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Everything posted by BourbonDingo

  1. Why disenchant? I need that 250 credits from vendoring the item, I gotta have money to auction off the other stuff I rolled need on just so I can auction it and make money. Edit - Oh, and repairs. Cause our healer sucks... he is, like, SOOO undergeared. I don't know why.
  2. So, and this is a question I beg you to answer truthfully, you wouldn't care at all if you had spent 3 hours in an instance without any recompense, and that awesome .00000045 percent chance mount/weapon/mod/whatever that only your character type could benefit from because it says (Bounty Hunter only), and someone in the group rolls need on it, ad beats you. Let's go wild, and say you rolled a 1, and he rolled a 2. You wouldn't ask why? You wouldn't wonder why you just got gibbed? You wouldn't be mad if they said something like, "I'm only ten thousand away from my next mount upgrade, and I could sell this for a TON of credits. I know the RNG has loved me today, and I've won all the other rolls in this instance, but I NEED to have a faster speeder." Massively Multiplayer. Multi-players. Other players. (sigh) Co-exist. Or just roll need on EVERYTHING. Those are the options you are presenting.
  3. Well, aren't you clever? I never thought making someone sound like they were whining was an effective argument. Have you noticed how the game makes loot in the loot tables during FlashPoints off bosses drop specific gear? Not world drops, but boss drops? Guess what, that's the game going... "Hey, there's a Trooper, and three Smugglers. Maybe I'll curtail the chances of me dropping any Jedi loot." That happens because BioWare expected standard MMO looting courtesy to be in effect. You may not think it does, and that your enjoyment in total is more important than my enjoyment. That my character should get absolutely no benefit from a FP, simply because your companion can use the same stuff. But, yes... in the theme of your last post, this can come off as finger-pointing across a playground. What we are arguing is the Golden Rule. And apparently, that is subjective and no one should ever follow it ever. This is like me running up and grabbing a chest next to the mob you are killing. "Why did you steal that from me?!! I did the work!" Argument 1 - "Well, you could have waited for someone else to start killing it, and then come and gotten it. See, fair's fair?" Argument 2 - "We have equal chances that we could benefit from the chest!" And that's it. It's a easily punctured argument, as I know you'll come in and masterfully do with your witty 'schoolyard'-isms. But, it sucks. And it is a suckiness you are inflicting simly because you think outfitting a collection of pixels is more important than the achievement of another real, live person (who ironically, I know is just another collection of pixels to you). So, have a good one; and be sure to let your parties know about your looting ideals. Because the way you play your character (right down to the dice rolls) does affect others; just the same way playing a Juggernaut with 2 points in the tanking tree at level 30, claiming you are a tank.
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Golden_Rule "What you do not want to happen to you, do not do it yourself either. " – Sextus the Pythagorean.[21] The oldest extant reference to Sextus is by Origin in the third century of the common era.[22]
  5. No. If you roll on gear I need, without telling me first that you are going to roll on it. I won't be doing the instance with you. I'll stop. You won't get 2 - 3 more chances on loot that your class (or for that matter your companion) can use. So, it's my business who I play the game with; just the same as it's your business. Groups ask why you rolled on something you personally can't use. Why? Because it's damn hard to put together a group sometimes. Why? Because if I don't benefit from a run in an effective way, I'm not going to do it. That's one less tank in the pool, one less healer. XP? Space dailies. Money? See left. Why am I in the instance? To collect awesome lootz for my character. To help other people collect lootz for their CHARACTER. If your companion gets geared as a side-effect, or because I already have the piece. Fine. Just please, do us all a favor and stick to your guns. Make sure you let your party know of your standpoint on 'need-rolling' for companions.
  6. How you roll affects what I achieve from the instance. Am I running it for the XP? Am I running it for the quest complete? Or, more likely? Am I running it for the gear? If the answer is the last one? It definitely is my business how you roll, because it definitely affects whether or not I enable you to get chances at your loot.
  7. For his character, which he uses 100% of the time, it was an upgrade. For your companion, which you may use 99% of the time, it was an upgrade. That 1% percent? Well, let's just say it's not equal anymore. And that makes him truly more entitled to it.
  8. Okay, so I understand no Wookies. I understand no Jawa's. But, there are tons... tons of other humanoid-ish races that could have been allowed. I understand that full-blooded Sith aren't really a good choice to be a Jedi. But why couldn't I be a Chiss Jedi? Why couldn't I be a Twilek trooper? Armor clipping issues? Really?
  9. I have. So, you greed it. Me? If I don't need it, I roll greed. Why? Because I'll do two things with it. Sell it, or give it to a companion. We each had equal chance for the piece, and we each had similar ideas for its purpose. Fair enough, that's great. Now, let's talk about how needing for companions is plain wrong. Vanguard joins your FlashPoint because he saw... "LF Tank for Cad, and we're good to go". He probably joined for any number of reasons, but all of them (especially when it comes to a PuG) were to enhance his character. You are playing a Commando. If you'd have told him at the beginning that you were rolling Need on every piece of Aim/Endurance heavy armor solely for Aric Jorgan; because you've already gotten all the pieces? He'd have left the party. You didn't. He spent a good portion of his time, wasted. He joined your party for his own reasons, but he enabled 3 people to enjoy content and get a chance at some loot. And, you screwed him over. Yeah, he MIGHT get that loot he'll roll need on. But, why bother doing it with your group when he could go find another? Common courtesy goes a long way. And, for the argument that your companion helps you in 99% of the content, so gearing them is just as important? You can't use your companion in PvP. You can't use your companions when your party is full, like when you are tackling content in a Heroic 4, or FlashPoint... You can't use your companion when gear bonuses are utilized the most. So, even if you didn't read any of that... Needing for companions can be fine, but if you are the person who is going to do it, tell your party when you start. Watch those party members melt away, unless you do some investigation on who is already geared past the content. Better yet, ask questions when loot is rolled on. You'd be surprised how many people don't mind your companion getting gear, as long as they don't need it.
  10. This is exactly my feelings on this situation. I've played enough Flashpoints to say that the best way to work it, is just... "Hey, that thing that dropped? My companion can use that. Can you guys run this again? Great experience, and more chances at loot. If that thing does drop again, you mind if my companion can get it?" More often than not, they run again. More often than not? It doesn't drop again. But, when it does? I get sweet companion loots, and friend invites.
  11. Ooh. I know the answer to this one. I can kill a healer.
  12. I was actually considering it; but the 249 price tag seemed a little steep to me. It looks so sleek though.
  13. Can anyone recommend a keyboard? I'm pretty happy with the mouse I currently have, but I am in the market for a good mouse pad with a wrist support.
  14. Yeah, all that looks bad when you don't put the original comment I replied to with it. The comment with the general gist of "I should have access to more content than you because I work harder than you". Which, if we're just talking about end-game hardmode rewards and items... Sure. But, content. The story, the fun... That shouldn't be limited to raid-only; where, in essence, I have to put in the time of another job just to enjoy some content. So, as the state of the game stands, we're sowing the seeds of a useless argument. But, I don't want to find myself like I did in WoW, where just to see some content in a dungeon; I had to prove my gearscore was high enough, that I'd not make any mistakes, that I understood that we weren't taking our time, that I'd name my firstborn George... You get the picture.
  15. Why would this be a bad thing? Because sooner or later, when someone finally tells the general populace that the fastest route to level 50 is "insert advanced class here"; you'll have a glut of that class. Let's use an example (completely made up). "Assassin is the fastest way to 50!" "Awesome! (level to 50)" "Aww, we're at level 50 content and we'll only take a healer in our group!" "Sweet!" (Changes to Sorcerer) (Has no clue how to effectively heal, and isn't geared correctly.) --- See, where this is going? This is effectively like buying a level 50 character. Not to mention, if I had to fight you for loot rolls the entire time I was levelling, only to find out you jumped ship with all the items I should have gotten because you had no intention of staying in the class? Yeah, that might affect my enjoyment a bit.
  16. Whoa there, cowboy. I pay the exact same you do to play this game. I could argue that I actually pay more per hour than you do because I don't get to play all that often, making my money more important, but we'll set that on the back burner to percolate. You have the gall to say that there is content in this game that I should not have access to? Items I'll let you slide on, because I agree that more work should be put in for those 'l33t gearz'; but there shouldn't be a shred of content I don't get to see because I don't have 400 Biochem, or because I don't have the... and this my favorite... gear from the instance I'm wanting to do so I can get the gear from the instance I'm trying to do. That's an endless cycle of stupidity, or a catch-22 if you will. Rewards for achieving certain accomplishments, such as completing a successful raid, should happen and only to those who earned them. But... Content (not items) should be accessible by EVERYONE.
  17. Stop nerfing crew skills. First, it was slicing. Now, it's Biochem? Basically, this seems like a witch-hunt for all of "them-there" useful skills. Here's an idea. How about we use Biochem as a model for how all the crafting skills should be? Leave Biochem the way it is, and bring the other skills up to par. But, I do agree one thing that should be nerfed about Biochem. Only allow PvP consumables in PvP!
  18. Hmm, weird. I often have close to the top Objective score, and regularly win games. I capture points, and I place DoT's on people trying to place bombs. Oh, did I mention I just hit level 20? You say that like someone who waits until level 30 isn't going to be useless by default in PvP if they've NEVER DONE PVP. Best way to learn to fully utilize what you have in PvP is to play PvP, and the best way to learn is slowly as you acquire skills. It's like making a high level character in D&D, and then expecting to know exactly how to play it.
  19. My Ship, Your Ship, Every Other Ship Same answers apply to mail terminals. Also give me training droids on ship, and daily quest terminals beyond ship battles. I'm only asking for this as we have a superbly limited use fleet pass, and no instant travel ship pass.
  20. This, exactly. The problem is, is that every single person and their mother is playing a Sith Sorcerer; who against any form of Burst DPS can be absolutely demolished. So, the "I can't kill this guy, and no one else can" argument is sort of moot until "everyone else" isn't a Sorcerer, or a Sage.
  21. P-bottles! I knew I'd heard of something like the antonym of 'carebear' or 'casual' from somewhere. Thanks for keeping me from thinking about that for the rest of the day.
  22. So let me get this straight. You just want to have fun, and group with your guildies? That sounds awesome. I completely support that. But I, the so-called "Carebear" (By the way, the term originates from UO because of protective measures from overbearing PK'ers and griefers), who would like to PvP every once in a while and don't really have any avid PvP'ers in my guild, am less of a player because I don't feel like queuing up and getting steamrolled by the same group of players every time I set foot in PvP. In Modern Warfare, they allow clan tags. Most hardcore clans that sit and farm randoms don't use those clan tags, because it has gotten to the point where a lot of people just disconnect when all they see is a list of <L33T PeeVeePee> on the other side of the board. Yes, some of us are casual. Those of us who are... pay the exact same amount of money that you do for this game, which means we are entitled to the exact same amount of satisfaction. So, allow 8 man pre-mades; by all means. But, a couple of caveats. 1) Premades should only be able to go up against premades. 2) Better yet, make a separate queue where only randoms can join. I promise you that you'll notice that there are a crap-ton more 'carebears' (Utterly stupid and derisive term) than there are PvP "pseudo-jocks" (See, I can do it too). Now that the forced and pointless derision is out of the way. I agree that you should have 8 mans. Heck, throw in some cool "vanity" gifts for the ranking system only between 8 man premades. You've obviously worked a little bit more to get to that point than the average player. But keep those queues separate, and rated.
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