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Everything posted by Endur

  1. My alt was originally Powertech BH, while my main was a SI Assassin, now that's switched and my BH is my main
  2. beat me to it. Cool video. What's your gear like? Those were some pretty nice crits, much more than I do with full champ.
  3. Enjoying my 50 Powertech. Not so much my tank spec/geared Assassin, however that's to be expected, his purpose is PVE anyway.
  4. I love doing this. Don't see any reason not to since everyone can do it. If Bioware doesn't want this done they can patch it, until then I will be getting 2 extra medals per match.
  5. Opposing team was about to score while I was in our spawn area waiting to get released. I have barely any time and he has too much health left for anyone to kill him before he scores, I run toward the Pit, Jump in while expertly turning in mid jump to grapple the ball carrier. Turns out he had full resolve, and even if he didn't my grapple was still on cooldown.
  6. Endur

    700k Club

    This so much lol
  7. Endur

    PVP Advice

    Fight 1v1 as much as possible, ignore the objectives and talk about how great you are and how terrible everyone else is. You are now a PVP pro.
  8. Yup, I bound throw huttball to one of my thumb buttons as well, works very well.
  9. Getting this should grant -1 medal.
  10. I agree and do like huttball. In fact, if I wasn't forced to play it so often It would most definitely be my favorite warzone.
  11. The thing that makes me rage most in Warzones is when I make a mistake or a bad move. That makes me more upset than most of what other people do.
  12. It really doesn't matter to me what people call them. I will say that for empire players, east/west has the most potential to confuse people.
  13. Hey Bioware, copy/paste this into your game: int wzCounter( int wzResult, int wzWins ) { if (wzResult > 0) { wzWins++; } return wzWins; } You're welcome
  14. Wait a minute, this doesn't seem like a QQ thread, I think you posted in the wrong forums guy.
  15. Because, incrementing a number when something happens is really hard guys! l2code lols
  16. Endur

    four fixes to pvp

    Powertech grapple ability should spawn fire vents under the affected player and apply a permanent stun wherever it's used. While were at it, lets give all classes a permanent stun ability!
  17. You run FPs with your wife and kid? I think I want your life.
  18. The pull actually has some physics to it, such as being blocked by obstacles in the way, instead of it just being derp you were over there, now you're here. I like the way it works.
  19. Endur


    More accurately, inb4 close for pointing out bioware's failings. No reason it should take weeks to validate someone is afking when they do so as obviously as these people do.
  20. Endur


    lol, for weeks there was a player named cryochick just afking in warzones as well. Not sure if it ever got banned since I hit 50.
  21. We should try to guess which aspect of the game this patch will break, and further, how many days it will take for them to patch that and thus break something else.
  22. I can certainly see how this was annoying to people. Not for me, I play a Powertech, but for others sure. It was also balanced since they could throw the ball at you for the insta-kill too, probably the most balanced aspect of PVP, and now it's gone
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