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Everything posted by Pangscar

  1. This change actually helps BioChems in the long run. People will now see the worth in buying the higher end more expensive medpacs. BioChems will see that its now more worth their time to craft the higher end medpacs because demand will skyrocket for them. Before we just buy stacks of the cheapest ones because would use so many of them. Now that we can only use one per Boss Fight, will make more sense to buy the better quality and more expensive ones.
  2. This change actually helps BioChems in the long run. People will now see the worth in buying the higher end more expensive medpacs. BioChems will see that its now more worth their time to craft the higher end medpacs because demand will skyrocket for them. Before we just buy stacks of the cheapest ones because would use so many of them. Now that we can only use one per Boss Fight, will make more sense to buy the better quality and more expensive ones.
  3. It should have been this way from the start. It encourages better play, especially in raids. You should have to rely more on your own skill and those around you more than falling back on being able to heal yourself over few minutes.
  4. Yeah I think BioWare should outsource for the Armor designs. Sadly the in house designers are just well....bad. Been playing MMO's since EQ and this is some of the worst designs I have ever seen.
  5. We use Suicide/Spend all DKP. You earn DKP for attending the raid and get points per boss kill. When an item drops, I link it in chat, those who want the item for main spec, whisper me. Winner is the one with highest DKP. Winners DKP is then reset to zero and he starts earning it back up after that. In case of a tie, those tied /roll. I reward 5 points per Boss kill and 10 points for the whole raid if you were on time and stayed till the end. In game method I use Free-for-all, with threshold on prototype. Everyone turns off auto loot. I am the only who loots the boss, and when someone wins a Rakata piece, I click on it to bring up the roll box and everyone passes except for the winner. Columi and equivalent loot is randomed based on Need/Greed, Need if its an upgrade, greed for everything else ie off-spec, Comp. Crew skill mats are random to those who can use them in patterns they have. We tried using Master Looter after it was fixed but it just takes to damn long to hand out gear that way. Because the only Gear we DKP is the Rakata stuff. Using master looter for everything else is ridiculous.
  6. Transfers are coming. If you look here: http://www.swtor.com/server-status and sort by population you'll see your server is one of few light ones. So can either re-roll to a high pop server or hang in there until server xfers become available.
  7. Re-read what you quoted and what you highlighted.... "There are more Standard and above then there are light" Again, make your point, do it honestly, not make stuff up and start to strawman.
  8. I agree. SOME servers have a low pop. Every MMO I have played has always had a few servers that had a low pop for one reason or another. What I am arguing against is this notion that every server is low pop. If we use the same server status that some use to say the game is dying and we be fair and honest about it, you'll see that yes SOME servers are lower pop, with the majority of the servers standard or above. You have to take the average, not just look at 1am and say "omg the game has failed". The average ie the sum of ALL times.
  9. If you want to make a point then just make it, don't lie and make stuff up. Might be good enough for trolls who just jump on the bandwagon but for people who actually know what they are talking about you just look foolish. Fact is, if you look at server status at ALL times, its not even close to being as grim as some make it out to be. If you do that you will see that during peak times there are in fact more Standard and above servers then there are Light servers.
  10. Above two are correct, besides shouldn't even be using Master Looter right now due to it being broken. You don't get crafting mats and sometime only get own or two Rakata pieces instead of the standard four. Use Free for all, have everyone turn off auto-loot, and click on each piece of loot one by one to bring up the roll box and go from there.
  11. What day and what time of day was it? You do realize the server status page updates in real time right? or at least it refreshes frequently. Yesterday, Saturday March 3, 2012, during the hours of about 5pm cst to about 10pm cst at its peak theres was 14 servers listed as heavy or above with two listed at full and one very heavy. So yeah if people are going to judge the population by the server status page, you need to look at ALL times, not just off peak times. If you do that you'll actually see the population might be coming back up after a small dip after the first month.
  12. If you're not getting spots in raids due to being a DPS Assassin then should try to find better and smarter people to raid with. An equally geared and skilled Assassin is just as viable as any other DPS class.
  13. Yeah IMO most of the "hate" comes for those new to MMO's or played badly balanced MMO's. See part of being melee is having to be mobile while keeping up your DPS, or Agro if your a Tank. For whatever reason some melee players get jealous of Ranged DPS because they can supposedly just stand in one spot the whole fight and DPS. Which is a tad off to begin with because most fights have mechanics and effects that effect the whole group/raid. So while its easy to say anecdotally that a class can just stand in one spot for the duration the reality is rather different. So bottom line is that yes as melee you need to be mobile and more aware of your surroundings, but that is nothing new. Its been the same as it always has in every MMO.
  14. Just want to clarify or expand on the Rotation/priority list for Deception in the OP. Ability list/rotation Assassinate (Target at 30% health or less) Maul (Exploit Weakness) Discharge (every CD, after 5 stacks of static charge for burst) Shock (2x Induction & 2x Voltaic Slash) Voltaic Slash (Use it early and use it often, ie all the time) Saber Strike (Conserving Force, Building up force with 2 pc. PvE set bonus)
  15. So because some players that play melee can't "move out of fire" or can't handle having to be mobile, the class sucks? Yeah it all makes sense now. If one can't handle having to be mobile while keeping up DPS than should probably just switch to a ranged class than. This isn't a SWTOR issue or an Assassin issue, its an MMO issue where we have some players that just are not able to play the class well and want it to be buffed to compensate. Its been the same in every MMO, SWTOR is no different.
  16. The class as a whole is and has always been a mix of melee and force powers. If you wanted mostly melee than should have rolled Warrior. As a raiding Assassin, Deception spec'd its far from being classified as "sucks". Hate to be that guy but as always this appears to be a l2p issue.
  17. As Deception I regularly get 4K/5K crits as well. Discharge and Shock are my heavy hitters. Build up the procs/stacks and let it all go, plus use of cooldowns/relic and yeah I got no complaints what so ever about my DPS.
  18. If you bought the CE you can buy Imperial Trooper Armor from the VIP area vendor. Can buy pants from there, I also recommend buy the boots as well, because the legs alone look kind of odd, need the boots to make it look better IMO.
  19. Yeah so then you can all come back and cry even louder when the servers crash because of all the people trying to login at the same time. Brilliant idea!
  20. /Thread NOT having queue's and letting everyone all log in at once causing massive lag and server crashes would be a Massive screwup.
  21. Maybe because its only about half way through Launch day? Its better to take a wait and see and longer view on these things than react to soon. Patience and perspective, is whats needed to get through launch day. MMO vets know this, new players well I would never suggest them to start playing on launch day.
  22. I hear Skyrim doesn't have queue's. That game might be more suited for you IMO.
  23. Says who? Just because the game is live doesn't mean they just stop updating and giving us info on the website.
  24. This. A little inconvenience to play the best MMO to hit market since WoW, is hardly worth crying so much about. Yes there are queues, well guess what that means that LOTS of people are playing this game. Thats a good thing. That means this game will last a very long time, and dev will keep content coming and keep improving the game. A little perspective goes a long way.
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