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Everything posted by kongol

  1. thats funny from you... There are no bugs or problems on this game . Move along... Keep your eye on the target everythings perfect...
  2. never mind nothing on this forum matters LOL ... we will just wait and see all these players that will be playing... with all those overcrowded servers we already have
  3. yes you need medication as anyone that doesnt like new stuff they claim is great and on its way should be killed.... i think you need to live say some where around Syria with people of your like mindedness..
  4. i wouldnt call many of those new... maybe Nerfs like for crafting etc..
  5. i hope you go to one of the get togethers for swtor.. So i can get out of my wheel chair to smack you... But from your style of posting you will just run... Ill try to get a motor for my chair so you cant run to the Devs whineing your a wuss
  6. actually ever companion will be the same almost if use pistols every pistol companion will have same skills as an example... Thats why restricting some to certain storys is stupid they are now all the same with a different skin... let us use them at any time any story no need to even change the voices as they are exact copys of each other with a different skin...
  7. steady player base all good? Ok those almost barren servers are all wrong..
  8. Titles gone ok.. But ALL the companions will be the same.. No matter how you try and spin it. they will all be exact copies except for skins... pistol guys will be same sword blaster rifle etc... Devs stated they will all have exact same skills... So why even have them put in certain storys and not allow all of them they are all exact copys just let us chose hell you dont even have to change story as they all have same skills healer/tank/dps and can even use same voices..
  9. Honestly i dont post much... but how is it companions now going to be just reskins of each other a good thing? all blaster pistol companions will have same powers etc... How is this good? why even earn compamions as they will all be the exact same even in story missions.. just let people pick which ever they want at level 1 and be done with it...
  10. No ones proved anything.. and i do agree it a waste of time talking to some people.. Have fun..
  11. i can understand most of it but your companions getting 1200 to 1500 extra Hit points inst a big deal? not to mention damage bonus and such.OK no ones home.. I probably have more leveled toons than you... But since people where talking about leveling problems i started a new toon or 2 on a new server... You say you dont see a difference i dont believe you have even tried.. Will just cal it a dissagreement and move on,,,
  12. SO you have never recived an item to go purchase weapons and such with a blue shield on them and they can be moved thru your legacy freely? ANd claim you played several toons to 55? Also 400 presence bonus effects everything a companion does including healing...its a big deal all the way to level 50ty Im not saying new system is crap im saying it works allot different for new guys and such not using legacy bonuses and such...
  13. 400 presence alone is a huge bonus at lower levels... legacy weapons another large bonus ,, tweek and HK yea... but those first 2 are rather large bonuses not to mention handing of credits and equipment...
  14. Thats also because your useing legacy etc.. handing off equipment... Try a new toon no legacy... You will see what people are talking about... Most of the people saying it plays the same are all in 55 plus toons and or Large legacy perks..
  15. Doesnt work all that way for some of the classes... like a bonus to force quake yea great now look at sweeping slash LOL that 25% isnt so great...
  16. Considering the whole patch especially the skill utilitys was all just for PvP i dont see the problem..well except for the very short addition of 2 really tiny planets...
  17. And your saying the utilitys are meaningful choices.. FOr PvP maybe...
  18. Well mostly i play PvE as i like Star wars storys...i Have 16 toons so i could have 2 of each type and try them all.. but so far the utilitys all seem PvP... like the 25% damage bonus on 1 utility or the 5 % reduction to incoming damage on another... for th 25% bonus damage to say sweeping slash.. err ok it was a weak attack no one used now its a Normal attack YOU might use if you mess up an aggro 3 or more Mobs... the 5 %damage thing err ok yea not mush but better than nothing...Other than those 2 I am not seeing much for PvE...
  19. True but the utility lovers only comment to say Well its better.... And it is for PvP...
  20. So in other words its great but you have no response other than ITS great and will be better but i dont know how LOL trolls
  21. well this is all fine for the Pvp GUYS ... but i prefer PvE and most of the utilitys on my 16 toons all seem for PvP and very few are useful outside of it... like the 25% more damage one for a skill thats already so weak that.. no one would use them anyway... buffed some as they are not really useful past getting ship mission... 1 utitliy that adds some damage reduction... on a few classes.... as i said just about all three levels of utilitys are just PvP skills...
  22. Not according to the servers when yo look at them... logged on for 12 hours and kept tabs... standard is as high as it got... Most of the servers say Light.... althru the fact they are removeing all skill costs for trees skills right before release might get allot more free guys on...
  23. Well to be honest you didnt provide logic you provided your opinion which is different..
  24. the buying skills again is going to make the Free to play people mad... as they have limited accont sizes anyway and limited money...
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