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Everything posted by JumperPenn

  1. How so? If you want to gain the benefit of the xp, relevant gear/item drops/rewards, opportunity to play with others at the sync level (friends/guildies/etc), get in on a group working to gather enough people to take down the wb you sync. If not you don't and are left to deal with all the others who don't want to sync, the opinion of those who say few if anyone will ever go back to old planets means it isn't even an issue right? All they need to do is make instance 1 the default for those (almost no one according to the pro force sync crowd) who don't want to sync and the others are all for those that want to sync or if the unlikely event that instance 1 gets full everyone landing is synced and stuck in the other instances. Keep the sync people separate from the non sync people it makes sense that if there is an option it can't be abused.
  2. Solution, non-synced players are put into instance 1 when it fills up you go to instance 2 or 3 or 4, etc where you are synced. To go to instance 1 by default (not open map and change instances) you must tick off a box in preferences something. Since people seem to think no one will ever go back to old planets 1 instance isn't going to hurt the game with the handful of people going there. As far as dailies, if you want to sync or run them at the lowest possible level why should someone who doesn't sycn or runs them at max char level be punished because the other person hasn't hit max level, that's no different than choosing to sycn vs someone who doesn't or any other choices where one person's gear/skill/effort gives them an advantage on the same content.
  3. Nice that the team has lowered the requirement and finally noticed that craft for conquest is a thing. I'd really like them to add other things for us to do besides the same ones, like letting me run some PVE or Space Missions (that's the original space mini-game not GSF. I'm sure there are other things players would like to be added as alternative options to get conquest points. Oh yeah this would be great, I made a bugreport on this when they launched way back when.
  4. ^ Exactly this. I requested teh ability to reposition the conquest and stronhold labels since those are IIRC the only ones the UI editor doesn't let you move around and they haven't gotten around to it. It is even more annoying now that I am doing recording sessions and have to clear the UI to make that crap go away.
  5. They are new races that were added after the game was created and your ability to play as one does not affect your ability to play the game or enjoy it. So paying for it is a fine balance to let those who really want it get it and have the company collect their virtual money for their efforts to create it. Ditto for Cathar.
  6. Grinding stuff I didn't want to do everyday to get points or stuff I just don't want to do on top of having to waste materials to fill the gap isn't my idea of fun and that is what conquest is. Conquest should add more things to do that are fun for more people and one thing is adding space combat (not GSF) as well as nerfing the crafting aspect so it isn't craft to win AND lowering the personal goal so we don't have to grind so much. From there yeah mega guilds will win or those with the most characters in a guild who chase their goals and exceed them. The problem is that isn't the goal of conquest the goal is make us waste time (grind) and credits/materials. The secondary goal is to incentivize certain gameplay but the rewards aren't that great to get people to do stuff they don't want to do or enjoy.
  7. 200CC as has been said, the prices for collections unlocks if available are here. http://tor-fashion.com/collections-unlock-costs/
  8. I'm glad they did something I just wish they hadn't taken so long and that instead they tried making the chests spawn at random times so you couldn't program a run and had them spawn in different places within 100meters. Just kind of annoying now to manage chest materials on all my characters that don't collect x mat and now have to manage them, ie dump them in legacy bank, tote them around in my always near full inventory because I'm a hoarder.
  9. I think cathar didn't go on sale for 3-6 months though I'm not sure, I wouldn't expect it to go on sale at least until sometime around Life day if not longer.
  10. I typically use their default or the 1 you get when leaving the starter worlds after that I pretty much forget about changing their look. I only think about it if I really hate both of the options I have but don't put too much effort into chasing down other customizations. I think I looked up the options a couple years ago and didn't see anything all that great so just stuck with whatever I hated less. I got a couple for hk but I think those were from rep vendors and since he came late it was more gimmicky to change his look.
  11. YES! Thanks Bioware for adding a new race and stronghold!
  12. I like them in general and specifically that you can get an idea what the race might look like but not all of the choices they made are my favorite, but that's just my pov. I'll say I'm very pleased that they look as good or better than the old icons graphically as compared to the last 'update' on icons where the icons looked worse than the existing ones, specifically the 'new' credit boxes, material icons, modification icons etc. I thought that last batch looked washed out and much more 'simple' than the existing ones and stick out like a sore thumb when next to each other.
  13. Yes vendors pay peanuts for mats, like most any items, nowhere near what was in those chests anyone farmed.
  14. Before ignoring that update you should have looked into those questions because that is how one makes an informed decision on whether to ignore something or not. SH are good for many things I won't list them all because that has been done a while ago. A SH is a quick way to get to that planet for all your characters like your new level 1-5 can run there to grab some crap gear another character left in your legacy stronghold bank that they couldn't use (wrong armor class/stats). A SH is a way to get your character to repair with a vendor or drop off loot/materials when your inventory gets full and you don't want to pay credits to speeder back to a cargo hold *if* there is one on planet or to a vendor when you are in the middle of missioning in the wilds.
  15. This is absolutely a worthy topic and this is why I am replying to agree that this was something that needed to be said in it's own special significant thread lest anyone think it was not worth saying.
  16. Just on this analogy it would be more accurate to say that you bought the car with a radio subscription for satellite radio then new channels were created (not part of your package) and you gotta pay more. The thing didn't exist before, they had to make it, we can argue how hard that was but it didn't exist as an option and work had to be done to make it and have things like helmets clip through and clothing etc. It doesn't change your ability to play the game just on a cosmetic aspect and it isn't even like there aren't other alien races for you to experience the alien pov. I'd rather they charge for it and justify doing the work as slowly as they do than not do it at all or put a new race inside an expansion I have to buy. I agree with you that subs haven't gotten much if any 'love' for being subs but that is just how it is. As a sub they know they 'got you' until you cancel then they have to try and woo you back. Well it looks like they figured they could woo a bunch of subs back and get more with the push for story and making ROTHC, SOR free for subs with KOTFE when it launches. I hope there are no more paid expansions and subbing is how we get new content after KOTFE launches and during such as new ops/fps/pvp maps etc. I'd be okay with a paid expansion that was really worth it as in paying half the game cost should get me close to half of what the game had content wise at launch it just doesn't happen like that in my experience. I'd love to have my sub get me everything but it just won't happen when there is a growing or just large part of the population that will drop loads of cash on stuffs over playing the game to get stuffs. Some people just love cash shop options for any number of reasons and a business would be hard pressed to justify the case to not take advantage of that money making opportunity when the ROI is so good.
  17. Nope. I'm more interested to know what year it is when the time skip happens.
  18. Hang on I have to go find that tin foil hat to wear so they won't be able to scan my brainwaves and see what I'm thinking. I'll be right back after I find it, unless someone interferes then I might not make it back or a pod person could take over my place in life.
  19. I'll make a fat one and name him Goreyou or various misspellings. Really I'll probably just use cosmetic surgery to alter an existing character because I don't have any more server slots or just wait for my shake and bake 60 with KOTFE to make one.
  20. Well done sir! I'd say either put this up in New Player Help forum or tack a post onto the now dead End game guide the abandoned new player help sticky post links to that is also dead. Abandoned End game gear guide that the NPH sticky points to for End Game Gear circa 2012: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=383617&page=2 New player help sticky thread with links to various outdated guides/etc circa 2012: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=348106 Note that the BW account that created this has no activity post 6/2012 nor does the other account in that forum that made the other stickied post but since 3/2013.
  21. Have to mention that the game will be changed to some extent with KOTFE probably the leveling of classes as compared to something like the datacrons which are very unlikely to be changed. Abilities etc could once again be moved around as to when you get them or even removed so I'd not put a great effort into specific content like that as opposed to other things you might want to cover.
  22. That's because those things are money makers and money makers are all that matter, updated information that changes boo that costs money, ain't nobody got time for that!
  23. Websites are so 10 years ago, everything you need to know about swtor comes from their twitter feed.
  24. ^This BW never fixed the issues of companions acting like zombies so I said **** it and played with the character that paid ATTENTION TO ME since my SO has been IGNORING ME now I'm going to get grief from it? FFS. I demand a marriage counselor cause this **** ain't all on me.
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