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Everything posted by Aghar

  1. Actually running around with a group of organized friends, and going up against another equally skilled team in premades is a blast, that is the whole point of an mmo. Just because your a damn recluse, and lack social skills does not make me a worse player. This game is balanced around team dynamics. If you don't want to work together with a team and have a strategy there are many single player games out on the market. Oh but wait you cant flex your e***** on a single player game can you?? I beleive I have hit the root of your problem.
  2. A luck based system effects everyone equally. That is the whole point of random number generation. Instead of letting someone just grind grind grind grind till they are in full battlemaster gear, they actually have to take a chance, just like everyone else. Does lady luck smile on some and not others, yes, but RNG is the most fair method of giving out anything. People like the op and you are just butthurt because lady luck did not decide to smile on you, and call a totally random system unfair.
  3. Aghar

    Nerf all DPS classes?

    All mmo's are in a constant state of change, as you said true balance is impossible. So technically we are in what is known in the gaming industry as a live beta. Every mmo is in this stage from release till they close the servers.
  4. In general surviving longer is better than doing more damage. However you are talking about 1 mod here. It really depends on your other gear at this point. The longer you live the more overall damage you do, but at the same time you might live longer if you hit a little harder. Balancing out gear for pvp is always a thin line and varies from situation to situation.
  5. there is an easy solution to it down here little further almost there keep going roll republic.
  6. I am in about 2/3 champ gear, I do well as long as I play with my team and generally have a good time. But the gear is not my goal, the good time is, I honestly don't care if i get a purple every time I open a bag, if i do neat, if I don't well meh who cares, my team still stomps face. So yet again, to your absurd statement let me laugh even louder now. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  7. still don't get why people are so against server mergers. you take 2 low pop servers, and move one onto the other, give them all a free name change and poof, you suddenly have 1 either medium or high pop server that everyone can get good que times on. Seems to solve all the problems.
  8. Aghar

    Nerf all DPS classes?

    Just because a class got nerfed a tiny bit, does not mean the sky is falling. Changes will always happen, some will be buffs some will be nerfs. This is just part of playing an MMO. Being all doom and gloom like your post will do nothing but fan flames. They do not use the forums to make game choices, they only use the forums to bring issues to their attention. After the issue is brought up they carefully study the data they have (just because the client does not have a combat log does not mean they cant keep track of damage output). Also they can pull from a huge sample size rather quickly to get their data. Going all end of the world is just a drama call and trying to stir up trouble.
  9. bwahahahahahahahahahah.....oh wait your serious.....lemme laugh even harder BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAH
  10. Id ask if I can have your stuff, but you dont have any.
  11. Oh noes we roll with premades, to enhance our chances of winning....Dude this is an MMO, and as such you tend to do better when your organized and not running around alone like a moron.
  12. That is kinda the whole point of a dot. DOT stands for Damage over time, you give up up front burst damage for a slower, and much stronger total damage. And dots are crazy easy to remove in this game.
  13. most rogues were terrible back then, why bother learning your class when you can just stunlock 99% of your enemies to death. Like he said no good rogue needed all their cooldowns.
  14. Hey those movies were funny as hell, and showcased exactly how broken vanilla wow rogues were, considering only 1 fight in the series is setup.
  15. Yep, most people come to a forum to ***** and nothing else. Hell Bioware probably does not even use the pvp forums for ideas, just due to the amount of garbage that piles up in here.
  16. just because you want something, does not mean it needs to be in the game. Seems the majority in this thread do not want arena in the game.
  17. Aghar

    Future of PvP

    At this moment, they have a very strong no on the subject of arena. They may implement it in the future but right now its a flat out no.
  18. so because you cant hop back and fourth to nullify an opponent, you are going to quit? Door is that way mr bunnyhopper ->
  19. every class has autoaim, if you are moving you cant turn 180 though.
  20. Aghar


    Nerf limeskittles!!!!
  21. Because the same people who rolled that op class because it is op will still view it as a nert and still cry tears till they make rivers, or they get back to their op status. Only buffing leads to power creep, sometimes a nerf has to come, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
  22. So much rage, so much hate, omg they cant ever change things to satisfy people like you unless your standing ontop of a pile of corpses of your enemies that you killed entirely by yourself while only pushing 3 buttons and eating a sammich with your free hand. God I pity people like you, go back to single player games if you just that bad at mmo's
  23. While i agree with your points....your first sentace put me way off and actually made me just want to ignore you. Drop the whole elitist attitude bub.
  24. must be great running around the same pole over and over again while the other team does the same on the other side waiting for one side to make one simple mistake that only slightly throws the balance in the other teams favor because both teams are exactly the same comp doing the exact same moves over and over again to the point where I can sit there and predict what move each person is going to do. Fun times yeah. I am for arena btw, just not wow arena, no gear reward, no epeen flex, if anything you get a title and that is all, maybe a mount. If you want gear from arena you don't want arena you just want ez gear.
  25. So many people don't understand that skill =/= knowing which button to push when. Skill is much broader than that. Skill is knowing when to engage, when not to engage, when to run when to stand, when to interupt, what gear to use (trust me all of 1 set is almost never the best choice). What stats to mod, what stats to keep. Knowing the range of your team, knowing your own personal range. Skill has so much to do with winning that while yes gear is a factor, a sub par geared but much better skilled player will still roll over a crappy 100% battlemaster geared player.
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