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Everything posted by Podrik

  1. Think he means Droid, specifically the one that comes as a carryon with the spaceship And yes, I use him from time to time.. If you deck him out he is a really good healer, can't say how his tanking is, never tried it.
  2. You Sir have no idea on what you are talking about. After playing sorc for a while I got bored of the healing and wanted a dps toon, decided to roll a sniper (mostly to stay away from FOTM Operative) and seriously.. I'm having the time of my life in Warzones. Mind you I dont play like a regular sniper, I barely stay in cover for longer then to fire off 1 Snipe, always on the move throwing grenades and generally pissing people off so that they forget to kill the ball carrier in Huttball and go for me, or I lure people away from the doors in Voidstar or the Turrets during Civil War. Not to mention that the damage output is just insane if you do it right
  3. This! The people that whine and moan about the sorc class just focus on the killing part, its not what pvp in this game is about. Do what the quoted person does and youll see a dramatic difference in both fun and utility whilst still stacking up the numbers.
  4. /Shoo +1 for you but you aint telling the truth.. If you have problems its you, not the class itself. Ive seen numerous sorcs tear up the place at 50 without problems and without complaints. I suggest you rethink your spec, and go practise a bit. Sorc class is fine.
  5. No one said playing solo was an exploit m8, using an ability to lower ones hp to heal back up to gain a medal however is. The OP shows some real skill in his video, there is no question about that. Not many can get 10+ medals every game, takes hard work and dedication to do that.
  6. This. Just don't... If you want to play one there is a game for it!
  7. I enjoyed that video alot. I'm not a medal hunter, I spec pure healing to help the team but it's nice to see that someone can pull something like that off even with the sacrifice exploit. I usually end up on 5-6 medals healing and dps'ing when I can, only sad part is that on my server, people never ever vote MvP to the healers.. Makes me a sad bearcub Might try this when I get to 50, we will see Thanks for posting
  8. At 33 I find Khem to be lacking even tho he is well geared. Switched to Andro for the Legacy quests(exept against a certain boss) and it was alot easier. I need to heal alot more when Khem is out due to his low damage, altho he survives a hell of a lot longer
  9. I hear ya bruddah! I'm only lvl 33 with my Sorc, but loving every minute of it. Love my other classes too Game is rocking!
  10. Podrik

    Social Rules

    Could you back that up with serious intel? Altho you lack alot of skills between 10 and 31 to be relly competetive, you are by no means useless in warzones. And to be completely honest, I've seen level 15s do and play waaay better then some 50s.
  11. It looks interesting, I am not high enough to try it yet so for now I'm using the spec posted in the Sorc guide. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201GGdRbdbdGzZf00MZ0M.1 That's the spec and it works awesome at lvl 31 Sorc guide : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=856
  12. Like others have said its vital that you keep your companions gear up to par with your own, or maybe even better depending on your setup. I recently specced my sorc into a healer, so I decked out Khem (my tank) in way better gear then I have and there is no issue for me plowing through +2 content, I still try to find groups for them tho because of the social aspect of the game. It is an MMO afterall and you are ment to group up with others for the more difficult parts.
  13. Well some of us have school, both younglings and adults.. Myself I'm way to old to go to school but hey, gotta do something when the job market is slim And we have winter holiday atm for another week.. Then its back to weekend play for me
  14. Bioware has stated that they will implement hours that will fit EU aswell. Just give them time... The game is 2 weeks old, you can't have everything sorted at launch. I cba to look it up but I remember reading about it and they said that the goal is to have EU downtime on tuesday morning starting at 4 AM or something like it. That said I hate this downtime too, at home and have absolutely nothing to do but that's how it is. More rested bonus for my toons until tonights marathon play
  15. Then please define casual for us oh mighty hardcore pvp'er... If casual means having a valor rank 40 something PT that is soley leveled through warzones and havent done any questing exept class quests (besides starter area) and that is in queue for WZ every online hour of the day then yes, I am casual.. I never leave a WZ regardless of the outcome, I don't ***** and whine when loosing and I always vote MvP to the best healer or the one with the highest defender score then yes I am a casual. And don't come dragging with +2100 rating from WoW Arena crap, cuz its worth **** and then some in this game.. PvP is totally different and what ever skill you had in prior games is all out the window here.
  16. I love the PvP. It's way more fun then WoW or Rift PvP ever was. Every class can win a 1 on 1 fight with some brain usage and I love the fact that it's objective over kills like it should be. With that said I try to play classes/specs that no one else plays. Prime PvP Toon is a Powertech with a tank/dps hybrid spec. Think I've seen one or maybe two other PT's besides myself, rest go Merc thanks to the missiles :S Hoping to see more "rebs" soon, same faction Huttball is booring as **** otherwise I have no complaints
  17. I'm leveling as Madness and loving it. I went for Lightning first but there are more options for Kiting if you go Madness, and it's better for PvP Corruption is the easiest way to level a sorc by far tho.
  18. Altho I can agree with the char transfer, please no more same faction wargames... Its irritating enough when getting to fight other imperials every time in Huttball.. Dont want it in the rest too *Edit* To clarify, I dont queue for pvp to kill my own faction, I queue to kill the enemies of my faction..
  19. Yes you can buy it and use the mods, its not certain that you can use the color crystal tho, since they are usually bound by dark or lightside points. Me as a dark side can never use a blue or green crystal for example.
  20. Of course, but that's a problem not limited to 50's vs 10's. I'm lvl 38 with my PvP toon and I've seen 50's just run around killing people with no focus on objectives what so ever. Saying it's all low levels fault is wrong. Like someone else said, biggest problem at the moment is the lack of brackets. 10-29, 30-39, 40-49 and 50 should be sufficient
  21. Yeah It's such a shame you have to deal with level 10-20 people that kicks your scrub *** in warzones.. Must be hard beeing you.. /Shoo troll.. Go complain elsewhere... If you can't hack it against low levels, you know you will get a really really hard time when 50's get their own bracket.
  22. Could you explain to me how they queue with 5 healers when you can only queue with 4 people at a time? I know this because my guild tried to queue as a raid group of 6 people and the system wouldnt allow us too. And even when you queue with 4 people in a group, for example Huttball you can still end up as opponents, we've had that happen to us too. Just curious if I missed anything that allows you to queue with more then 4 people since last patch.
  23. Even tho I play a dps spec (sith sorc) I heal when possible even if it means spamming for a while to get someone up since my heals pretty much sucks.. But any heal is better then no heal at all. Even noticed that sometimes my healing makes it or breaks it, especially in Huttball where healing the ball carrier the last bit towards the goalline can be cruicial.
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