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Everything posted by redheadedtim

  1. Correct, as beta was approaching launch, ie late Sept if I remember correctly, they made a high level server where you got some level 42 characters at random. Thing is, they couldn't even make that work correctly and many players never received them. I can attest that many things, like "customizable UI" (not even moddable, just movable) and bugs were reported in beta and not addressed. Other issues occurred at launch that didn't exist in beta. The fact that they can't grant high level toons on PTS now or do a character copy of database items from live players (with the exception of those chosen for guild testing) just tells me they don't know or care much about high end testing. Hopefully they'll listen to the guilds doing the char copy testing now and adjust things before 1.2, but I wouldn't bet on it. I'd put 1.2 nerfs being significantly adjusted at the same likelihood as them developing decent/good looking high end armor for all classes.
  2. If you're at 50, doing Bel and Ilum dailies should get you to 1 mill relatively quickly. GTN of end game stims, leveling armor mods, space gear, and blue/purple belts and bracers would be another way to make creds.
  3. Keep it or make it a toggle. UI isn't the best, so we need a better way to know we proc'd UH than looking at our toolbar for one of many buff/debuff icons.
  4. The problem is for the non-NA players. That's priimetime "just got out of work" time. I don't remember the exact conversion, but since I'm GMT-7 and 2am my time downtimes cause primetime issues for them, I'd have to imagine it's worse on a Friday night. Yeah, yeah, "go out and have fun" or something, but some folks aren't the clubbing/drinking kind. FYI I'm not directing this at you (quoted dude), just giving some info on why the downtime isn't a big deal for us NA's and is for others. I assume WOW and Rift had separate downtimes for their non-NA servers. And yes, before it's stated, I do realize that this isn't those games and there are some valid reasons for doing a shared downtime. Still, swg had na and eu servers, and anyone could play on any server, but they still did separate downtimes (IIRC, could be mistaken).
  5. So I know it's possible on the Empire side since a friend got the Belsavis dailies at level 47, but is it possible on the Rep side? I'm 49 and finished the main Belsavis plot line (ending with Burning Road or something), but didn't do every single Belsavis quest. Just wondering as I've got some friends who will be nearing 47 soon and would like to run them through them on the way to 50.
  6. Yeah, stealth was stealth nerfed a few weeks ago. There was a thread on it, I think in this forum, but maybe in the op forum. There are also times when defending voidstar, after respawning in the room I've been "in combat" (even on my marauder) and unable to steatlh, or in my marauder's case, sheath my sabers. It's not just "closer to a teammate than you thought." I've had it happen at the beginning of voidstar when the enemy isn't within 30m or dropping stealth detectors, stealth is popped and I'm attacked.
  7. If you've done the bonus series', I'd suggest you keep doing space, try some flashpoints, and definitely pvp if there's a chance you might pvp at max level. Might as well bank some valor now, though apparently it's going to be meaningless. Make sure you pick up the dailies before pvp'ing or flashpointing. If you do run across someone while questing, do group up as grouping, unlike most mmo's, offers a bonus to both xp and quality of loot drops.
  8. You can't lump all swg fans into the same box. I'm a swg fan and do play emu from time to time when I want that star wars world feeling. I want tor to succeed because I enjoy instances and pvp and the stories that Bioware writes. I want to see the stories and how they turn out. However, I do get annoyed at the little things they don't try to fix and the things that they put only the minimum effort in on. Take the Codex for example. Cool, flavor text, I can spend too much time on wookieepedia so that's cool. They say that's the collection/achievement system though, and if looked at in that light, it's pathetic. SWG's collections and WOW's achievement systems are both better, though I like the info I get with WOW's better. SWG showed collections only after you unlocked them (aka started them), but had a community that grabbed all that content. Say what you will, but what swg always had was a passionate community. Whether it was some pre-cu ftw'ers that refused to let go / move on, or folks who would make external websites to track resource spawns by server, planet, resource class / stat, or even ship part stats so you could know just how good that loot drop really was. Right now, I've only got a community amongst my guild and a few allied guilds. That may come in a larger sense some day, I hope it does. It may also be different on other servers. I want tor to succeed. I also want space that isn't just star fox and for my companions to always emerge when I get off a taxi or speeder. I'd like to be able to work towards collections/achievements with information from the game UI telling me what's out there to work on. Generally speaking, people who complain and don't talk about unsubbing, are people who want tor to succeed. There's a # of swg players who are in that crowd.
  9. Even in NGE, swg had a bigger toolbox for you to make your own "adventure" so to speak. Several servers had active space communities and would do rp heavy or rp light themed and linked space events. You had player cities and player housing, where you could use items to decorate and make architecture that others hadn't thought of. This included player owned ships, where you could take a group up and just walk around your ship or hold an rp event. These also had turrets so you could have gunners in space combat. It was more of a "world" type feel. If you wanted to travel around a planet, they were 10k by 10k squares, which was kind of weird, but large. You would happen upon random spawns of npc's of different types and animals / nests. You could plant harvesters to get resources of different qualities that could help you craft items that were anywhere from mediocre to awesome, depending upon your materials. Picture that x7 and 2 more themeparky planets as well (think TOR style directed action with limited exploration and many walls that you can't climb). At the end there were Galactic Civil War invasions on 3 planets, where everyone, from non-combat entertainers and crafters, to the hard core (so to speak) pvp'ers could contribute to the defense or capture of cities. In the beginning there were "invasions" of certain cities by players. Not directed, but Bestine and Anchorhead became hotspots of player chosen pvp. All that being said, the rpers here can still make their own story, they just don't have quite as many tools as they did in swg. It was just easier to wander in swg and still have fun (at least IMO). There were times where I would log in, just to check out a player city that had a cool name and see how people had set up their city hall, housing, and player owned cantinas. In tor I feel that if I'm not doing warzones or quests, then I'm just wasting my time (assuming I'm not crafting or talking in general while waiting for a FP group).
  10. For someone who talks a lot about having the chance to react to stealthers, there is apparently no attempt to use stealth detection methods. As a PT/Vanguard you have a talentable stealth detect that you can drop, in the shared tree there's a stealth defense box, and in general you can aoe around you. I don't know the vanguard equivalent, or the pt name, but my but I will do the spinning jump with flames every once in awhile if the stealth detect is on cd or I want to check a different area (usually while defending on Aldy). I've been caught unawares by stealthers a few times, but usually it was due to cool down or my own non-use of my abilities. At any rate, with a mix of champ and cent gear, I'm fine, 1v2 in that situation. If you or your team are not smart / skilled enough to use the tools at your disposal, then don't whine to me about not being able to react. Reaction is normally weaker than action. Take some. Or get your own stealthies who serve as the upper hand, so to speak. Nothing pisses 2 stealthers off more than 1)me detecting and stunning them w/ my stealth detect, 2) dropping dots on them so they can't vanish, 3) they stun me and think they're going to win, 4) operative/assassin pops out and stun locks them instead.
  11. Do Ilum and Belsavis dailies for a few days and get 126 rating armor cores and mods in your orange bits. Check the following threads: (pvp focused) http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=222960&highlight=pvp+fresh (pve focused but dailies are relevant) http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=176836
  12. Heart you for bringing that up. It's one of the many things I miss from swg. lolspai was fun and frustrating (if you were them or if you were a bh hunting them respectively). What was fun was if you were on each other's friends list, having a /findf macro that would let you know where they were every couple seconds. FWIW, I'd almost have some sympathy for the baddie OP and his agree'ers except for the fact that stealth is bugged and you get dropped out of stealth and into combat for no legitimate reason. As in, hanging out in the start area of Void Star for defenders and all of a sudden you're in combat. TBH it affects other classes, but many don't notice it (I notice my sent/marauder draw both ls and be unable to sheath them).
  13. Yeah it's been around awhile. Wasn't aware that reloading the ui would fix it though. I'll give that a try next time. Thanks.
  14. Do you pvp? Do you get 150+ fps in pvp? If so, please take a fraps and post it so there's some proof of the engine being capable on some pc's of giving decent performance in pvp. Not trolling, just curious.
  15. Yup, had both things occur on the all and allies tab.
  16. How often are people getting broken scoreboards at the end of the game. I've had both boards filled with zeroes and boards where my name is the only one on them. The only commonality I can think of is that I joined a match in progress. Is Bioware aware of this issue?
  17. If you were not replying to me, then my apologies. It's kind of hard to figure out which class you're talking about since your statements are conflicting. Neither PT or OP are true ranged classes. Try rocket punching from 20m out. Carolina parakeets (aka shield/firebug hybrid) and straight up firebug PT's are less limited in this regard IMO, though I haven't played a straight PT Firebug, so I could be mistaken. At any rate both shieldtech powertech, and concealment op's have to be inside 10m if not 4, for their best abilities. Lethality ops / DF scoundrels have no reliable offensive way to generate UH/TA. The spec is essentially worthless in pvp with dots no longer affecting caps, though it's probably (at least) somewhat viable in PVE. I agree with the cover statements. It is a handicap to close range (ie op/scoundrel) cover users. For ranged cover users, it's not as big a deal because theoretically you're popping cover when your target can't quite hit you with his best abilities yet. FWIW, I don't think anyone is saying that op's can't be viable healers, the issue is that they have to work a lot harder than sorcs. I haven't played merc, so I can't speak to that side. Yes, I do enjoy the work, but Sorc has an oh shoot sequence that op's just don't have on stun immune enemies. Bubble, then heal. That's 2500 heal + whatever your heal hits for. And they can do it on tons of people. Throw in innervate and consumption and they have something we can't match with a 2 minute cool down on our "give me energy" ability. So yes, op's can do a fine job, but sorcs can do it easier and, in the view of many guilds, better. Maybe your (the royal you, to anyone who wants to read themselves into it) guild doesn't take a sorc over an op when there's 1 healer spot left. Some people (not me) do have to live with that. Basically the way I handle it these days is just to assume my stealth will be broken at range through a bug or exploit (unconfirmed which), alternate between healing spec and concealment when leveling, and try to have the most fun I can. It is a mmo, and different classes are going to get nerfed off the top during different phases of sweater's life. Hopefully they do "nerf" sorc/sage at some point or (preferably) boost the other heal classes while toughening end game content, so that everyone is on the same page. Right now, if end game bugs were fixed (which they hopefully will be at some point), and other classes were boosted, then the challenge folks are looking for wouldn't be there without a strengthening of the end game content. In retrospect, this post is a lot longer than I had planned. We all want to have fun, let's try to at least have some substance to our posts that isn't "l2p" or "if you don't like it, quit". Those have there place, but a discussion of class balance/design isn't it. Save it for the posts where people are asking about what they're doing wrong, and offer tips/guidance. Save it for posts where people talk about not enjoying a class (but offer tips and guidance). If you think OP is as viable as sorc, then tell us about the sorc side's limitations, and not just offer up that your guild's ops do fine. Point by point comparisons are what will help us and Bioware figure things out. In the end, all we can do is hope Bioware actually has people who care about balance working on balance and making sure they're informed on the latest things the community has figured out. A dev will never foresee exactly how a player will use their class. Keep up the info here and maybe GZ will either have a change of heart where he cares about giving and responding to information and not trolling, or he'll be told to.
  18. Note, these comments are directed at different posts. L2 Powertech before saucing off about someone else not knowing about PT. Gap closer as dps PT? It's called grapple, acquired at level 22. I don't believe you need the Ion cylinder to use it, but could be mistaken. A quick google didn't seem to help me determine one way or the other. You haven't encountered storyline bugged missions? Neither have I, but I can see quite clearly that there is a Darth Jadus mission that has had bug issues for sometime, and according to recent posters, is still an issue. Additional FWIW, Shieldtech PT's have no knock back.
  19. Wasn't Age of Conan on BBT years ago? It was on some sitcom. I like how Bioware and other folks are saying this is "unprecedented." Yes it is, except for that precedent over there.
  20. RSE, Swoop, and Iron Shadow are all on Kaas City.
  21. Just had OP's issue in voidstar. Running around, 20+ m from any enemy, no aoe's, no stealthers near me, no stealth detection stuff, bam, popped out of stealth. /sigh. It's bad enough tor tells me I'm not facing an enemy or they're out of range when neither is true on my screen.
  22. I've had it happen in the waiting room in Void Star as well. Noticed the same thing on my sent when I draw my sabers for no apparent reason while in the room and am "in combat".
  23. Started a scoundrel scrapper and got him 10-14 via 1 Esseles run and the rest pvp on Ajunta Pall. Also have a 42 scrapper on my main server (a PVE one). Plainly put, when I wasn't having fun as a scoundrel, I wasn't playing smart. As a 13-14 scoundrel, I've held off a higher level assassin (who probably didn't play great, but whatevs) in Alderaan, and generally had a good time and even took #2 in damage as a level 11, and alternate between middle of the pack and top 5 in general for damage/kills. I did take armormech and have mixed blues with augments I've made with GTN gear and a health supply of wz medpacs. I stealth as long as possible open up with backblast if I think I can do so without being knocked back, then (or 1st depending) dirty kick, take instant cover, sabo charge, pistol whip (and backblast if I didn't open with it) and pugnacity, grenade, and the attack that sounds like a shotgun but is a <10?m range blaster attack. Yeah, I'm low on energy at this point, but I've usually taken a non heavy armor wearer down. Now that I think about it, I just picked up cool head and need to start using that instead of regular pew pew (or in addition to). Played so many matches without it, it hasn't kicked in that I have it. Use a good rotation, focus with others on lower health targets, and throw that flash bang if you need to interrupt a heal or stop a crowd in a door on Void Star (or pause folks getting off the east/west speeder in Alderaan). Don't be afraid to be a sacrificial lamb if it keeps the target(s) from capping the objective or distracts them from the ball carrier. Throw some flash bangs or dirty kicks from the edge of the fire pits and take out/weaken that ball carrier and his escort. I've charged into the fire to dirty kick cause I've known that when I kamikaze'd to stun the ball carrier that the ball would go to a team mate. Looking forward to the sleep dart so I can frustrate people who think they're going to hit an objective without firing a shot. I know I sucked at scoundrel when I wasn't having fun, but after figuring out what's the smart play on my 42, I'm doing surprisingly well as a sub 20. You will die a lot, but you can also do great damage and make a difference in the outcome of warzones. You can even throw a heal or two to a teammate if you can't/shouldn't get in range of his target. Run and gun baby, just do it smart and don't worry about the odds (too much). I'm having more fun on my 14 scoundrel than i have on my mixed cent/champ geared powertech on my main server.
  24. What will likely become the biggest issue is that we have an entire shared tree that is useless. Judging by the fact that they haven't lessened nerfs during time on PTS before going to Live, there isn't going to be much reason to go DF. I don't see the point any more. Run faster after your 5 sec stun? I don't believe the dot's are doing enough damage on bosses, and trash dies too quickly in PVE to make it worth keeping in PVE. Can someone correct me if I'm wrong? Obviously, the same stands for the agent base class, except their nerfing doesn't root them during the nerf animation. Get it? That was a joke. *EDIT* From Scoundrel POV
  25. Bump for Heist of the Millenium. What the hell is up with CS putting in "please include your character name, level, server, and all the other basic details we can tell because we have access to your account and know which character you were on when you made the ticket." I mean, I know this is THE worst CS I've seen in an online game. As a guildmaster, I really don't want to have to unsub to prove a point, but they obviously don't give a crap about us.
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