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Everything posted by Foxcolt

  1. Power by far... Everything else you can stack to the point of significant DR's (save end which is meh for deeps)..which eventually will make power the higher priority. Altho..expertise may be better due to the new DR curve..you'll have to see what expertise you sit at in full war hero gear..then determine how much extra you'd gain from have +82 expertise (Percentage wise) rather than +82 power (bonus damage wise) and then decide.
  2. Force charge (when appropriate) -> Deadly saber while in air -> Battering assault -> Rupture -> Annihilate That's that basic opening..can change depending on situation etc etc
  3. I actually swapped to a naga from my n52, just wanted to try something new. The hex is made primarily with RTS's in mind hence the lower number of buttons..keep that in mind when deciding between the two. Some people just can't get used to the naga..I guess they must have club hands or something..it isn't that hard if you can manage the dexterity of a small child or above.
  4. See'ing as guy can't type coherent paragraphs to save his life..he'd prolly get fired pretty quick imo. Pally bubble is fine..l2p newbs
  5. /sign Conceptually I like that idea as well. Sounds like it would be a fun skill to play around with. However with the severe amount of client/server disconnect issues this game is plagued with I think it may be technically outside the range of what BW and the Hero Engine are capable of. Though, I would be delighted to be proven wrong on that.
  6. Switch your UI to display numbers instead of the terrible flashy greyed out cooldown timer disaster they first came out with. Place your most used cooldowns at the center of your quickbars and hot key appropriately. Then you should easily be able to tell in your peripheral vision when cooldowns are up without having to stare at your bars. Or/And easily glance to see how many seconds it will be before your longer ones are up again. Play enough warzones with this setup and it'll come naturally to you.
  7. Which is between 500-600 expertise depending on the stuff you switch out and the stats you gain from it... Not sure why you are confused about guy's post :/ I sit at 553 expterise with 1 crit columi implant, rakata helm and matrix cube...seems to work well enough for me.
  8. There was some discussion over on sithwarrior.com but I don't think anything conclusive was ever derived. From what I remember I think it was concluded that the proc relic is better on bosses where you don't have to move out of the way too much. Foreman, the KP droid, Karagga etc. While the on use relic was better on fights like soa etc. That being said the matrix cube proved to be just as much if not more dps than each of those relics so theory was to always have the matrix cube then swap out the proc/on use relics as needed. Again though this is all theory and could change with 1.2 and combat logs. For PVP I always use the on use relics simply because of the expertise.
  9. I started weaving it a bit more in my rotations during wz's..and it does work well in the situations it's warranted. It's especially nice to use on an operative thats low on health with his/her dodge buff..but since you have to have someone wailing on you in order to proc it I was only able to pull that off once in a night of pvp w/ saber ward on. But I still think the rage cost needs to be more appropriate to the damage it does.
  10. Quick recovery is gone in 1.2 for marauders... so that's at least one less topic for you to qq about. Also you can LEAP INTERCEDE FORCE PUSH You're the only class in the game that gets two leaps..if you can't pvp effectivly with that then go back to magic the gathering or something.
  11. Annihilate and dispatch/viscous throw are both on the GCD..are you just counting from the time annihilate lands? It's 3 skills in two globals :/ It still shouldn't cost 3 rage..it should be 1. Then it could be used every time it procs rather than trying to weave it into the few situations where it's beneficial to do so.
  12. I'm guessing you mean 3 seconds... And that's a lot of rage you would need to pool up to be able to run that combo
  13. Pre-CU Jedi. I had to have my entire guild help me level for fear of BH's ganking me. Having to restart from scratch every death was certainly not my idea of fun. Whip out your lightsaber around any human NPC's? name pops up on the bounty boards. Use too many force powers out in the wild? Darth Vader senses a disturbance in the force and your name pops up on the bounty boards. So grinding consisted of..getting a few sets of kinetic armor going out and grinding mobs for 25min..then logging on to your BH alt to make sure your name wasn't on the bounty boards..rinse repeat. Although running around as a BH and one shotting people with a lightning cannon was pretty cool and hilariously OP. Then there were krayt pearls..precious items that you needed to make lightsabers that only dropped from Krayt Dragons..which at the time were the only "raid" boss in the game. I would run around tatooine on my speeder..aggro one..then run to the nearest town to get it stuck inside a house. You could literally get the thing to run head first into a building and if you did it right..his head would pop out the other side. Stuck Krayt Dragon! Then you just needed to stand a few feet from him and afk attack until it was dead! When I found groups killing krayts I would take my rifleman and mind shot over and over again from a distance..being carefull not to accept any group invites..therefore doing the most damage and getting loot rights on the boss, because thats how it worked back then..whomever did the most damage got rights to loot :| Thanks 25 people who tanked it for me! Nothing was more fun then inviting someone to your house and dropping couches over them so they couldn't get out..then they had to put in a ticket and wait hours for the non existing CS to get around to porting their character out of the house. (I think they later turned off PC collision detection for that very reason) Oh and the holo grind? I ended up just using macro's to grind out the dancer and musician professions because it was so boring. Imagine having to grind from 1-50 by just sitting there typing /dance over and over again. Yeah..SWG was a decent game..but many of you folks are looking at it through rose tinted glasses..the game was a buggy, exploit ridden mess with near nothing to do when it came out..and SOE just made it worse and worse until they finally were forced to axe it.
  14. All Valid points - But mine is simple... In it's current form I don't feel that retaliation is worth the 1 rage cost (when used with assault) at the loss of 2 rage built. My previous post may have made it seem otherwise but I use assault as a last resort rage builder (not damage) so in fact I use it semi often when needing to build rage for my next cooldown. But my point again, the times I use assault are when I can or am forced to spend a GCD in order to build rage for another ability. Therefore the rage gained is valued higher than the damage of retaliation + assault and more of an increase in dps vs potentially not being able to use another one of your abilities off cooldown. I see the point you're making and to some degree I agree. When VS spamming it could prove wise to mix in an retaliation + assault in there for the added damage (is it proven that the combo is more dmg than a crit VS? I'll have to check) But I still don't think that the skill should cost 3 rage..if it's intent is to be used on proc (which the talents in our annihilation and carnage tree certainly make it seem) that it should be a no brainer to use every time it procs, it shouldn't be a situational ability. If it's cost were reduced to 1 rage then I believe it would be more inline with what the dev's intended. Which is to be used every time it procs regardless of what you use it with.
  15. 1, is a decent point. 2, however most people (that aren't terrible) tend to use Assault only as a last resort to build rage as with a full stack of annihilate you'll never really have the time to Assault if you're decent with your cooldowns. With your logic in PVP you're expending one rage to retaliate/assault and therefore gimping yourself when your other abilities come off cooldown. The only time I would use assault is when I'm 1 or 2 rage away from an annihilate with it coming off cooldown. Or if I quickly need to apply rupture to a running target and I'm at zero rage. Really in PVP the loss of two rage for the damage isn't worth it when you compare what skills you "Could" be using instead. Even if you need to use another global. The 3 rage cost isn't fine..it's dps to rage is terrible compared to abilities that aren't off the GCD. It needs to be lowered to one rage..plain and simple..it's a situational ability that's meant to be used on proc..but in it's current form there is no place for it due to our already tight rotations. Again..if you use retaliation in a PVP situation because it's off the GCD you're only gimping your rage generation and therefore potentially doing less dps in the long run. Lower it's cost to bring it more in line with it's crappy damage and perhaps then it would be useful for marauders. As of now I just keep it on my toolbar for the lulz.
  16. Edit: sigh..I'm just not in the mood to troll today. Anyways..there's a lot of wrong in your post...
  17. I don't get it...ravage is actually decent as it stands now (if used correctly). There are a lot of other abilities (GORE) that could use some love. Not sure what BW intended there.
  18. Edit: nvm..Ferocity is bad..don't spec it at all...cuz yeah it's bad.
  19. Debatable. 2/2 phantom is very strong in pvp and pve if you know when to use it. Regardless, I've since dropped out of phantom just to get used to it again in both WZ's and Raids. There are some times when I certainly miss it, being at 300 life with a dot rolling on me that's about to expire, shrugging off jug omega smashes without having to miss a beat in my rotation or bonethrasher *** swipes, but all in all it's not as huge of a loss as I originally anticipated. Edit: ferocity is THE strongest talent in hutball..anyone who disagrees is retarded
  20. Pshhh.. This is my spec..it's a better spec than any of yours. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100ZZGrRrdrRdGR.1 I don't even bother using the last 4 talent points cuz the spec is so good.
  21. This thread was such a better read than "Nerf xxx class cuz yyy" I may go ahead and checkout the thrawn trilogy, I read a few of the x-wing books a long long time ago and have always been meaning to get back into EU books. good info here.
  22. Let us know what you come up with. In a 1v1 I've always been curious as to whether it's better to saber ward then CoP or to hit them both at the same time. If available I pop both when being focused by more than one opponent..but I've never really taken the time to figure out exactly how much more reduction you would get from that.
  23. I'll be switching to carnage for rated wz's (provided they fix the current ataru dmg bug) solely because that is where the predation speed buff is moving too.
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