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Everything posted by Hadyn

  1. It's never going to happen. Why would a business remove a reminder to spend real life money? You have the option not to spend. I know it seems to suck from an eyesore standpoint (I think the icon could be a LOT smaller), but what you're asking them to do just won't happen.
  2. If you've never played F2P before then this may come as some sort of culture shock. F2P models generate enormous sums of cash from the player base willing to spend on shineys. This cash usually trumps subscriptions and it's not even close. In fact, SWTOR could probably go completely F2P without missing a beat as long as they kept adding to the cartel market with original designs, great IP tie-ins and seasonally relevant stuff (think Empire Day in SWG around July 4th). Right now, the cartel market is a cash juggernaut - a smash spec one. Don't expect them to slow down even for a second. Companies learn quickly where their bread is buttered, and lets not forget that the main goal of SWTOR is to generate revenue and profit for EA. It's a business after all. I encourage everyone to dump gigantic sums of cash into the cartel market. It will keep the game around a while and we'll see more frequent development.
  3. Super L33t Face-Melty AFK-I-Win-U-Lose Gimme All Your Money Pwnface General Chat Jawa Joke Supreme Being And then replace "Super" with "Mega" for the next tier.
  4. Hadyn

    MVP choices

    I vote for the guy or gal that busted their behind in contributing - either an amazing healer, the guy who defused the bomb at the last second, the stealth who ninja'ed a key node - anyone who turned the game around. If it's a bad group and we get clobbered, I vote for the LVP.
  5. this is more like what I'm used to - I'm ALMOST min-maxed and I hit 5100 in pvp zones on an ambush.
  6. "Evil will always win because good is dumb." -Dark Helmet If you choose not to play agent, you're willingly signing away playing the best story in the game.
  7. I think you're done-ski. I remember that dialogue chat and played like torturing other imperials for information was all in a day's work. It was just after that we went horizontal.
  8. This ^ You should have no problem at level 14 clearing 100k heals each and every time - unless your team is lightning fast at clearing out a voidstar.
  9. Hadyn

    Sorc or Op for PVP??

    Ops do well for ok players and they excel for excellent pvpers Sorcs are not for people who have weak stomachs. A great sorc healer makes their team a nightmare to deal with. A baddie sorc healer may as well not even be there.
  10. Pretty much this ^ I agree this bug is hands down the most unsightly one in game along with unsummoning Jaesa and having her lightsaber blade sitting there in mid-air.
  11. played a human male and got to "hit it" right before the end of Drummond Kaas. Then I went to my new ship and Kaliyo jumped me. I think the key is a human or cyborg character. Gonna catch a disease.
  12. Hadyn and Jae-Mi from Radiant - played from pre-CU right up through the first Ewok Chocolate Love Day when I knew it was time to go. Spent too much time PvP'ing ont he ground and in space. People I ran with - the fellas from Stone who moved to Starsider, The Section 8 crew, The Dark crew, Wedge - who moved to Starsider as Wezz, I got along just fine with the WS crew who moved to Chilastra Currently hanging with a hodgepodge of ex-Radiant and ex-Chilastra expatriots and my favorite drunk lizard.
  13. if you lose a lot of warzones, just go back and see who was the common player in each one of them...
  14. Take Biochem if you absolutely abhor making money in the GTN but want to stop spending marginal credits on stims and adrenals
  15. I don't know about all that - most people BRAGGED about their bounties just like you hear characters doing in the actual movies. I loved the system even though I stopped playing BH after the CU. It was well thought out and added a neat wrinkle to open world pvp. I also miss getting hate tells from the opposite faction after roflstomping them - but that's neither here nor there.
  16. more pros: People who run 2 accounts can share a legacy name Also, couples who play can have the same last name. My wife and I both play, it's something we're looking forward to. Granted sharing last names and/or pretending to be married in game is roleplayish, but whatever. On a side note to a previous post - people don't tend to mock others who don't stand out in some fashion.
  17. 1. New maps with different objectives, some of which being multi-tiered maps like Huttball. Warhammer had a football like game where you played keep-away from the other team - the ball carrier took increasing damage over time that eventually couldn't be outhealed. Just saying - there's new and different ways to kill each other. What about an 8v8v8 map? Someone else mentioned 16v16? 2. Different looking gear options - OR the ability to carry set bonuses from Battlemaster Gear. The Sorc gear looks like hundreds of Snorks died to make the shoulder pads. The Sorc War Hero gear looks like Spider-Man and Alien got married and made babies. 3. What about HOT stims, alacrity stims, crit stims, absorb stims? What about pvp only stims that carry out for 15 minutes through death?
  18. Still here, still having fun with a lot of the people I played SWG with. 10/23/08
  19. Darth Sicarios sicarius is latin for assassin, and yes, nevermind he's a marauder lol
  20. I'm all for making galactic terminals open pvp zones.
  21. Just about every single death scene from a dark side choice in the imperial agent story line.
  22. This OP HAS to be some sort of Bioware feeler post to gauge our response. I vote "No, get out". Microtransactions lead to market oversaturation, market oversaturation leads to Pay2Win, Pay2Win leads to suffering.
  23. Hadyn

    Bioware on HUTTBALL

    We had a dummy guarding snow that decided to chase the jedi and got it ninja'd behind him
  24. Hadyn

    Bioware on HUTTBALL

    That's a great point by the way. But to the point of Huttball being the worst game I have to disagree. Alderaan is hands down the worst designed. I was actually witness to a team that won the map without getting a single kill. All they did was cap the first two points uncontended and then zerged us over and over and over so that we couldn't re-cap anything for our team. Their zerg was both amazing and embarrassing, glorious and facepalmish all at the same time. Now, you might argue that you COULD win Huttball without killing anything as well, but Huttball is objective and not capture-the-flag-ish. Although Huttball is not quite right, it PWNS Alderaan hands down. On a side note, In Warhammer Online they had a map that basically amounted to playing Keep-Away. Why can't we have something like that?
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