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Everything posted by kongol

  1. err are they really any different builds now besides the different trees?
  2. yep waiting to see if its just cause of patch day...
  3. actuall dont even know how to link unlike you and your friend i dont spend time trying to sound better than everyone else... BUT click on several threads on first page of forum and start reading hes in about all of them... And as you said your basicly a PvPer/Raid elitist who wouldnt give a casual or a newguy the time of day...Its expected... Just hope catering to your type doesnt drive away more people than it already has...
  4. And actually no im talking about the ones being insulting on several threads moveing from thread to thread... I like some of the changes some i dont... but you have several like one on here in several threads belittling anyone that doesnt love every change...
  5. LOL go check out several posts hes made in serveral threads... But hey you guys got to stick together right ...
  6. Never mentioned level changes.. that i understand but every class change and skill change EVEN on live stream they said was for PvP except oh this is a raid utility we gave everyone that lol ... yes it impacts PvE thats the point catering to the PvP crowd always affect PvE and usually not well... Catering to a minority always hurts a larger group in MMOs..
  7. LOL even the twitch stream the Devs on it kept saying changes for PvP.. none of this was needed for PvE except add on revan adventures.. class changes . damage changes, Displines are all for PvP,,, oing to b ALLOT of bugs
  8. well besides the Revan PvE stuff the whole patch is geared for PvP people... so yea PvE will probably be bugged to kingdom come and back as usual
  9. Basicly the twitch video just reenforced that all these changes are for PvP and some stuff was adjusted hoping the PvE players like me wouldnt mind....here we give you some raid stuff... LOl... ah well
  10. Well being mainly a causal PVE type... between all these class changes and skill changes to cater to the PvP crowd... If it requires work to play the game do to damage rather than get together with some friends to play.. Most of the group im with will just leave... to many other games out there to worry about this game being a job....
  11. Besides globe changes will there skills get tweaked as well?
  12. ALl the changes except for a few on all the classes and global .. To me seem just to be catering to the PVP crowd...Maybe im wrong but watching all the vids on twitch it all just seems to be set up for the loudest group
  13. speaking of the vocal ones.. now come the You play My way because im ELITE yer a NOOB types...
  14. thats your opinion.. in mine its better for you so you dont give a crap about anyone else..
  15. Who cares of they where bad.. as i said to another.. ALLOT of us play for fun and develop our builds to suit the person we are playing as in rpg... this system is for the rush to end min max pvpers as usual...
  16. well people like you maybe.. and the people that love to min and max.. Allot of us as in people i know play for fun,,, Who cares if you have best build.. we build them to how ww see them develop... as in RPG very on happy with this basicly just rams thru content to get to pvp..
  17. only bad thing i can see is everyone will be exactly they same... because everyone will choose the same best utilitys... this is not for the players this is for lazy developers,,,
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