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Everything posted by Lethemback

  1. They said that they were working to bring an improvement hopefuly in 1.2 (March). Cheers.
  2. There's a reason for what you saw in that video of that flashpoint, it's not as terrible as it seems (and it's scripted, not a regular CC). It's kinda cool, in fact. You should really play that flashpoint before judging that part of the battle just because of a video. Back on topic, I agree that there's too many CCs for PvP. Spending half the time stunned, rooted, or slowed is NOT fun, specially in somethig that should be fast-paced like PvP. There's already skills that don't work in PvP or work differently than in PvE, so why not reduce the number of CC skills and/or their duration? You can still have to manage your resolve bar without the ridiculous amount of CCs that we have right now. Or just give us some seconds of CC immunity after exiting a CC, or balance the resolve bar. Cheers.
  3. Nobody pulled the ball carrier to the endzone, he just ran straight to the line. Also, it was their first score with the first ball after the start of the match, and it didn't correct itself later either. The problem with the ball happened in that same match too, and I also saw someone being CC'ed for an insane amount of time (I've experienced this myself too, and it's not being constantly CC'ed, but being left there stunned for minutes with no CC breaker or /stuck command). You'll agree that that's a lot of coincidences for a single match, and that's why I said that I wouldn't be surprised to see anyone being invulnerable (be it a glitch, an exploit or a hack). Cheers.
  4. I'll give this guy the benefit of the doubt, as I've seen some strange things myself too, like imps scoring two times at once on Huttball, or me losing the ball to an imp player without dying or even touching the "pass the ball" button nor using any stealth ability (and yes, I reported it). I'm not saying that it's something that only happens imp side, but there's some cheesy things happening right now, and that's why I wouldn't be surprised to see any exploit like the one that the OP describes. Cheers.
  5. I agree with the OP, and let me tell you a little story. I usually just reject ninja party invites, but yesterday I was in a very good mod when I got spammed (literally, I got one invite per second until I accepted) with a ninja party invite in Ilum, so I accepted it, I greeted the party and I asked what was it for. They told me that it was for PvP, and even if I was doing my PvE dailies at the moment, I accepted to give them a hand and do my PvP daily with them. What do you you think that happened? They finished their quest and left me in the cold (they knew that I hadn't finished yet). That reminded me why I always reject such invitations. If people don't care to ask you before sending the invite, it's pretty likely that they won't care about anything else than themselves for everything. And for all I care, they can go... play alone or with their other rude and selfish friends Cheers.
  6. Extended maintenance (as I foresaw in my previous post, but luckily it hasn't been too long) and a crappy patch, as I just saw that issue happen once two days ago. This could have been deployed on the 31st. Say whatever you want, but it has been a bad decision. I would also like to know where does people get the numbers to say that there's more people playing in either the US or the EU servers. As far as I know, from looking at the server status at different times of the day, populations are pretty much even. Fact is that, with the current setting, one side is and will be always getting the shaft when we get patches like today's, and it will become worse when they release oceanic servers. Cheers.
  7. I think that the problem isn't that they patch the game or not. The problem lies in the fact that they know that they will have to patch tomorrow and they've already chosen a timeframe (meaning that it's not just a quick and very critical patch), but they've chosen a terrible time frame on a weekend for half of their customer base. If we can wait till EU prime for "whatever that the patch solves" to be fixed that means that what they're going to patch is not so critical and could wait some more hours, and if it is, then why wait, just patch it when you have it ready. Add to that the fact that usually (and inevitably right now) the EU always gets/can get the worst part on maintenance days (time, extended maintenaces, etc.) and you have why people are starting to get tired and ask for an improvement. Remember that the game is officially supported here, with EU specific servers, EU staff, etc., and it was promised time after time that there would be no discrimination against either US or EU. Also, they're getting paid, and when you work on operations you know that you can be called any time to fix stuff. So the time that the patch guys have to work doesn't really matter as customers (not that I wouldn't feel sorry for them, as I know how it feels on a job like that). Cheers.
  8. In my opinion, Focus and Watchman are "fine" as they are now (not OP, and not very UP either). What I would do is modify Combat: - Dual Wield Mastery should give more than 36% max extra bonus damage to off-hand. Combat lacks the survivability or sustained damage that the other trees have, and it doesn't do enough damage to compensate. The current off-hand damage is laughable, even with that 36%. Another option is to just buff a bit the Ataru form. - Rebuke or Force Camouflage, with Fleetfooted, should also trigger a temporary CC resist buff (30 secs max working like Rebuke but with CCs received?). The class lacks CC abilities when compared to others, and it only has one and half CC breaking skills. It's specially fun when playing Huttball (I call it Sentball), because you can see sents flying around without being able to do the same to their rivals. Cheers.
  9. Problem with an "optional" thing like addons is that, if enough people start using them, devs are forced to develop future content taking them into account. Increasing your overall performance implies that players using them would overcome challenges easier, and that would be reflected on their metrics, thus requiring changes on content. Else, that same people would say that the game is too easy. The example with the physical peripherals is not exactly the same as addons, and one of you has already said the reason: hardware costs money, addons are free. That means that the amount of people with an advantage by using those peripherals can be neglected when compared with the amount of people that could use any given addon. When something "optional" becomes mandatory for a vast amount of players in order to be able to play the game and stay competitive (even if they don't want to use them), then I say that it's not good at all. Cheers.
  10. No, "we" don't need them. The game is fine, playable and easy enough as it is now (in regards to anything that could be affected by the "most popular" addons). UI customization will be a plus that will make it better for many people too, but sometimes you just have to know the limits of how much "customization" you can allow. Cheers.
  11. What I would like to know is why they have still used high resolution textures in today's update ('Karaga's Palace' and 'Kaon under siege'), when this issue seems to not be solved in the upcoming 1.1 patch. And no, not everything in the screenshots and video were cutcenes, so I don't get why they are still using in their promotions textures that we can't use in-game, yet. It's misleading, to say the least. Also, I would like to be able to turn off texture atlas (it shouldn't be that hard to implement, as it was working that way in the beta) and choose if I want to use it or not while we wait for any fix in 1.2 (that will be minor, from the looks of it). Cheers.
  12. As Azzras has posted, there's an upcoming 1.1 patch in the works. It's already in the Test Server (it has been for over a week now), and they will be adding even more things on it tomorrow. The 1.0.2d patch was just a quick weekly patch to fix some critical issues that were easy to implement. Cheers.
  13. I'm sorry, but I prefer to pay $15 (not that much money) and have access to the whole game, than having to pay for every part of it and/or having to bear with the usual F2P kiddies/MMO hoppers in my community, because any of those care a **** about any game that they play (with all what comes with that kind of mentality). Cheers.
  14. I agree with most of what has been said here regarding sentinels and marauders. While I've yet to find any impossible encounter myself, I find it kinda strange that I can faceroll through some missions with my smuggler, when I had a challenge with my sentinel (my main) in that same mission. In my own opinion, another way to make the class a bit more on par with the others, and more rewarding, would be to increment the off-hand damage multiplier. Currently it's set to 30% of weapon's damage with no bonus from Bonus Damage stat, if I'm not mistaken (I can't check it right now, but anyways, it's the same for all dual wielding classes). I think that it should be, at least, 75% of weapon's damage for the sentinel or just apply properly the Bonus Damage on the off-hand, in order to make up for the class' nature. Cheers.
  15. I have a level 41 sentinel and a level 21 smuggler. I got in the first day of Early Access and (luckily) I've been able to play almost all days of this Christmas holidays. I don't feel any rush to get to 50. I enjoy the game, and I don't see any reason to go quick through something that you enjoy. When I like something I don't want it to end as soon as possible, but the opposite. And no, I don't consider myself a casual. For example, I was always among the first to reach max level on Lineage II (grinding FTW <.<), and same in WoW, because all the meat was at end game. But, like I said, I see no reason to rush here when there's plenty of things to do alone or with your guild. Yeah, yeah, operations are at end game, but the rest of the content it's still as valuable, and operations will still be there in a week. Also, as a side note, when I read some (as some others have valid points that I agree to) of the threads on the forums I see that it's happening exactly what I said back in the "old" forums: some people rushed to 50 and got bored The problem is that I was told by that same people that they wouldn't complain about it... Unexpected Cheers.
  16. I was thinking on this: But you're right, it wouldn't be fair either. Cheers.
  17. And I was just saying that you're doing exactly the same, and 'I' find it childish. I would try if I was playing in your server, and I don't think that that's the case as I have yet to see any of that on mine (Trask Ulgo, FYI). Extended maintenance. Like last week's. And I'm not asking a refund myself, if you read my previous posts you'll see that I ask for something more reasonable. Anyways, if I get bugged enough with it, I'll just stop paying, but I won't ask for 0.10 cent. I'll just leave this here from Stephen Reids AMA. Someone, somewhere != a whole continent. And it's about being fair, because if something bad happens during a maintenance/update, the ones that will get screwed are us, always. There's people in Ireland too. And, besides that, they would be already working at night to bring down the US servers. If anything, swapping some weeks to a more EU friendly timeframe would let them work at more decent hours. Also, if you remember that was what they did the first weeks after Early Access started, and no one complained then, because it was hitting someone else each time. Cheers.
  18. And because of that you want to punish the whole EU? I wonder what should we do with everything that we get from some US weirdos... (I know that most of you aren't like that, unlike the above poster). I hope that you see how childish this is, when the downtime issue can be solved in a fair way for all of us. Also, when you launch 'globally' and you trumpet all that about the team located in Ireland, that you care for the EU, etc. well, the least that people expect is that you think twice about the ways that you do things in both zones (something that they did wrong pre-launch, and they admited it, but we were hoping for a change after the release date thingie). Cheers.
  19. If you had other things to do besides playing a game, then yes, because that could mean that you couldn't play that day at all. Considering that we all pay the same, it's quite normal that it bugs us to pay and get 26-29 days while others get 30 when it could be solved easily, as I explained. Cheers.
  20. Why, instead of making the maintenance this way EVERY week, can't they just swap it each week so that it hits the daytime of a different timezone? That would be fair, if they want to keep no IP-blocks and prevent issues with having separated downtime schedules. The way that it is right now, we are screwed if we happen to have any extended maintenance period (like last week). And I will be pissed too, because I don't see why it can't be done the way that I'm suggesting. Cheers.
  21. To add something to what has been said already, in my opinion, people that rushed to level 50 don't know how to play THIS game. No, rushing to end-game and skipping dialogue and quests is not what the devs expect from the majority of the SWTOR's playerbase, nor what that majority is actually doing/going to do, thus they should not listen to everything (they can make valid points too, sometimes, like the rest of the mortals) those players say. Your argument fails from the very start. Cheers.
  22. Honestly, I'm curious about how would you expect to select targets with free look, considering that using tab is not the best way to do it. Cheers.
  23. I agree on that. I've got a disconnection and now I'll have to wait for one hour or more to get back in (started at 300 20 mins ago, I'm 200 now). I can feel the pain of people in more busy servers. Also, I don't think that this is all BioWare's fault, as they recommended to roll on free servers and people keep rolling on FULL servers. I don't believe that there was that much people from our guilds still waiting to join our server today. Yesterday that same server had no queues at all, and the light servers speak by themselves too. Are they masochists or something? Cheers.
  24. You can open the map and use the filters on the bottom left. Cheers.
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