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Everything posted by Scav

  1. Fix that for ya. And on a side note, I do have a mara.
  2. Yes, who designed this? Melee classes w/ all the jumps, pulls, snares, speed, constant dmg reductions, ect. And to top this, melee classes w/ range skills that hit for 4.5k.
  3. So, kitting classes that are very dependable on channeled skills and barely ever get over 2.5k dmg are the easiest to play. Pls, roll one.
  4. What was the beautiful skill for mesmers in GW? Diversion was it? I miss that. BH/Troop single skill spam... FIXED....
  5. Dear god. Have ya actually looked away from the computer since release?
  6. What's next? Give 'em cloak and the nuke ability from Star Craft and instantly wipe everything?
  7. It gets even worse. Death Field works half the time these days.
  8. Sorcs have light armor, which makes 'em more agile. So they can avoid more attacks. And are less likely hindered by CCs. And gives 'em better resolve. Ohh, wait....
  9. Read what? A post by a calculator warrior?
  10. Ya forgot how Ilum has never been more alive and flourishing.
  11. Oh finally, someone mentioned pull for sorcs and sages. Defensive pull is nice but only one class has it per faction. Now, offensive pull is a different animal that two classes carry it per faction. Ya mention defensive pull during huttball. How about getting pulled away from a door on voidstar when ya trying to get there and interrupt? Or pulled into fires and ect? Or getting pulled into base on Ilum? Don't confuse good team play by over powered skill. Sorcs'/sages' pull is meaningless, if there isn't a teammate caring the ball.
  12. I'm leveling both as alts. But I'm still undecided which one is better for pvp. Cloak and offensive pull or massive dmg and CCs? I'm sure I can find uses for both but as right now, don't have to time for both.
  13. Very simple. My experience in this game. PvP 10-49, nice, winning 7-8 wzs out of ten. First time I hit 50, argh, winning 1-2 wzs out of ten. Now, half champ half cent, winning around 8 wzs out of ten; and not a single game in a premade or a group. So yeah, taking gear out of the equation is great. Skilled players won't have to hit that wall once they reach 50.
  14. Dunno about that. But today, half the time my death field doesn't interrupt the cap. PS: I would love to get that AoE DoT for my sorc, just show me the spec.
  15. 'Cause PVE is too hard.
  16. Nice vid, good editing, good music but it's scary in the same time. A generally considered a melee tank class w/ a long range ability that hits for circa 3.5k, AoE ability that hits for 3.0k, a great escape method by leaping (bit situational but still) and ppl complain about sorcs/sages.
  17. Scav

    Illum Redesign?

    I'm not sure exactly how it is coded but moving all the PVE stuff to another planet (Ilum's Moon) might be an idea for lag.
  18. Nice vid. The nubiness is strong.
  19. As I'm reading this wonderful thread, it makes me grin at the usual replies, "Blame the user..."
  20. Scav

    Thank ya, EA.

    Great, racing own faction players for PVE Objectives. Very smart.
  21. Scav

    Thank ya, EA.

    Dear EA, thank ya once again for your infinite wisdom in making Ilum even deader. At least before, ya could get a brake and get some action from limited 3 warzones, even though, we all know, every single pixel in huttball. It was very smart to make dailies to take 10 WZ To complete. It absolutely shocks me the amount time a casual gamer w/ a job has to spend on a daily w/out even having time to enjoy your, so proclaimed, "story" MMO. And, I'm not even gonna go into the bag and commendation situation. Is this the best ya can come up w/, while using your collective brains? Once again, THANK YA VERY SO MUCH!! P.S. Stick to sport games, like Madden, which ya release every year w/out adding much content.
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