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Everything posted by Aghar

  1. terribad idea, all around, all of it is bad. Cant do constructive criticism with this because well no matter how much you polish a turd its still a turd.
  2. Yes it is needed, it makes it where we don't have to stack 3 plus dps on 1 healer just to get them to run away. I am sorry to say this but, wow ****ed it up hard core, letting people heal at the level required for raids in bgs/arena's. A healer is still viable, but you are not a god. You will have to be smart, use los, your knock backs, and cc's to stay alive now, and work together with your team mates if people start to pound on you, not just dance around laughing as your bubbles absorb every single point of damage directed at you. I know it sucks if you expect to be this unkillable healing machine, but it is much more balance, and most good healers I know like it, they say it makes them think about who to heal, and when to heal or run. Also to function as a healer you need teamwork now.
  3. lawl, your ideals are so backwards its laughable. Enjoy failing almost every game because you refuse to realize this is a team game.
  4. Protip: bad players blame everything but themselves. Learn to play and get a damn premade.
  5. Um read his post, hes selling a service, its just a catchy tag line.
  6. Aghar


    When you learn how to write code and make your own game you can tell them how long it takes to get bugs fixed, until then shut yo cakehole.
  7. Amazing Idea, love it to death, if you need a branch opened on wounds in the force gimme a buzz
  8. Usually it is if its red its dead. Except on Ilum cause all the carebears need their gearbags.
  9. Just because I am light sith does not mean I agree with Jedi teaching. Jedi teach that neutrality and control lead to power, sith teach passion and emotion lead to power. Being a light side sith only means that I do not let my emotions rule me, just fuel me. Dark side jedi can use emotion to make themselves more powerfull, but know when to shut it off. Yes a light side sith /dark side jedi have a higher chance of falling to the other side, but it is not automatic, and you can still have light side sith (brutal, efficient, cold, calculating, but does not murder everyone in sight) or a dark side jedi (hero with a dark past, and connections he just cannot let go of no matter how hard he tries)
  10. Biometric alloy is a pve only item, you want it you have to jump through the hoops to get it. Don't sit there and act like your some kind a special snow flake just cause you only pvp. If that is all you want to do, fine but no alloy for you.
  11. Chosen at random, allowing entire guilds to stick together. So pretty crap tastic. Most of the beta testers I know just used beta to find shortcuts and how to level the fastest. There was no dedicated alpha/beta team that was there from the beginning, paid to find as many bugs as they could, or if there was, they were much to small.
  12. Anyone who uses the word fanboy in any of their arguments, makes all the arguments invalid. Grow up, learn that people can and will have opinions different from your own. And stop acting like your some kind of special snow flake, or some all knowing savant. You are none of these things and just a bigot and hard headed.
  13. meh if all you want to do is pvp, then you dont get any of the benefits of pve only items. Either run flashpoints/ops or just do without. IF you were a true hardcore pvp player you would have already gotten your biometrics, they are incredibly easy to get.
  14. You know huttball is in the mix, and you que up anyway. I say have a strict deserter debuff, 1 hour of no ques if you quit. If you don't want to play huttball roll republic or dont que up. You'r personal preference does not matter, huttball was put in to keep que times down, if you opted out of huttball you would just be qqing about long que times instead.
  15. meh they aren't unstoppable they just have huge burst. If you pop your cc break on that first stun you can negate most of that burst. Use a knockback and a dot and kite them and they are all yours. BTW this is coming from a tank speced sith jugg, you just need to get some distance till their crap wears off them rip them to peices.
  16. this hopefully bioware will get it through their heads and change tracer's damage, so that while it still gives the huge buffs, you cant just murder people at range with 3+ stacks.
  17. my guild does it all the time, when we get to a certain point on the map we call out no kills, and make sure nobody gets grappled up to spawn, or knocked into the pit. With your second little bit you seem like the kind of person who thinks your kills matter.....they don't I am sorry to say but in general your kills don't matter, they help, and a well timed kill can make or break a game, but the guys running around just hunting kills over and over again, well they tend to not be with their team, not setup passes, not defend points, and in general suck at anything that is no deathmatch. In an objective bassed match, which all 3 warzones are, the objective is more important than killing, if killing allows the objective to be completed thats great, but running off after someone who is almost dead but popped all their cd's to get away from you might weaken your standing on that objective and lead to your team losing the point.
  18. *** does a packet sniffer have to do with this at all?
  19. all snares/roots bypass resolve bar, read the resolve guide.
  20. first of all its 10/100 not 100/10, and by bringing that up as something special it shows you have no idea what gives you any kind of network latency, everyone has 10/100, get a gigabit card and router then talk. Also Skyrim is single player, so it tends to be less graphic intensive than an mmo, no excuse for their terrible fps at some times but you are comparing apples to watermellons here. The pvp server issues has been known about and they are working on it, lack of testing during beta, mainly due to the fact that most of their testers did not report anything and tried to find all the shortcuts.
  21. op gets stunned to death and thinks hes good. He has bigger problems than all the stuns.
  22. Mocroscopic reward, its more for epeen flexing than anything, does not need to be removed, you just need to get a thicker skin. If you know you did well, why do you care what your moron pug teamates vote?
  23. zuh? while you could be killed anywhere at any time, blizz has done everything in their power to discourage world pvp, hell to discourage people from even knowing each other on the same server. Yes when it first came out world pvp like that was common. Now everyone arena's /rbgs stays in org/sw and ques for everything. World pvp in wow is dead, and its been dead since arena came out. The thing that kills world pvp is putting incentives on it, if you have rewards associated with world pvp, or any kind of pvp, people will find the most efficient way to get said rewards. If you need to kill people of the oposing faction, fight clubs crop up. If you need to take certain areas, zone trading happens. If you put rewards on your world pvp, nobody fights, and everyone carebears, cause that is more efficient.
  24. sith would though and many jedi are very cocky, just because they follow the code does not mean they strictly adhere to it. Also it is one game type that happens to favor 50% of the game, the other 2 tend to favor ranged classes over melee (lots of room to kite)
  25. level 10's on ilum are you mad man? oh wait i see them all the time, camping the damn chests.
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