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Everything posted by Foxcolt

  1. Problem is..their too small to be recognizable in the sense of what people want when they plan an MMO. I know what my saber colors look like (black/red) but I have no idea what my hilt looks like...I doubt very many do, they are just to small to really stand out. To no fault of BW either. I actually posed this question prior to the game coming out..once you start running out of cool colors..where do you go from there? Personally I see them changing the shape of the actual saber part of the swords..how much it depends on how far they are willing to skew away from canon..but really that's the only option I can see them going a year from now. As much as I love lightsabers..in a year or whatever when I pre-order the expansion pack (if I do) I'd be pretty disappointed to find out that the new weapons will look exactly like the ones I've been using save for a few hilt changes.
  2. So many of us are eagerly awaiting the full list of changes for 1.2..We don't know how we should form our rated wz teams (will tanks still be as strong? Will sorcs still be good ball runners? Are snipers still useless?), we don't know which crafting prof's we'll need to farm for or grind for early. Your communication so far has been great..EXCEPT when it comes to the class changes..already the forums are rampant with misinformation based on the few tidbits of information that have been released via interviews and other sites. To the point where your very own Georg has had to step in to prevent even further spread of misinformation. Please bioware stop the madness put the PTS up and give us the patch notes so we can start planning for the changes
  3. The issue for us revolves around the system treating all 3 stacks of deadly saber as one rather that each separately. So one could dispel both our rupture and all 3 stacks of DS in one global. Personally I feel that this is unintended and in fact a bug..purge/cure/etc should treat each stack of deadly saber separately and react accordingly. If anyone has fought a competent operative/scoundrel healer they know what I'm talking about..they are near impossible to take down solo as they'll just spam their dispel which also can heal them for a small amount. Hopefully it gets recognized in 1.2 as I'm sure everyone will be up in arms about it once rated wz's will show how powerful the spell is.
  4. dispells are certainly going to change the metagame when ranked wz's come out. Not just for us but all the classes that have dots as a main part of their damage. But it's all dependent on the class changes in 1.2 they've been so damn quiet about how they'll be changing the classes we have no idea what to expect. For all we know after 1.2 annihilation may be the weakest spec for pvp and render this conversation useless..who knows :/
  5. how the hell does (I'm assuming you meant) saber ward..have anything to do with burst dmg? Maybe you mean deadly saber?
  6. Not sure you're getting it..regardless of where you use retaliation the rage spent on it has a lower damage to rage ratio then using the rage on VS, rupture, anything else. So essentially you're losing dps by wasting the rage on retaliation rather than saving it for VS etc etc. This is in regards to pvp and maybe boss fights with aoe dmg :/ not sure..essentially at lvl 50 there's no reason to use retaliation as a marauder..not for dps at least. Maybe for pvp dailies when a mob is low? If you're still leveling then by all means retaliate/kick/pommel strike to your hearts content.
  7. I still don't get it..someone explain it to me in small words please.
  8. let this thread die imo...we don't want more baddie healers figuring out our weakness! But yea..any healer smart enough to dispel our dots is very tough to kill.
  9. Here's what was going through my head while I read your post... "hmm..my retaliation is bound to shift 4.." "when was the last time I actually used it?..level 30ish I think" "I should get rid of it entirely and put something else in that quickslot" the dmg vs rage cost is terrible..just use VS followed by BA.
  10. Troll post is confusing..and therefore boring to read.
  11. Good news is.. Now only you will be able to see how bad you really are..and when your guild asks you to upload your log so everyone can parse your crappy dps, you can come up with excuses like "Oops I accidentally deleted it" or "Oh man..I forgot to upload it this week"
  12. You don't really think it will really be like that in 1.2 do you? The nerd rage that would ensue would be enough to melt the sun...
  13. swap in and out as needed. That's what I did..easy stuff I used jeassa and harder stuff I used quinn.
  14. Whats your point? Dev team has already acknowledged that they didn't itemize T3 gear properly (something they will be fixing in 1.2). And most people replace their mods with the +61 str and enchantments with crit/surge so endurance will be even lower.
  15. Because you honestly think that one thread full of baddies complaining about how one ability is overpowered because, (and lets face it, this is true) they probably got killed once or twice by a marauder using UR (yourself probably included) has any chance of getting the ability nerfed? Seriously..just stop being bad...every class has a way to counter a marauder using UR.. every... single... class... So..stop crying..play better...and it won't be an issue. easy.
  16. Don't they typically announce that the Test server will be going down the day before it does? Which would mean that we aren't getting jack today :|
  17. I won't comment on your spec (to each his/her own) But I will say that I use empowerment and it's decent.. The times when it procs are great especially when it procs during an opener FC -> DS -> BA -> Rupture (Proc) Annihlate. Come ranked wz's though I will be specc'ing out of it to spend those 2 points elsewhere.
  18. What that does is invalidate the time artists spent on making new end game sets as everyone is going to get their set piece, rip out the mods and put it in a crit crafted trenchcoat :| They NEED to have augment slots on end game gear...else the ONLY value they will have are the mods inside. Worst part is..I remember reading something where they explicitly stated that 1.2 end game gear will NOT have augment slots and they are fully aware that crit crafted gear will be BIS for all classes..then some mumbo jumbo about "We will be releasing exciting changes that will make you think about what gear to pick in the future" which in my head translates to "We didn't have the time to add augment slots to end game gear in 1.2 but we will in 1.3" So yea 1.2 preview video armor FAIL
  19. So my thread gets closed at 3 pages to get redirected to this post that only has 3 replies :| All I wanted were patch notes >_< Anyways to be somewhat contructive... They really do need to at least give us a preview of the class changes asap..they've already stated that all classes are getting changes and I'm guessing this is going to totally re balance the state of classes in the game.. Really all I want to know is..do I need to reroll sorc or wait?
  20. Guys guys guys.... we are getting off topic here.. I want the 1.2 patchnotes..I'm sick of waiting for them..I want to read them and see the class changes so I can go post about how they will totally break my class. I want to read the supposed 4 pages of crafting changes..so I can drop biochem for the next FOTM crafting and get an early start on hoarding my mats n stuff.. Is that too much to ask? They are sitting on some scrubs pc just waiting to be posted...they are probably peer reviewing the post now at bioware getting ready for release..just put them up already so I can SEE THEM OMG CMON DO IT NAO
  21. you must not be 50 yet..it is Boooring...and I have nothing to do but do endo's in my BM speeder on the fleet next to the bank and look like a boss
  22. Seriously..I'm sick of waiting for them...there hasn't been an update to the PTR in a few weeks. Just get on with it so I can see how you are going to fix and/or break my class please... Plus show us what the PVP armor will look like..so I can make countless threads about how crappy it looks. Do it now.. Or I quit. Thanks.
  23. They are a pain.. Then can spam their purge and it heals them for a small amount..so you can't rely on dots so much. I typically try to keep them snared/heal debuffed for a bit while I look for a better target.. If I do need to kill them and I can tell they know what their doing..(purging while running away) I try and get them to pop their trinket with a mez, then try and get dots on them and force choke with beserk up that'll get them almost dead if you have good gear. Then they'll panic and pop their 100% dodge cooldown (they turn blue), then hope your force scream crits to finish them off.
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