at the point where I may start putting my other points into corruption or lightning. Folks posts have given me something to think on. I can vouch for madness up to 27 in pvp though
  23. As a madness spec'd sorc at 27, I can attest that Adronwhatever works way better than Khem. Granted, I haven't gotten to the higher level stuff, but bubble him, control who he attacks with ctrl 1 / 2, whirlwind (or whatever it is) for cc'ing 1-3 npcs, heal him a little if needed, repeat. Does this become not viable 30+?
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