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Posts posted by Urantia

  1. So last last night /early this morning, there was (another) east coast login server issue, logins were halted (announced), then everyone that was online on an east coast server got kicked out (unannounced) which also included a smallish roll-back (reports of 45 min to 3 hours lost).


    When they 'fixed' it an hour or so later, it was noted that all the CQ boards were empty, despite the personal and guild tabs showing points, yet the guild tab showed FAILED.



    All I can say for the devs... bad luck, but you brought this on yourselves when your servers are acting up on a weekly basis due to an as yet undetermined (or, by this point, just undisclosed) issue with the new datacenter.


    Basically this.

  2. Yup, big rollback. Oh well. :(


    I was one of the lucky ones that had just logged on before the Weekly Crash {WC}...so lost only 1 WZ. But from my perspective the server might as well never have come back up because the real time loss killed my chosen activity.


    I feel for those that got finished with whatever goals they had and logged off just before the WC unaware. Now they get to log on tomorrow to lost weeklies, any organizing they might have been doing etc. etc..


    I wonder how many players finally won that "Pig" inside the rollback window {lol}? Keith talks about empathy....these are the people I feel for. The ones screwed over...and likely to be confused for a few moments as they wonder what happened.


    My empathy is for those players out there that have lost confidence in this service. For those that wonder if they should even bother since they cannot trust the integrity of the game anymore. I mean since this can happen any time....with an established pattern {of sorts}...the only question is when is it going to bite me in the *** next time?

  3. We are to the point of having the servers up and being tested. Assuming that goes well, we aren't far from having the servers back online. Shouldn't be more than 10-20 minutes as long as everything checks out.




    Take your time at this point.... I know this little hiccup was just enough to ruin what I was doing {as they usually do}.

  4. Players were basically making toons over and over...removing the legacy ears, implants, relics, and gear sets and med packs..,then deleting the characters and doing it all over again. They did not want players doing that....essentially abusing the fact that as long as they deleted the toon before lvling they could keep repeating the process.
  5. Well simple, he doesnt :)


    I found this a major issue was i played with my Merc and "spacebared" the story and clicked the rep option so my imp was rep sided and i couldnt change back.


    Thats why i had trouble doing the dailies that needed a group as i didnt have a way to communicate with reps.


    Yeah I am scratching my head at how they did not even consider that.....can make the "crossover" pointless to a lot of folks if they cannot actually talk in gen or see gen chat from others needing a group etc. Guess I will just pretend I am an NPC in the region lol.

  6. IIRC the only change is when you group on Iocath, you'll be grouped with people who choose your supported faction. Gen chat is still only gonna show your actual faction like normal.


    Okay thanks. Just too bad if a player does the faction crossover there that they are sort of gimped communication wise. I admit I never even thought about it before making a Rep player represent the Empire there {would have anyhow}, but knowing they did not even think about this aspect in design does piss me off slightly. Par for the course.

  7. Just curious, but how does a Republic player representing the Empire on Iokath actually communicate with Imperial players representing the Empire {lol}? I admit I have not tried asking in game nor have I actually tried to team up in the area yet.


    But I chose to represent the Empire there on at least one character and would like to be able to communicate with other players also representing the Empire there {not just other Reps that decided to go Imp for the area} without using /say or just randomly joining them on the field for pvp.


    If I missed something, then I apologize.....but all I am seeing is gen chat from other Reps {no matter whom they support on Iokath}. Sort of defeats the purpose of representing the Empire {or Imps going Rep for Iokath}, but not being able to actually communicate properly with my chosen faction is a bit of an oversight to say the least.

  8. Oh, sorry; I misread you. No, I don't think they're going to take away any content in any major way. (Trivially, removing Heroic turn-ins was a content loss, as part of yet another major mechanical/paradigm change.)


    While I said I won't bet on more major mechanical changes, I think any more that are coming will be in "non-core" areas. I saw recently in an interview that they're working to add cross-faction queues to more PvP game types, for example; and if we do get more group-only-PvE content, I expect it to be something other than "classic" ops/FPs.


    The major core mechanical changes were done with 4.x - this past year was a "rebuilding" year. Now it's time for them to take the "new" game tools and build out actual new content, not just rehashing the old stuff because they didn't have time and resources to devote to it because the major 4.x changes soaked it all up. In that sense, this is what Holocron said, a last hurrah to see the "old game" before they add on "new game content" using ":new game mechanics."


    You are as delusional as Holocron.

  9. Alright, the event info is out. It looks to be that this is set in stone, and a whole lot of long time players are not happy.

    I'm fairly positive Bioware will not change any of the requirements, so let's focus on some things they can do...I propose the following:


    1. Roll back server transfers to 90 coins or make them free for the duration of the event - A lot of players will have to move toons around to make space if they decide to participate, so make it as painless as possible.


    2. Immediate 40-50% off sale on all current cartel packs, supercrates, and hypercrates for 2 weeks - There's a lot of people who will choose not to participate, so at the very least you owe it to them as such to make getting some cartel swag accessible if they're not going to get any of the event rewards.


    3. Tune World Bosses down so a minimum 4 person group can get through them - Trying to find people to do world bosses is like pulling teeth at times, so make them a tad easier so smaller groups can clear them.


    4. Temporarily allow F2P players access to unlimited warzones and ops - If you're going to have the Operations, WZ's, and GSF requirements, make sure all players can get into them.


    5. 2500 Cartel Coin grant upon event completion - In exchange for our time and grinding, the least you can do is reimburse us with thanks. Nothing says thank you like cartel coins in recognition of our support.


    There's just a few things you can do to soften the blow and bridge an ugly division with your players right now, Bioware. The ball is in your court. If you're not going to count all the current characters running around, or take into consideration the lengths that a lot of your veteran players have gone to continually supporting the game from launch until now, the least you can do is consider this list as an alternative. One thing is clear: nothing remotely short of this will temper the unrest that is out there right now. I hope you guys have the foresight to do something about it.


    ~ Supreme


    If my 5 years in this game has taught me anything it is that this team is not capable of foresight. Aside from their substandard coding skills and communication...they are also incapable of even the most basic understanding of human behavior and psychology. The only exception I would make would be for the story writers...they clearly understand behavior. If you have been around long enough you may have even seen a few /facepalm moments your self.


    There are coding errors, then there are decisions that leave them to reply "we never expected the players to do that/play the game that way". Forget that the scum of the game find and capitalize on their lack of understanding almost immediately.

  10. You are 100% right. You have every reason to be pissed off...and you are not alone. This event was poorly planned {no surprise}. Like yourself....many many Vets have been trivialized in one form or another over the life of this game....this is the latest iteration of that. One cannot help but think it is being done on purpose just to cause emotional reactions. Some more "paranoid" than I might even think it as some form of passive-aggressive action against vets.


    Perhaps they just want us all to quit playing so they can either let the game die or push those with institutional memory out of the way as they cannot bare having people around that have witnessed all their failings as devs, coders, and/or communicators.

  11. Par for the course for these C- grads from an unaccredited art school. I never in my wildest dreams expected to log on for the event and get it all retroactively. Retroactive is, and always will be, beyond their skill set. Anyone that has been here since launch already knows this all too well. With few exceptions, most stuff has had to be redone by players in my personal experiences.


    I did however expect to be allowed to use my elder toons to participate. I suppose I thought it was a real event where anyone could participate. I completed all 8 classes and hit legacy lvl 50 before 1.1 dropped lol {sure was cool having to wait for 4.0 to get a title for that lol}...before there was even a legacy interface to click on. Naturally since then I have played every class and tree/discipline and their mirrors...with several redundant/repeat toons. I currently have 33 characters on The Shadowlands all long lvl capped with the exception of the lasts 3 lvling in PvP {all repeat/redundant toons currently 58, 60, 61} as most have before them {save the original 8 that lvled "traditionally"}.


    Again I never expected to get anything retroactively, but was hoping for an event I could actually participate in without making yet more toons. Frankly, I have no slots left and certainly not going to buy any more....so guess that is that. Imagine if they did this **** before they raised the server char cap to 40 {or whatever it is now}...people would be even more annoyed as they would then have to make the hard choice of deleting characters etc {perhaps}.


    Now from reading this thread people are eluding to the fact I would need to make 8 more and do it all again....am I "hearing" that right? I do not even have a slot to make one...certainly not going to make 8. This company is insane if they think I am going to redo what I did pre-1.1....sure lvling is a joke compared to back then, but still.


    I get it...fine...you do not want me or any like me to participate. That or you expect us to spend more CC etc to buy slots....and slog through, yet again, the same old ********. I cannot for the life of me find the energy to do all that again without going insane. It really is a shame I will not be allowed to participate in this event. More titles to never display...more mounts to never use, more gear that is worthless {like players need anymore help speed lvling these days lol...what a *********** joke}......and yet another companion that will never see the light of day with the other N we have.


    I was, however, hoping for something to do besides standing on Fleet waiting for a PvP Q pop. Oh well. Thanks for nothing BW. It is no wonder this game is dead anymore. I really need to rethink my priorities and whether or not I should keep paying for this incompetence. Chances are it will be broken anyways....forcing player to waste time and redo the redo.

  12. They are fine for veteran players who only use them to grind credits. They are not fine for new players and people who liked the stories. A lot of great flavor got lost.


    They really should have given players the choice between speed runs and full story experiences. Choice is good!


    I agree. While I have seen them all N times over before the change....I did not require this change. As a vet I do not mind the option, but preferred how it was. My main gripe is how in the past you could take the mission and it would not complete until I went back. This meant I could leisurely do the bonus and not lose it like we can now if not paying attention.


    That was the biggest rub for me on the change....when I realized I now had to watch my Ps and Qs with main objectives so as not to ruin the bonus portion. Sure all of them are repeatable, but I only really ever did them as part of a planetary sweep for a toon doing a planet for the first time. So imagine my annoyance when a mission I planned on doing once and only once on a toon was technically not "totally complete". I do not have OCD that I know of, but I do not like loose ends.


    I probably should have commented back in October, but it was bumped so will speak now. Not that time was ever a factor anyway lol. To be fair to BW I never do them anyway save as described above as part of a sweep. Granted the terminal does make a nice way for toons lvling in pvp without a starship to access virtually every planet in the galaxy lol {another issue I take with this terminal as it further trivialized travel}.


    But yeah I agree with Damask_Rose in that for me too bad so sad...whatever. But new players will lose this extra stuff....as well as missing a lot of bonuses as they will not realize the missions will more often autocomplete chopping off their bonus {so what if they were say 29/30 on kills etc lol}. Or, lol, grouping with a friend that autocomplete it for you lol. I do not expect a change, but wanted to agree with those that disliked the change.

  13. Thanks all :o


    We may not always agree on topics, but every one of you makes this game a more enjoyable experience for me...you all have a ton of choices in what to do with your leisure time, so THANK YOU for choosing this game to play. YOU make it the best game around.


    I almost cried lol.

  14. Interestin'.


    Doesn't apply in my case as I don't PvP. But maybe Qyzen does when I'm offline! :p


    Totally...yeah would not apply in your case since Qyzen is not a player character. But not sure what the deal was there. Though over the years seen a lot of odd companion deaths. Usually when QTing from different global heights like on Makeb etc.


    I did have this happen to player character of mine the other day {post 4.3}...where I died upon QTing. Never had that happen {that I recall} to a player character of mine ever. My guess was that it was related to the PvP/PvE instancing also. I was in a PvP instance on Hoth {yes the only Rep toon in the instance lol} and went to QT and was killed by the transition in the same fashion that all my flagged toons logged in dead after 4.3.


    Just a guess anyways. As to Qyzen the game probably got confused and "threw" him lol.

  15. I had this happen on a lot of alts when 4.3 dropped. The reason is they were all flagged for PvP. When they made the change to PvP/PvE focus {with PvE being the default} any flagged toons I had, no matter where they were, logged in dead. This is my theory anyhow...based on observations of "N" toons lol. {Any toons I was not flagged on logged in alive}.
  16. You may recognize me from my listings on the GTN as Rylina or Karlina. I regularly list all of the Battlemaster and War Hero (rated) gear pieces and have for a couple of years now. While I know some others do craft them as well, I am the only one I see that regularly lists all of the complete sets and for relatively cheap. I wanted to give you all a heads up that I will likely be discontinuing my subscription soon and therefore will stop/heavily reduce my sale of those items. If you were looking to get them now would be a good time, while I still have my sub and can craft them easily.


    With all of the negative stuff that's come out of 4.0, and the way things are looking for the near future, a number of people in my guild are looking to start up in FFXIV. And while I will likely still continue to play at times as a preferred player, it greatly hinders crafting in that instead of crafting up to 30 items at a time I can only do 6. With that in mind I didn't want to leave anyone out to dry if they were under the assumption they would be able to pick up those sets in the future at any time from the GTN.


    This isn't an "I quit so feel sorry for me" post, so please don't make it about that. I'm just trying to give forewarning to those who buy from me.


    Not to split hairs but we were never able to craft the entire Battlemaster/War Hero sets. Unless by "complete sets" you mean everything but the belts and bracers lol. Correct me if I am wrong, but I never found a way to learn the belts or bracers back then. Only way I recall to get a moddable belt and bracer {still have them} was the Elite War Hero {artifact} and an Orange versions that required ranking to purchase {which would be paired with those "[Ranked]" shells we can still make today}.


    I am also capable of making "complete sets" lol.....if only they were ever able to be truly complete. If I am mistaken feel free to correct me. Not that it matters now since for sure if I missed out on some hidden mysterious schematics then I will never see them anyhow lol.


    Were we ever able to RE the ones we could get access to? I admit I never tried. Anyhow I know I never saw any crafted ones for sale lol.

  17. If it's still in the game, you could only get it as random world drop or from the trade market.


    Cool thanks. Was wondering how it was handled now. My guess was a drop, but as broken as the game is anymore nothing would surprise me lol.

  18. Hi all. Recently, post 4.0, I was running a scoundrel through Coruscant and noticed that at the conclusion of the Gree story Arch that the RD-07a Spider Chest was no longer the reward. Just curious, but where can a player get this specific chest now?
  19. Just to add to the pile. I noticed the same deal for both my Synthweaver and my Armormech. My guess is due to their "age" and stuff they knew is causing a conflict. As other have pointed out when you open the UI thee is nothing there at all. So basically those 2 chars will not be seeing advancement in their craft until this is resolved.


    I sincerely hope this is resolved soon.

  20. OMG good one, that really made me laugh.


    No offense, but if you find story missions difficult nowadays (to where it needs toned down more), I am thinking you are playing the wrong game.


    Not as much of a good one as quoting a post that was made almost 4 years ago lol.

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