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Everything posted by Dynellen

  1. The talent works perfectly fine, it just doesn't stack with sprint. It's very useful on PvP. If you're chasing a target who isn't snared and is out of melee range you will never catch him but with this talent you will catch up to them. It's one of the few things I miss when I specced from combat to watchman, with leap on cd and target isn't snared I can do nothing against a person running from me, whereas in combat spec I would catch said person eventually. If you really want to test it just start running in a straight line, take off sprint and then keep switching in and out of Ataru form, you will notice your speed changing slightly.
  2. Around 150-200k usually on ~even matches, max 150k on dominating matches (enemies die too quick) or when getting rolled by some premade. 250k isn't anything rare for me if I get some healer support. Record is a bit over 300k.
  3. The offhand hits are easy to see, just do master strike. You should see 2 numbers pop up at the start (main hand and off hand) and then another 2 at the end of the channel (again main hand and off hand). Of course this is presuming everything hits, offhand accuracy is pretty low. Most attacks that this apply to even say it in description, Merciless slash is "Strikes the target with both lightsabers", others say 'attacks with both weapons if dual-wielding' etc.
  4. The tooltip accounts for the total damage of the skill, aka it includes the damage from off-hand hit. Also there's always some armor reducing the damage.
  5. ^This. People in their 40's are much stronger than low level people but that's mostly due to having more abilities (CC etc) but they can still be killed pretty much normally by good players. The problem is level 50 people with expertise suddenly become godly compared to say level 49 person, well geared 50's have 15-20k hp (compared to everyone elses 12-13k) and along with expertise damage reduction you suddenly need almost 3 non level 50's to take them down in a reasonable amount of time (god forbid they have healer support). So yes just do 10-49 and 50 brackets and things suddenly become alot more even. The only downside this brings is 50's getting longer queues but that problem will slowly improve every day as more and more people reach level 50.
  6. Sentinel in level 40 pvp gear I think the gear looks pretty good, too bad in few short levels I'll be working towards the stupidest design decision seen in MMORPG-armor aka the level 50 sentinel pvp gear
  7. I got a 0000 match yesterday, queue popped, I joined in on Alderaan with my team at 10 life vs ~200 on enemy, needless to say the ship was destroyed before I could get anywhere near the battle. So yes a 0000 score doesn't always mean a leecher in the team.
  8. It's a decent ability at lower levels but once you start getting better focus spenders and talents that lower ability costs it becomes worse and worse. I removed it from my bar at around level 30, it just costs too much focus in PvE to be worth it. At 40+ you're comparing 2 focus blade rush to 3 focus riposte and it just isn't worth it, yes once in a blue moon you might want to spend the extra focus to give immediate off the GCD burst. Also in PvP there's no bloody way I can afford the focus to use it, since interrupting, slowing, stunning etc all takes focus every point becomes important and I'd much rather blade rush than riposte.
  9. With Zen up and Focused Slash talent (tier 1 Watchman) Blade rush needs 2 focus to activate but then refunds 1 effectively making it 1 cost, also it's perfectly spammable since it has no cd.
  10. It seems to me that people in this thread are arguing over the wrong thing, I thought we were meant to discuss burst dps but what you're actually talking about is hardest hitting (critting) single ability? Combat is nowhere near having the hardest hitting single ability due to it's very nature, however it has a very high burst. Watchman's top ability hits like a truck but costs a whopping 5 focus so of course it's going to hit harder than anything Combat has to offer. The point with combat spec is that with Zen you'll be spamming 1 focus costing blade rush and 2 focus costing, guaranteed crit blade storms with 100% armor penetration while having 50% chance for each attack to proc ataru hit with all the related benefits (more focus, 10% extra damage). So yes Combat will never win the 'my crit is bigger than your crit' race because by design the spec is about spamming low cost abilities constantly instead of having a single hard hitting ability.
  11. Dynellen

    MVP votes

    It's +50 valor points and +1 commendation per mvp vote gained.
  12. Armor affects kinetic and energy damage, almost all weapons (lightsabers, blasters etc) and most common spells (all the lightning and such) deal energy damage and thus are reduced by armor. Now how heavy armor affects your armor level vs light armor wearer in pvp that I don't really know since the bolster effect kinda screws things up, eg. everyone having ~12k hp despite tanks and such having more endurance than others in reality.
  13. So you're saying that having a lfg tool makes people sit in cities (republic fleet?) instead of sitting in cities (republic fleet?) spamming chat?
  14. Do NOT start the fight with jump. Most of the time you can run up to the enemy just fine before they take notice of you. Start with zealous strike-> leg slash and THEN start working on the dps, now you're facing a slowed enemy who either runs away (you can dps him all you want), has to cc you (use your 2 min cd if up), or he knocks you back (leap and proceed to lay down the hurt as now he can't really get out of melee range). If the enemy happens to be stupid enough to just stay in melee range and challenge you then enjoy, sentinels aren't the greatest in pvp due to our limited cc/gap closer arsenal but I've found that IF the enemy actually fights you in melee then sentinels are awesome, unleash your focus abilities, pacify/force stasis to wait for cd's on better abilities to end and repeat high damage abilities. Master strike is good ability to use when waiting for cd's or when you're out of focus and need to finish the enemy right now, it instantly does a decent amount of damage and you can then cancel it instead of waiting for the second tick which happens at the end of the channel (if you need to say interrupt a cast). Don't forget your interrupt as well, it's the difference between life and death when you use it against heals and force lightning etc.
  15. There's two types of str/endurance equipment/mods. Might has high str/very low end and guardian has slightly less str but alot more end (I think at one point I had to choose between might 17 str/6 end, guardian 15 str/15 end or something like that). Obviously the very low endurance equipment is mostly aimed at sentinels and very dps oriented guardian so if you want to tank make sure when picking your mods/gear to get the ones with high endurance.
  16. As long as you hit a target at least once every 15 seconds you will have permanent 10% damage increase, provided you have 5 stacks.
  17. Accuracy is a secondary stat that starts appearing in level 30+ gear/mods.
  18. In your talent build and rotation you talk about using Slash, but is it really worth the 2 talent points in focus/worth using at all? Considering that Blade rush costs the same as slash, does slightly less damage but always triggers an Ataru strike and does 30% more crit damage (ataru strike also does 30% extra crit damage) and this ataru strike then triggers opportune attack (10% extra damage on focus spender).So shouldn't you just drop Slash out of your bar once you learn Blade rush?
  19. I agree with this, I had the same problem. Logging out didn't help but actually exiting the game fixed the issue.
  20. I agree there should definately be proper rewards for playing matches properly. The other day I for example did 3 or 4 goals in one game with 1-2 people helping me out. At the end of the match I was somewhere in the middle of the scoreboard while the people who did nothing towards us actually winning and just randomly fought somewhere gained all the medals and rewards.
  21. focus spending abilities give 1 centering when used. Killing an enemy gives 1 centering. Some talents increase centering gathering. When you gain 30 centering you can use one of 3 abilities which consume all your centering and give you short term bonuses, Zen gives offensive bonuses depending on your current form, at level 22 you get ability which increases run speed and defense and at level 40something you get ability which gives you and everyone in party 15% damage and healing increase.
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