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Everything posted by Dan_Loto

  1. I believe that in the Jedi Knight class story, the Emperor's devoted followers who understood his galaxy eating intentions remained loyal to him because they believed he would revive his servants afterwards. Even if that's completely wrong, a Sith Warrior could still be RPed like that.
  2. I kind of thought that it was kind of sarcasm and the trooper was making a joke about her not realizing that he/she was on the strike team. Guess not
  3. It's because there's no incentive. In fact, there's an incentive to not pvp because you'll get your commendations faster if you avoid unprovoked entanglements. Plus, rp minded people should be more passive because it's supposed to be a joint coalition.
  4. I don't think the emperor will be killed dead until the next expansion. We'll probably be battling his secret power base, which end up being much more massive than anticipated. Maybe he has the third Rakatan station besides the Foundry and Star Forge. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rakatan_terraforming_space_station
  5. The screenshot button has been buggy for as long as there has been a screenshot button.
  6. Me too, this is my #1 issue right now.
  7. We'll probably be fighting his entire Hand and whatever is left of the Imperial Guard. Perhaps he'll even choose a new Wrath. Darth Marr, Vowrawn, and Imperius/Occlus/Nox will probably get the rest of the Dark Council in line to disavow him, but maybe some members will stay loyal to him and take their power bases to his side. Darth Jadus could even return, since it's claimed that he's the next most powerful Sith after the Emperor and didn't seem to fond of the eat-the-galaxy plan. Disclaimer: I haven't seen most of the new class story yet, so I may have a significant knowledge gap.
  8. I found the trooper story to be quite nostalgic and hope to see more in future updates!
  9. I leveled my Vanguard through Rishi and Yavin IV story + doing the dailies and solo flashpoints and ended up a little over 59 (and no space baring!). I'm guessing that solo Forged Alliance would have put me over the top, but I was unable to do those, possibly because I had done the normal versions before.
  10. I live in ND and have played on east and west coast servers. The ping is almost the same, but I get a slighter better one on east coast servers.
  11. My friend's trooper did this when I was with him. It was pretty much "yay you beat Rakton good job." My vanguard did that. She says she won't release him. It felt pretty epic being able to sway her like that. Garza agreed with me. My commando did this, but I don't remember!
  12. I am #1320. I remember when this site first went up. I stayed away from all forms of beta to avoid spoilers and started playing on the first day of early access with my Vanguard on Jung Ma. After he got to 50 I started a Warrior on Ajunta Pall (I think that's the name) and got him to 50. Then I made some more characters on Jung Ma and eventually everyone ended up on POT5 where I made a ton more. This is true for many that I know!
  13. The only way to avoid the wrath of Revan is to show him his new baby (insert greats here) grandchildren.
  14. I find the name of the video game itself to be very offensive. "Star Wars: The Old Republic." Stars: Insensitive to people with skin cancer. Wars: People die in wars! The: This part is okay. Old: Tons of people die when they get old! Republic: Republics partake in wars and are offensive for the same reason. Therefore, the game should be renamed: ____ ____: The ___ ________.
  15. I really hope they make these soloable like they're planning with Forged Alliances; I can never find a group.
  16. Concordia and Mandalore confirmed.
  17. I would love to have a merger of Jung Ma and POT5. I started out on Jung Ma but transferred. I wouldn't mind the Bastion either, depending on how reasonable the pings are, but I've never played on it. As far as I'm concerned, more players = more fun. The ignore list works fine for weeding out the riff raff.
  18. Do they have female sandpeople robes yet? http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41BDFB5MJYL.jpg
  19. Race would be too hard because the non force sensitive class stories weren't written for that. Imagine if right after General Garza promotes you she points out that droids can't hold rank in the Republic military. I've long wanted a droid class or two though. It seems like the common criticism that always comes up is "droids aint got no free will they just machines," but SWTOR, Star Wars in general, and Bioware (in the Mass Effect series) have covered that topic many times, so it wouldn't be too hard to write. The biggest problem I see with droid classes is that the current generic planet quests are written for Jedi/Sith/Soldiers/Agents/Smugglers/Bounty Hunters, and NPCs often address you by title. I'm pretty sure it would be impossible to bring back every voice actor and have them redo lines to include droids. I think the only solution to that problem is to copy G0-T0's style from KotOR II and have the droid characters "place a holocall" and have a Sith/Jedi hologram standing next to them. The Jedi/Sith would be fake, just like how G0-T0 pretended to be a man remotely controlling the droid when he was actually the droid. The NPCs would address the hologram as if it was a person, and call them Jedi/Lord/Darth etc. Droids would also have to be restricted from the flirt options, because you can't really pull that off through a hologram.
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