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Everything posted by Rammur

  1. sandbox games are set and preferred for smaller playerbases what makes them so nice too many mainstream kids who came to mmos who came from console games who just dont understand the immersion behind a mmo which is normally the sandboxness.
  2. yeah qq much because you pay to play a PERSISTANT game and story driven yep persistant means its always changing whether you like it or not.
  3. No big deal to most the smart people most the actual followers of the game joined knowing the game was mainly focused on the pvp aspect and their pvp dev team is really small so yeah expect pvp changes to be slow and grudging and expect the story element to be stronger for thats what they INTENDED the game to be story driven.dissapointing yeah i do like my pvp also.
  4. Tired of combating mobs? this you first mmo? ok lets take away the mobs so you can get from point a to point b..... not suppose to be easy. these are the kinda complaints that dumbed down game like WoW and turned them into easy little kid games the only challenge in games like wow now are raids and thats about it.
  5. Truth is everytime a company puts out a decent sandbox game they just become niche because todays mmo players are kids and dont really understand the purpose behind a true sandbox game they just look for the epic loots and the epic storys in the quest chains and true sand box is all about the player to player interactions and what the player does in the gameworld to keep them selves alive.
  6. I just wish people would stop the doomsay qq junk if you dont like the GAME GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE. becaus theres plenty of us who enjoy and love the game you dont need millions of players to be successful in this buisness heck you dont even need 2 million players a few thousand would be successful just WoW set standerd so people got it in their heads if a company doesnt get past that mark its auto FAIL. Yes this game had a ton of people on release and alot left thats how mmos work thats how guildwars 2 will be too be mad people then they will just leave little by little. welcome to the world of mmos.
  7. Do fine people who are loyal and enjoy their mmo will stay the other who have nothing better to do but bounce mmo to mmo will leave thats expects people like that should stick with their console and singleplayer games.
  8. Its ok i cant test at all because the smart dev team seems to have made the launcher put my resolution into like 1600x1000 for some ungodly reason.
  9. That and its a epic series that alot of us fans have loved and enjoyed since part 1. one of bw first ACTUAL cinematic rpg so yeah i cant wait loved the story so far.
  10. I havnt had a problem yet either and i play republic problably just depends on the server that and as content comes out such as races and the legacy im sure people will start rerolling either way so long as people have fun doesnt really matter pvp aspect well thats not bw real big focus its a small focus but not to big.
  11. The empire always outnumbered the republic even in the storys what make republic so special they always fight off the odd in the end. Imbalance isnt bw fault its the players and bw isnt gonna force people to play factions they dont wanna play so complainin about it is pretty much moot.
  12. Pffft death penalties in tor are very very lax compaired to other games dont complain!
  13. Man all the insane complaints everyone has like super computers compaired to me and ive yet to have a single heat problem.
  14. Dont think its fair to even ad dcuo into the competition its a completely diffrent style of game its a action based mmo reason most people dont like ti because they dont like the change but its f2p now so its worth the play now i still enjoy that game alot mainly because i am a dc fan boy
  15. Works the same with weapons too top mod will determine your attack rating.
  16. Yep these forums are starten to look like WoW's now all i see are complaints and thats it so really not worth reading anymore.
  17. And why after i read that spec did it feel like a spammer? tryin to sell stuff lol .
  18. Heck yeah im runnin it at high i got a cheesy 4600 ati card but right now i dont even think the actual high setting is even working one downfall that bw has on this game is not enough graphic options pretty weak for a game thats been in developement for past 6 years hopefully they get somethin rolled out soon.
  19. Sorry thats a bandaid and is still unacceptable to most bw needs to get it together now i love their company and i love their games but this is pure sloppyness the second this issues was reported they shoulda already been workin on some hotfixes and at least acknowledged the people with the issue.
  20. Im still gettin kicked from the game after character selection and ive already done the repair.
  21. Hope repair works it doesnt id hate to cancel my sub because bw was sloppy with this patch.
  22. mmo not a console game mmos are developed for immersion not to rush to end and beat quit rushing if you already hit max lvl make a buisness go craft and harvest and run the auction house or something.
  23. I really care less about the simularities i enjoyin ToR and yeah look similar go figure bw annouced they were working on a MMO back in 2005 WoW released in 2004 so really the 2 games are basically using the same technology. ToR using Hero engine btw and that engine games look similar period http://www.heroengine.com/
  24. then again why the ell are we all on the ToR forums talkin about other games ToR is great if it wasnt we wouldnt be here now.
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