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Everything posted by run_hello

  1. run_hello


    Servers down for hours afterward plus the dungeon resets. But you're right, they should have just given up and gone to bed.
  2. Oh that's a good one. If you take a Jedi Consular to 50 you get to wear what looks like a wedding gown and cute little tiara.
  3. Hmm, call GameSpot or post on the TOR boards... what to do, what to do...
  4. If I go home today and don't have to hit the Cover button 12 times to go into Cover, I'll be happy.
  5. It's pretty piss poor they put such little effort into the races. How you can have a game set in space and not have races that look alien is beyond me.
  6. Anyone can buy it as long as you're Social II.
  7. I haven't read much about Legacy lately. Are you guys SURE that there'll be new races? Seems like an expansion thing.
  8. Wow level 15 already, grats. You're going to enjoy the Warzones a lot more when you have more moves than your auto attack! Go and enjoy that $15/month however you want. Others will do the same.
  9. I'm 50 and other than the grind of dailies, I don't use mine for anything. They harvest and craft and that's about it. I have some quests to finish on Corellia but other than that, I'm not sure where "plenty of solo content at 50" is at.
  10. They can handle the frigid vacuum of space but not a little windchill on Hoth?
  11. Ilum dailies take 20 minutes tops and they're so easy, a caveman could do them.
  12. I crafted the fire grenade before the nerf just because it dealt such great damage. It's not as good now but still decent. I also like the sludge grenade for PvP purposes. A 70% reduction in movement speed for 12 seconds is sweet. Since I'm tight on bar space, I'll probably only use these two.
  13. I'd love to see add-ons. But if BW is going to start by just letting me move around the things I have and change the size, I'll take it. Fortunately the cool down shading thing didn't affect me for some reason.
  14. Why exactly are you so mad that your guildies picked up Biochem? How does this affect you? I'm Cybertech and love it, even after they nerfed my purple grenades some. On my server, Ilum is the most fun it's ever been, and I'm Republic. My UI cooldowns display just like they always have. It doesn't affect everyone. Agree on the raid content. Hard mode = easy mode so far.
  15. Where the heck does this come from? No one was complaining about anything you doofus. Back to study hall with you.
  16. I'm embarrassed to say I hear ya! There's one right now I can't do, I don't remember the name offhand. It's green to me and I'm fully purpled on my ship and I still get crushed at level 50. At the point where I'll have to call in my 14 year old kid to do it for me, yeesh.
  17. I went to dickshunary.com to find the meaning of vitriol but the site wasn't working.
  18. I think it's similar to Alterac Valley and that was fun from time to time. It has enough space that you could get some serious battles going if they ever iron out all the bugs. Sounds like it all depends on what server you're on.
  19. Mine have been fine, weird it doesn't affect everyone.
  20. I rolled into Ilum last night to see if I could get the daily done. The night before it was a laggy camp fest at the Rebel base with the good guys holding the Imps at the entrance. Both sides could get their 30 tokens and get out but it was a slideshow and basically a clusterfrack. What a difference a day makes. Got into a group there last night and rolled around in a pack looking for Imps, while they did the same. We had some great battles with no lag and I racked up some decent valor in the :45 I was there, about a level and a half. At least on Saber of Exar Kun, Ilum is the closest to working as intended as it's been. Good idea to instance that zone, it helps keep the population balanced. Any similar positive experiences there?
  21. I have issues with it sometimes. If I'm out doing missions, it seems to work fine. If I'm pvping or running a dungeon, it lags. Sometimes bad. Would be nice to not have to hammer the button 5x to get into cover.
  22. I bought a UT mission off the GTN and used it. Came back with a stack of 4 Star Silk among other things. I wanted to auction it but there wasn't any on our GTN either so I didn't know what it was worth. Put the stack of 4 up for $60k, is that too much in your experience?
  23. Maybe if YOU actually read your ingame emails, you'd notice sometimes it only tells you that someone bought an item. Don't be so smarmy. Put that in your Professional Writers Blog and spellcheck it.
  24. Because back in the day it was 9.99 a month to play. Then someone thought "Hey I bet we could raise it a few bucks and they'd still play". And they were right. I wouldn't be surprised to see it go up again at some point, games have been 14.99 a month forever it seems.
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