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Everything posted by daibakuha

  1. No it doesn't, read it again. Apparently English is not your first language.
  2. Suddenly anyone who has a level 50 is now the bad guy? So what? Bioware gives me a free month of game time, I was going to pay for it anyway, and I'll pay for it after the free time is up too.
  3. They had promised content cut 12 hours before 1.2 dropped and you did not.
  4. That they're sorry for taking out rated Warzones 12 hours before 1.2 dropped? Which is why they are doing this whole thing in the first place?
  5. ONE OF. It doesn't say that they are the only valued customers.
  6. I can deny all I want, if I think their perception is unfounded, which I do.
  7. The article doesn't say that those who are not getting the free time are less valuable.
  8. You have an incredibly infantile understanding of how business and MMOs work.
  9. It doesn't say that, you are completely misrepresenting the quote here.
  10. As long as you have time remaining on your account as of noon-time today, you should be golden for a free 30 days.
  11. They aren't giving away $15, it's a free month of game time, not the same thing.
  12. He is, however directly effect by the removal of key level 50 content that was cut out of this patch just 12 hours before it dropped.
  13. This is fairly obviously a goodwill gift for the level 50s who had content cut right before 1.2 came out. It only effects 50s because 50s were the only ones effected by the removal of ranked warzones, a feature that was promised to high heaven.
  14. How does a server being bare prevent you from leveling? We've known about the coming server transfers for awhile now.
  15. I've been 50 for over two months(I got in day one of early access), I never once skipped a cutscene. Hell, I even took 2 weeks off my main to level alt/play Mass Effect 3, and I still managed to hit 50. I play casually, taking my time and enjoying the leveling process. This idea that you and others have, that Bioware is rewarding power levelers is completely ridiculous. Especially since it's obvious why level 50s get this, the removal of ranked warzones directly effected the longevity of endgame players, and they handled it poorly. This is a "sorry" from Bioware.
  16. Doesn't mean anything, it just means that no one was on tattooine at that time. Is in no way an overall indicator of total population of the game. I could just as easily say that, on my server, there is always at least 40 people on each planet and over a 100 in the fleet, at all hours of the day. This isn't proof that the total population of the game is growing, decreasing or staying the same, it means lots of people play my server.
  17. You can also skip the spaceport if you are already on planet. They also fixed some quests where you had to go to the fleet and talk to a guy then continue, making it so they give you faster travel options to get to those places.
  18. I should probably point this out: the Jedi Knight storyline is KOTOR 3, it's everything I wanted from a third installment and it's *********** stellar.
  19. I don't really see the big deal. Other games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age do similar choice sections. IN Mass Effect regardless of what decisions you make you are still gonna kill Saren/defeat the collectors. Essentially you play a character within the context of the story. For instance, my Jedi Knight will often disregard the law and the Jedi Code if he feels that they go against what's right. I chose to play him that way, the game facilitated that choice, but's it's still my choice.
  20. When you finish Balmora, you should be close now if you have him as a guest.
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