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Everything posted by Grrl

  1. Cool thanks, just set it "on x4" with the NVIDIA control panel. Testing now
  2. Why does so many people ***** about a game feedback? This is his honest input about a integral game mechanic. And he is right! I played now 3 times a Jedi to the mid 20's and believe me, when you had the story 1 or maybe 2 times, after that you start skipping! And you realize that all the talk as nice at it is, is just a simple almost everytime same dialog, just with different characters. Maybe you can trick 12 year olds to not see this but for the average "player", this gets boring fast.
  3. I saw the thread earlier, but somehow cannot remember the correct path. Since "searching" is for some weird reason disabled on the forum i ask here again for the path to the SWTOR ini. Thanks
  4. That is because windows does not have file extension enabled per default. Thsi cna be enabled under folder options...
  5. 1.5 millionen multipliziert mit 50 reicht anscheinend nicht...
  6. While waiting you might enjoy playing http://quakelive.com Soemthing where SKILL is still a requirment.
  7. Welcoem to the club, where we wait for a game which catters to the oldschool hardcore player types
  8. /sign *still waiting for a game which sets the bar for realistic setups... thank you so much!
  9. I pay liek 19.95€ and download 20 gb in 30-60 minutes (Sorry i had to mention this) Its done over tv cable!
  10. OMG which country is this? North Korea? /Feel sad for this internet rip-off.
  11. FIrst off, raising one opinion is something helpful. The alternative would be no feedback at all. Secondly many people are young and might be not very good in pointing out stuff, though negativity is also a sign of learning. It is also a 2-sided coin cause of the moderator response, and here things can go wrong too. So i rather would let people complain and let teh community respond then lock down stuff. All this is a process which is important and can help to make things better. You can start bringing in constructive feedback, which too is not very easy. But if you are good in explaining the issue you might find people agreeing. Ultimately all depends then what the game design making process will yield from user input and how fast things progress. So far i do not have the impression that input is considered important and that things progress rather slow and as "designed" by the so called "roadmap" and a single designer. That is my impression without following the game progress for very long. I maybe stop playing the game soon or i won't if i see that changes are made, or not. But on the bottom line you cannot help a bird which does not fly shortly after living the birth place.
  12. Always enjoying constructive feedback and thanks for pointing out that the air vents ar random ( was still trying to figure it out ). ps. Im sorry for your pvp team while testing
  13. The sound of the lightsabre and the visuals in dark environments, watching the lightsabre fights.
  14. As a Jedi you are FORCED to play a POLICE OFFICER kind of SUPER ANGEL who is commited to help out strangers for free and risk everything. There is no more absurdity and unrealistic to be done when it coms to the player input. So except for like 1% of the questions, you can hit blind. This game is the essence of LINEAR ABSURDITY - epic fail.
  15. Basically to me importance would be that there is always a server to log on... However i already feel that i might not subscribe anyway, move along wait for Guild Wars 2 and hope for real game design. Cheeeeers
  16. This fits well with the linear, static and strictly game design...
  17. What is the plan to bring more "life" to the game world? Here we discuss obviously NPC and mob movements... Please read everything before you reply, thank you
  18. Good point and i really liek to know what "they"plan to do about it, or not. Idea for a solution http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=827312#post827312 Cheeeeers
  19. Adding excitement, fun with the mob http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=827312#post827312
  20. Sarcastic or serious? Missing subtle cues may signal dementia Gullible sufferers may fall for lies, scams more easily because of brain disease http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42644787/ns/health-aging/t/sarcastic-or-serious-missing-subtle-cues-may-signal-dementia/#.TvqWL5hOTzI
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