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Everything posted by Sosajoshua

  1. The only NPC to say your name and title is Malgus during the Ilum storyline. For me he said "It appears Darth Rhaegis is a creature of habit." But when you actually earn the title Darth Marr says Nox, Occulus, etc
  2. After leveling i dont think i every really found one i liked or it was a lowlvl pvp sniper that I didnt but cause i liked Kasshyyk's Legacy more. Guess i just liked the bowcaster
  3. Show me a video of you playing on both your Sage and Sorc and ill shutup
  4. I actually knew exactly what I was talking anout. Obviously FiB and DF can miss what I meant was is a Sage being chased by me will not always land a SF if he doesnt at least pivot himself for a closer scope at me. Yes its possible to hit a target behind you because ive done it with CT as long as i was close enough to them and they were targeted
  5. Lol I know you are trying to prove that by restating it but no its not. I have dropped CT on players and op bosses while facing them and having my back turned (although this isnt always 100%). And having fought enough Sages ive seen them miss when they try dropping SF on my as I chase behind them. The abilities have mirrored effects and circumstances with the only difference being animation. Thats like you saying Smash only hits the people in front of me while Force Sweep hits in 360degrees. No lol they are the same
  6. The animation is different. That's. About. It. Sage and Sorcs are mirrors the same way Commandos and Mercs are. Yeah how they use their abilities are different (rifles vs dual blasters; projectiles/energy vs lightning) but the same abilities, gear, trees, gameplay concept is allthe same way. Lol probably the only real difference ive seen on my server is the healer to dps ratio of Sages is like 4:1 in PvP as opposed to Imperial side. I dont think i had a single pvp match last week where i didnt see the "3-healer, smashers" combo. I agree that the lightning makes more of a show and so you become more obvious but thats it
  7. Well they gave AP the shield augmentation ability and increased the trees overall dps but thats it. I think ST got the most changes but they didnt really attempt to give AP any real changes outside dps boost. They gave HO to every one now so they dropped that for us but they really is nothing left thats really "unique" to AP i guess
  8. I play a PT and Sniper and i accept that naturally they are better but I also wouldnt say Sorc dps is horrible but thankfully 2.0 gives it a boost. Though I dont entirely defend the guy because he plays a Sent lol
  9. HO being given to all hunters I think is a joke lol. I can see why a Merc would appreciate it but Pyros? Theyre likely to kill their targets even if rooted. And even in a crowd situation they can at least take a few down with them. HO will just be there for like Huttball imo. Anyways, i just switched to AP after leveling and months as Pyro and I see it as being perfectly viable in PvP but i think it is a more defensive class in terms of WZ objectives. Yeah FT is not the easiest to use in a warzone but with 3stack slow from PFT using it while defending a node or trying to cap a node i think its great. Coupled with the SCannon and Shield ability we are getting i think an AP can easily hold a node. And of course i see no problem with it 1v1 just watch your procs
  10. Lol well what is funny for me is that on my server knights/warriors only go for sorcs to smash/annih us. At the start of each match ill have 2 on me instantly and then after me their jump to another and then hit a different class lol. Yeah I can kite any one so im not so worried 1v1 cause i only get beaten if they get close and use all their stuns and roots consequetivtely. But the opening leapers and occassion leapers will get me cause by then im stuck still for a few secs
  11. Yeah we cant damamge from the grave but pur damage output is as much as a problem since BW messed with that first and then they wanted to mess with our survival skills. So they are equally an issue
  12. The madness build I use for pvp I also use for pve which is the basic 3/7/31 build and it works great. With 2.0 ill continue using the basic via 3/7/36 and judging from the tree will be much higher dps output. Considering for me that Wrath procs every other ForceLightning i dont think ill have a problem using LS in my rotation
  13. I think I completely agree with you. Juggs get Smash lessened but another cooldown. Maras get a 30meter (hey Powertechs like the smack in the face!?) that no matter what build is still annoying. And then for Sorcerer they just gave us an anti-anything for 15sec. This I just cant understand.
  14. Thats very IronMan of you my good sir lol. Do you strut too as you walk?
  15. Oh okay i get what you mean. I had been a Pyro for months and only started using AP last month so I know the differences between them
  16. Okay fair Sorcerer dps is not anything to get a round of drinks about but 2.0 seems to given us the dps boost needed to be what we once were. Yes any good Sorc could top the pvp charts but your dps is laughable because its our overall dps that we hit high not our outright dps. While I never wanted Sorcs to get a ridiculously high powerboost that some people wanted, I still wanted some boosts. Although i play Full Madness i can see that the boosts given to both Lighning and Madness spec are both much needed and seem to be great for the respective specs. So if you have played on pts and still find a problem then idky because while i have not played myself ive seen the parses of others and they have proof of the damage increase. So fine for right now Sorc damage is all overall not dps. However, saying its still bad in 2.0 is ignorant
  17. Glowing legs to match the glowing gun? All i know is as an AP pt i love this ability lol
  18. Someone get this man a beer he knows what he's talking about!
  19. I play full Leth on live and i cant wait until 2.0 to cone out. Btwn corrosive mine and the lethTD its gonna make my pvp playing even better! I can top the charts easy now and im running a 5/5/31 only because I like the increased Cull, Sniper, and SoS over the increased aoe damage
  20. Can you rephrase after the first sentence? I would say for AP it is great in pve as well as pvp
  21. And the kings return... And im not disagreeing that we can top the pvp damage at the end but right now Pyromaniacs and Smash n Dash are right up there and it has nothing to do with a Sorc playing incorrectly its just Pyro RS spam and Smash n Dash. While i would expect a Sniper to outdps me in the end (as my Lethality one outdps my Madness sorc) ive have been beat out by PTs or Smashers and yeah its really annoying I think because yeah PT dps defenses are poor (dont know about Smashers) and while ours arent the best we could generally last longer. But you also have to understand a Smashers Hulk smash will beat us down before we can kill them. So yeah its just the burst they hsve over us that makes them outdps us at times
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