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Everything posted by daibakuha

  1. HAHAHAHAHAA....I literally can't stop laughing.
  2. You should probably try explaining what point it is you're trying to make. The only point I was trying to make in responding to you is that kotaku is dumb. Regardless of whatever point that article made.
  3. Here we go! valid is subjective. People think the most ridiculous complaints are valid, it doesn't suddenly mean they should be listened to.
  4. People on the forums are not indicative of everyone playing the game, nor is this many pages in 6 hours indicative of the size of the protest. Many have come here just to say 1.2 is awesome, and not all who post are here complaining about the 30 days for free.
  5. That "generalized point" is the only point I was attempting to make.
  6. It's reasonable because it's not filled with vitriolic hatred or whining. For instance I have no issue with the rest of your post.
  7. Implying you whiners aren't just an incredibly small minority of forum posters.
  8. I didn't think a reasonable response existed on the forums.
  9. What truth? What the bloody **** are you talking about?
  10. I'm having a hard time trying to find out why I'm supposed to care what you feel. You and your ilk have made several baseless accusations throughout this thread.
  11. good point, I am inferring that this is for the whole 1.2 fiasco, I have no proof, just like you.
  12. You just said Kotaku and truth in the same sentence. I think my neighbors heard me facepalm.
  13. It's more immediate for those who have hit 50 before as it was something a lot of people were looking forward to doing now. People who hit 50 after 1.2 don't have to wait as long and weren't as immediately effected.
  14. It actually depends when they hit 50 today. Before noon, yes, it does. After noon, no it doesn't.
  15. No, it wouldn't have, they don't have the necessary gear to compete.
  16. Why only level 50 subs? Because level 50 content was cut before 1.2 dropped, that's why.
  17. I have no idea who that is. Also I'm a little insulted I'm not being called Daniel Erikson, that guy's awesome. ohhhh or maybe Jamse Ohlen, that guy's awesome too.
  18. From the email I just got: You are one of our most active and valued high level players and we know you have been waiting patiently for Game Update 1.2: Legacy. To show our appreciation, check out all the great new features this update has to offer-on us. We will be adding an additional 30 days of game time to your account at no charge*. The free 30 days will appear on your account by April 24, 11:59PM CDT, April 25, 4:59AM GMT.
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