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Everything posted by JumperPenn

  1. Well there was this time when they said the slot machine was working as intended...
  2. I don't consider my self a raider, I liked raiding because I raided with really awesome people until they got bored of swtor and left, now I don't raid. I did HM because the people that were left wanted to move into those and I did it for a while but those people had bad attitudes and made it not fun, stressing out, throwing tantrums etc. 1) No one cares. PVP is dead, 2 years no new warzones, bw doesn't care, open world pvp abandoned long time ago (illum ), dead pvp servers here's you 90cc server transfer and 12x class xp for the whole summer. This isn't the level sync boon that people think it is. Seriously high level ganking lowbie happens when they are allowed to mix always has and always will. Forced level sync isn't going to stop a top level char with all abilities, expertise gear, relics, implants, etc who is synced down from wiping the floor with whatever low level character they hunt down on a lower level planet. 2) How is is fair you are in a guild and help a guildie with their class quest bc they can't l2play or didn't level enough? Really level synced characters shouldn't be in the same instance as non level synced character period. Why? Because it isn't fair. 3) The point to downscaling yourself is so you can actually grab a wb, in the instance(s) where no one level syncs any yahoo can show up to x,y,z wb and solo them. In the level sync instance(s) you need a group, so if you want the best chance at getting the wb you sync and join a group bc no yahoo is going to show up and kill the wb while you assemble and you won't showup on planet X after riding or qt;ing to to speeder point D then riding for a few minutes to see that the WB isn't up cause someone already solo'd it.
  3. I don't know about other plans but they have to list every positive aspect they can think of even if it isn't much like the gear you'll get according to your real level is very unlikely to be anything you'll use for a long time or won't dump for something crafted, or from a comms vendor. The only upside of gain xp is really the main point of level sync make old content part of the grind, give themselves more space/time to make more content and not have the content from 4 years ago be just filler in the streamlined leveling process as well as the tie in with conquest. Down the line with level 70 you can do those heroics again, then 75 and 80 cause you and your friends like running those old heroics for conquest to gain crafting mats but you don't have to cause all planets will sync you and grant xp if you can't stand to run the single unified story to hit max level 40+ times.
  4. He just said he doesn't know anything and if there were plans, say if they were looking or going to look to see *if* they could do that and *how* he either wouldn't be told or wouldn't be allowed to say they are going to look into it. I doubt it would be added to 4.0 but it doesn't mean it is a dead issue that will never be looked at considered or explored at all ever but I wouldn't advise anyone to hold their breath lest they be on the floor with those asking for a hood toggle.
  5. Just what I can recall no longer able to solo world bosses this AND no longer being able to solo some heroic 4's even some h2 at 60 were 'earned' through leveling and gear grind to get yourself and companion(s) geared to the point it was possible with your skill etc. This takes that earned ability away, can't solo wb at all, can't do the h4's cause they'll be gone, but we don't know if we'll be able to solo the highend heroics as well AND if we can it will probably be because they have been nerfed(some challenge has been removed) so 2 people could do them and/or a down synced player on whatever planet, voss, corellia, etc. Role players, can no longer wipe out mobs that might be in areas or on the way to areas where they use the setting for their role playing. Instead of one shotting that mob now it is an actual fight, not that they'd lose but it isn't faceroll easy so it can make the whole experience just annoying or impractical. Bounty missions send you out into the wilds of many planets now you have to deal with the mobs on the way to the area and before where you could often ignore the local npcs now you have to wipe them out and makesure you finish off your bounty before they comeback or aren't tossed into some more cause you aren't above them on lower level planets anymore. Going after datacrons, achievements, lore, exploration, etc, now we have to deal with every mob we can't sneak around, also we have to sneak around them instead of just flying slightly away from them so they wouldn't aggro on you and start chasing you or worse knock you off your speeder and make you deal with them. You used to be able to straight line more or less to your destination and now it takes longer and adds fights you can't avoid. Before I didn't have to wipe out this or that mob that some low level might need for a mission but now I'm more likely to have to do that. Again part of the 'earned' benefit of hitting a certain high level and going back to old planets to do various things. As for this " At the same time, you will be able to play these quests while helping low level friends. Plus, you get rewarded according to your level, instead of gear you have no use for, no XP (if you are below 65) and it's a decent credit level." Suppose I don't care about any of that, it isn't a benefit, I play solo, I don't care about more xp I can get that in plenty of places, the gear will be useless as it won't ever be as good as BIS or probably even the best crafting or comms can get you, I could get decent credits from plenty of daily areas, as well as weekly things like GSI, Voss, etc. So everything I've mentioned, and I haven't listed it all cause there are probably a dozen threads where lots of things have been listed, are the negatives and the upside is yeah I can still do the content just not in a way I used to and liked because the change adds tedium to my gameplay. Again, cause it has been said before, not liking the forced level sync doesn't mean I or others are saying the game is doomed, some say that but most don't. I've seen more people (who are pro forced level sync) summarize the people against forced level sync as griefers who want to stalk lowbies for pvp reply with tldr then quotes "doom and gloom" rarely ever acknowledging that the changes can and will have a detrimental affect on how some people enjoy the game.
  6. You are correct and that is why I used the single ' to wrap the word proof as for many people anecdotal circumstantial (here they come again) 'evidence' is 'proof'. They get an idea in their head and a little crumb that supports it according to their view and it is so.
  7. I agree and it made sense when as preferred you were permitted 6 active chars and had to unlock more char slots to go beyond the 6 active, they can always take away the 6 'free' ones they gave you, BUT if you bought the other 10 (22 total as a sub) then they weren't taking away the 10 you bought cause you had access to 16 active characters. Now with KOTFE you'll have to unlock more slots beyond the ones you already unlocked,(22) not including a free slot for a 60, so the others you buy will then be taken away from you which makes no sense. With 23 characters they could fairly take away 7 actives cause 7 were free the original 6 for preferred and 1 for the instant 60 the rest you used cartel coins or credits to activate the character slot unlock granting you the ability to make and play an additional character. Now they can do whatever they like it is their game but it really is bad move to not allow the use of 33 active characters *IF* we pay to unlock those character slots, again 7 being 'free' as preferred plus the one free 60 they give if we are maxed on characters come KOTFE. At the minimum I think they should raise the number of actives from 16 to something else but letting us use all the character slots we pay for just makes sense and with a 40 character limit that number is 33 if we max out potential character slots.
  8. Yeah I guess I shouldn't be surprised there wouldn't be any increase.
  9. Buy all unlocks, names title, hide head slot, crew skill unlock, companion appearance tab, quickbar, gtn listing, any sh or character perks like the companion gift bonus, convo, mail droid, rocket boost cooldown, field respec, cooldown on qt/fleet pass, character designer outfit tabs on each char. I'd buy the level 1-2 gifts for all companions you want to max affection with and store them if you can't be bothered to sit there and click through half a dozen chars at what 2-3 stacks of 99 gifts on each character. If your sub extends beyond kotfe release you can wait for it to drop to see if/how gift affection changes with new alliance ceiling etc. You can somewhat store stuff to sell like rep tokens, makeb, gsi, section x, whatever yavin/rishi if you are maxed out let them stack and store then sell as needed. Other options are unlocks you snag for cheap, same ones you'd want to use, just extra if you have the credits. You can also snag the material stacks people put up for less than the vendor buys them just have to do your homework. Vendor prices go up so I'd snag extra rakghoul vaccines if you don't have the legacy relic to trade between chars when you want. Then whatever else you tend to do like ops/fp/gsf/warzones passes and/or the escrow unlocks if you so choose. Day to day 350k is fine to run around it is just when you want to hit the gtn that you'll not be able to buy many things sometimes having to wait a few days if not weeks other times you just can't afford it with the cap, mainly the desired mounts and select armor sets/weapons. Most armor has taken a nose dive with the hypercrate sales but who knows how long that lasts, things change.
  10. If you have your alt make your armor, implant, earpiece, weapon, etc then it could 'give up' your alts but that isn't a guarantee. More likely if you have several pieces made by the same character it would point to one of your alts or a friend. Seeing the same name on more than one character, ie in your guild they inspect a character you have and see your armor is made by BOB and implants by VAL, then on another of your characters in that guild they see the same thing pretty much tells them your alts are BOB and VAL. Then they can see if BOB and VAL are on when you aren't and more 'proof' you are BOB and VAL.
  11. The faq says that character slots are per server only and I've only ever had them be for all servers (account) never seen a character slot that was just for one server or legacy. With all unlocks (22 as a sub now) then you go preferred you can have 16 active now, what is quoted is that with KOTFE you will only be able to have 14 active they note 'even with all unlocks' you cannot have more than 14. The problem here as others have stated is either this 14 limit 'with all unlocks' is wrong or they are taking away active slots that people used to have.
  12. Yes you could just hang out on the first or second planet and the only gear that would scale is supposed to be from the heroics. BUT you really wouldn't need the gear that much since the planet would still drop planet level gear and with that and your ever growing abilities and stats up to planet max then capped you'd still be able to clear content. The biggest reason not to do that is you'd still have to go through all the planet missions or abandon them(missing out on planet areas) and your class missions to advance your story and gain companions. While you are stuck with you single companion on world 1 or 2 (maybe a couple classes get a 2nd on 2nd planet) you miss out on dialogue options for alliance aka affection gains.
  13. In general yes, but there are some cartel gear sets that are only for a single character and cannot be unlocked, I think this is those sets that come with mods installed or have a level requirement like 15, 31, the street slicer's long coat comes to mind as does the Destroyer Armor Set. When in doubt hit the interwebs, torfashion has info on the collections cost if there is one. http://tor-fashion.com/collections-unlock-costs/ If you don't see it listed(blank) you can sometimes find it on the actual armor set page at the top or bottom.
  14. As long as it is an option that's fine because there are people who would craft the best mods/hilts/barrels/relics etc and sending them a swtor mail is how you get them the materials/credits after you contact them to see if they are still crafting the item you want and playing.
  15. I'm against forced level sync, I'm for optional level sync, I've never sat in any pvp area on a high char waiting to attack people who wandered in. To combat this 'huge' problem of a synced char or regular level chars on the planet dealing with non synced players separate them by instances. There's no reason to have synced chars playing in the same area as non synced and regular planet level range characters. Almost anyone with level 60/65 char who has the abilities, gear, augments, relics, set bonuses, datacrons, and/or PVP gear from pvp'ing would wipe the floor with a non synced character with limited abilities, play time, gear, etc even after they were synced down to planet max unless they didn't want to win or had a hardware failure, physical limitation etc. I am against forced level sync and I don't gank people in pvp, don't enjoy it, few people actually sit in the outlaws den hoping for someone to wander through for the 3-4 reasons anyone would ever go there outside of looking for a fight.
  16. The only explanation you'd get to the 'biased' question of 'why do you take things away from me' would be a pr dodge about them actually adding more for/to your experience. Their mandatory debolster/level sync would likely say something of the effect that it is done to be fair to all without discussing if they considered other alternatives, or they were possible or that it just makes their content relevant forever (well until people get sick of the same things over and over). They'd probably just talk about how awesome ti is and now groups are available for heroics with instant weekly heroic travel, more vibrant planets, play with your friends no more outleveling content and that's super awesome, nothing bad, nothing to see, move along. They might say they are taking away achievments because they are changing the process that allowed them to be granted so no one would be able to obtain them and so to 'be fair' they will remove them for those that earned them BUT I think in those cases they 'give' you something for your effort, points/deco I don't keep track of them all so maybe there are achievements they are removing that will convert or grant nothing. Crafting changes are probably to combat how some skills were less useful so to 'balance' (YAY everyone loves that word) they have chosen to spread some useful/needed things to more crafting professions. You'll keep your OLD enhancements and armor but they get put into 'archive' so you can still make them but new stuff you have buy/rev eng to learn. I was under the initial impression that our old aim/skill/resolve armoring would be converted to the new mastery ones but then they said all old schematics would go into archive so it seems we'll have to buy all new mastery schematics for those old attribute focused gear and re-do the reverse engineering to get better schematics. But they said the new schematics we buy in 4.0 would in most cases be better than our old archived schematics. Here's the devblog on crafting changes if you missed it. http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20151006 Again some things bw won't answer and most they'll have a company line to push while ignoring or deflecting questions they just don't want to answer or are not allowed to discuss.
  17. I didn't see it mentioned that the number of operations isn't changing, the number of pvp maps both character based and gsf aren't changing.
  18. ^ Just as you can't be on the Imperial side and take it down cause you're good and it is evil or if you are on the Republic side and evil you can't take it down. Forced story arc means little choice and now with super slim downed unified OUTLANDER kotfe expansion that will be even 'worse' as many flavors or illusions of choice and difference simply won't exist.
  19. I agree with this but I never postulate on the death of the game. I just expect there to be lots of 'crap' I'll have to put up with as they 'figure' it out and respond with the timing and changes it could be a long road to seeing it fixed. I just hope they don't waste my paid time with a game I can't play like they did with SOR, lag so bad I coudn't stand to log in during early access and couldn't find any enjoyment playing for over a month to say nothing of the bugs/exploits they didn't fix for all that time.
  20. Yup, since they said if you were maxed at KOTFE launch you wouldn't have to delete any chars to then make an insta 60. If you delete the free 60 you'd probably be only able to make another 60 OR if they programmed it 'right' (data validation + bean counters) not be able to create another char at all without paying CC or using an unlock. IE you had 22 chars, use the free char for a insta 60 (as stated the only 'free' char they'll give you past max which is 22) then delete it they have fulfilled their 'promise' of giving you a free insta 60 w/o requiring you to delete any of your 22 chars. Now you have 22 chars again, after deleting the free insta 60 if they implemented data validation you can't make another 'free' insta 60 w/o paying/buying more slots etc. It is possible if you are maxed on chars then make your insta 60 and delete any char that is not the insta 60 you'd have to buy more char slots, again depends on how they are implementing the additional char slots, cc only, allowing use of the 'old' char server slot unlocks or even checking to see if people maxed out chars per server.
  21. Perspective, you need it, complaining about a design issue isn't an example of community toxicity. Complaining that someone else doesn't like something AND/or just putting them down is toxicity. The snide demeaning personal attacks and comments over other people's opinions is toxicity. Back to the topic at hand, the new launcher is big and kind of dumb looking to me, if it was so inconsequential as some have said, then why bother updating it. I'd like the thing I have to look at to just launch the game, or stare at as I wait for a patch to be downloaded/applied, use to repair the launcher/game, be simple and effective, utilitarian essentially, some splash isn't bad. This 'new' design to me is more about promoting the product than what it is there for or what we need it for but that's probably the point. It makes sense in the context that KOTFE is a re-launch of swtor, but it doesn't mean I like it better than the old interface.
  22. I like optional level sync or scale to X when I choose to do it like, rakghoul plague, bounty event, gree, etc so as it is shown to be mandatory I'm a no, don't like it.
  23. Yup had this 'issue' myself years ago thinking there would be more options to completing missions/my story than chasing down people and killing them or killing groups of 3 in order to get to the big bad that I'd 4/5 have to kill. At this point I'm over it the game doesn't do enough or much in the way of letting you resolve problems outside of killing people, at best at the 'end' AFTER you killed a few dozen people can you elect to capture/spare someone.
  24. We're separated by server, by faction, by time zone, by planet, by class story, by instances, by level how would this be any different or 'worse'? It is somehow better to force people to deal with this thing they don't want and virtually no one asked for (forced planetary level downscaling) or just up and stop playing? The 'foundation for the future' is to rest on the content that has been out for nearly four years and then to let whatever new content that comes out be 'relevant' xp/various loot that people will outgrow quickly for those above that new area's level when they raise the level cap again and again. If you really think there's no benefit to the 'play with your friends' line bw is feeding us then fine no level sync I think that's a stupid decision since people (even myself) wanted a way to play with friends/guildies but never did I see people asking for it to be mandatory and planet based but I freely admit I didn't keep checking those old threads from years ago on a regular basis to see what some new poster might have said when they requested the same thing.
  25. 1) They drop the lowest tier token, and when the expansion drops all our tokens will convert 1:1 to the new name, cause new names are kewl? So doing them over just adds a bit of variety to gain more tokens, why I dunno we no longer need tokens to gear companions so I don't really know what we'll do with all those low tier tokens. People already blow them on gear to sell cause that stuff is worse than the stuff they have. The main point of old content being new again is a pro for the devs to not make new content, which is great for them and new players but not long time players. 2) You realize that as you hit max level anything outside of ops/pvp or top tier crafting is better than the drops from generic missions including heroics? These heroics will be old, for many of us they are aleady old having 'rolled' numerous alts over the nearly 4 years swtor has been out. 3) Plenty of people, not me but plenty of people don't care that a high level, even a 50/55/60, comes to save them from their rush to level and not gearing or learning their class. Back in my day I died and learned to level moar, get better gear, use drugs, medpacks, etc till I beat the boss. People still do that but there are plenty who are fine with no xp if they get past the thing in their way presumably to then ask for help a mission or two later. 4) It allows the developer to not make new content by recycling the old. Which is good for them, fine for new players but kind of sucks for long time players who've been through all this stuff numerous times over the nearly 4 years the game has been running. Also you are essentially repeating yourself from 2 and 3. 5) Repeating point 3 again, and to solve the pvp issue just make the sync optional and if you choose to opt out you are not in the same instance with synced players. By default everyone is syncd, when (if by an act of mighty Odin ) the single instance 1 of non syncd players is full people landing on that planet are pushed to instance 2+ and forced to sync. There no more pvp massacres by high level troll/gankers with no life if people still bother with pvp in openworld cause that seems to need fan made events to happen. 6) Choices to do the same 4 year old content and the devs are 'off the hook' for new content because they recylced the old stuff. Again nice for the devs, and new players but not the long time players who've seen that and done it all numerous times. As I mentioned those rewards are the lowest token that people blow on stuff to sell because the gear it buys isn't as good as anything they get at 'end game' content, that gear is entry level. 7) According to you we will be able to 'curb stomp' them but what if I don't want to even deal with fighting them, the aggro, being chased unable to interact with something I want to click/open etc. By your word I won't be knocked off my mount, I guess I should trust you since you work for BW right, no, wait you don't. You think the solution is fight them, but they won't bother me, which is it? How about this, what if I don't want to help out the other player playing in that area/tunnel etc and I just want to run in and grab a datacron? No choice have to fight them and clear a path for the other player who might be there for an objective but has to 'compete' with me now because I can't just run by npcs anymore. 8) You talked a lot about choices and here I don't want to do this but that doesn't matter. I'll be really powerful so I should be fine with being forced to scale down to be weaker and have to deal with all these npcs who used to leave me alone unless I walked up to their face and tried to pick their pocket. What then is the point of level 65 if we'll be scaled down, why bother with levels anymore scale up for fps/ops scale down for planets and heroics. TLDR: I just want the choice to sync when and if I want to. BW can still be off the hook for no new content outside of KOTFE story chapters. Keep the people who choose to not sync in their own instance(just 1 cause hardly anyone will want to play old content/planets) where the only people allowed are not synced and the default is to sync so new players will start out syncd down when they go back to old planets.
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