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Everything posted by BraveSirRobin

  1. I think the devs were pissed that we were taking over the pub base so they shut it down! *edit* or that we killed Quinlynn and were gloating over him....
  2. Well it was great! The pubs pushed us back, we pushed back at them....back and forth until we pushed into their base and was kicking their butts! Then............................. http://flic.kr/p/dZ6uK4 I think it was because we killed quinlynn.
  3. A couple of things to keep in mind while healing in PvP. I'm not the best ever, but I'd like to think I'm above average. 1) Don't focus just on your raid frame. -Be aware of what's going on. Just healing in a wz will not help you win. Use your stuns/mezzes/other utilities to help your team win. Big numbers are cool, but they are not the only thing that wins wzs. 2) Pillar humping! -This is the most basic, yet underused tactic in the healer's book. LoS! LoS! LoS! 3) Know your enemy. -When someone attacks you in a wz, know what they do and what to do to counter it. Go to Dromand Kaas or whatever the pub counterpart is off of fleet and duel people. You will learn what to expect and when. A healer is not expected to kill others, but to survive long enough for help to arrive (I know this really doesn't happen in regs). While you are kiting, you can spam some heals to your teammates or draw them off the node for a cap or whatever the situation demands. Hope this helps some.
  4. I just told Siri to remind me in 6 months to necro this thread again.
  5. You might as well...I don't think they will make premades queue separately before July.
  6. The only time I use it is at the beginning of voidstar on defense. That way the lone Mara doesn't leap to your team and stun everyone while waiting to see which side everyone should jump down.
  7. Lol I didn't know that this guy played swtor!
  8. My biggest peeve is when people attack a mezzed target. Especially the obvious ones. Yesterday in a vs we were attacking and our team planted east while I planted west. I stealthed and saw one guy run to defuse the bomb. I sleep him and giggle inside like I always do when that happens. 5 seconds later some lol smasher jumps to him when the doors explode. So annoying. Another thing that annoys me is when I'm healing you and you have the ball and you have over 50% hp DON'T THROW THE BALL TO ME! I'm keeping you up....keep running! (Unless of course I've run ahead for the pass)
  9. Concealment operative, dps sorc, or arsenal merc....until they get buffed next patch mabey. Assassins take skill to play extremely well.
  10. I literally fell out of my chair laughing! I think I was in that game. Me an op heals, 2 bubble stunners, a merc heals, and a partridge in a pear tree. It was fun.
  11. I'm in [We'll Bang OK] and we have some great names for our ranks....except guild master. Apparently you can't change the name of the rank! It should be quick and easy to change the code to have the ability to change the name of the rank to match the rest of them. Thanks for reading this!
  12. I love playing with you guys...and hate playing against you. To LucyFur, roll a toon on the Fatman and PVP with us. There are baddies, but on average, the PVPers here are decent. Retsam isn't stroking his ego...he's telling it how it is. He does have a wonderful supporting cast in place as well which helps him do so much healing. Most of the time I'm queuing by myself, so I usually don't get any support when I try to heal. I haven't gotten used to the new changes yet, but I haven't been able to play that much recently because of RL. The few games I've played, I seem to get killed a lot quicker and I can't FACEROLL SAVE SOMEONE FROM < 1% HP WITH 3 GUYS ON HIM anymore. Face it fellow sorcs....we were OP.
  13. My guild was put on Fatman. I thought that the 2 1/2 hours of queue time was part of the game! You mean I wasn't getting XP and lvling up? Damn I was having fun watching the ships fly around. Please fix this. I don't care how, but when you work 50+ hours a week, you only get a limited amount of time to play the game each day. If that is wasted on queue times, then what's the point of having the game?
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