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Everything posted by Foxcolt

  1. What debate are you talking about? This was determined months ago... Edit: I just saw the other fail thread..apparently there's no cure for stupid...
  2. I have a feeling BW is asking themselves that same exact question right now :|
  3. Zen during that encounter will cause you to receive the the debuff that no longer allows you to damage your council member. So don't use it..else you'll wipe your raid.
  4. wait a second.... Push-back reduction happens when you are casting a spell (i.e. Heal) and you get hit causing the casting bar to be "Pushed Back" lengthening the time to cast the spell. So...in that sense..wouldn't having push back of being hit while channeling force choke make it last longer?? In reality I can only guess that the push back is on the "ticks" of damage done during the force choke..meaning if you're getting hit you won't get all the ticks within the 3 second channel.. Either way...100% useless talent Edit: to your second question..it does not..there's no talent that prevents our ghetto stun from ending prematurly due to another cc effect..hence why it's a "ghetto" stun.
  5. I was carnage for pvp in the first week of 1.2 It was fun..decent dmg and the predation buff. Switched back to annihlation and the damage + survivability still reigns king. As much as I hate to say it...we are in the same spot as we were prior to 1.2 Annihilation is king for PVE and PVP., rage is fun for the lulz. If they ever get around to implementing ranked wz I'll go back to carnage as the speed buff outweighs everything in a high level group game..but until then I see no reason to spec carnage except for a change of pace.
  6. I'd like to get confirmation as to what you just said.. SO..if toth and zorns mechanics are independent i.e. - toth jumps at 90% while zorn is at 93%, tanks swap then range gets back in drops zorn to 90% THEN gets the fearfull debuff.. Is that scenario accurate?
  7. I'm kind of meh on the talent..been using it the past couple days in PVP and these are my thoughts. I primarily picked up the talent for the speed boost, only time I've ever actually noticed it being useful is getting back to a target after a knockback, or making a quick run to a node to cap etc..but I haven't noticed it actually improving my play in any way. The extra 2 seconds is pretty negligible, only times I've ever seen it become useful is after a knockback/root, camo and wait wait for the root to wear off (if there are no other targets to attack). Other than that..the talent is great for making a dash to a health pickup in voidstar, when low on life..especially since you can camo by another enemy going for it as well. All in all I think phantom has went from a awesome talent to a lackluster one..I'll be speccing out of it and using the 2 points elsewhere. Also..I've actually found that the extra 2 seconds can hurt your objective play in pvp as well. Since you need to be out of stealth in order to cap a node, get a pass..I used to be able to break camo with a quick sweeping slash..but now since it costs 3 rage instead of 1, I've been stuck at a node/etc waiting those precious seconds for camo to wear off. Thoughts?
  8. Why are you posting this on the marauder forums? Many of us know how to fight marauders cuz ...that's the class we play and stuff.
  9. Right.. Point is though...no one with any sense is going to spend comms on any of the PVP medpacks/adrenals if they are trying to grind for war hero gear.. In the end it's just another oversight by the devs when they decided not to bring out ranked wz's...just another mistake in the long line of mistakes that this company has made with PVP in general.
  10. I just went back to my rakata medpack. Losing games often net 30-50 comms..if you use 3 medpacks during the match you've just lost more comms then you gained. As of now they're worthless.
  11. I looked at OP's post history to validate that OP is actually a marauder....I found out two things 1, OP is in fact a marauder 2, OP is a clicker The end.
  12. let me troll in peace..don't come in here with your "sense" and "logic" and stuff... btw wz ranking system wasn't bugged...it was the queuing system they had issues with, if ranked WZ's would have gone live ranked teams of 8 would have been paired up with pug's queuing for regular wz's.
  13. Enjoy those healing ticks while my team whizzes by you at 80% run speed for a 6 - 0, 4 min hutball Win.
  14. I bet this is why ranked WZ's were delayed..cuz y'know they had to get this new snazzy website up and running! THANKS BIOWARE.. GOOD LOOKIN OUT BRAH
  15. You're watchman numbers are way way over inflated..so much so that it's hilarious. Try hitting people with more than zero expertise and see if you get those numbers. For organized PVP Carnage/combat is best..simply because of the run speed buff... If you want to scrub it up in pugs..go spec watchman/annihilation since the self heals will let bads live longer. I don't get why that is so hard for people to grasp.
  16. My work has teh crappy monitors and I cannot see the alternating colors very well Make them more pronounced please Edit: actually my black levels are all kinds of outa whack..and I would rather they change the forums then having me mess around with my settings
  17. Are terribly hard to read Try adding some visual separation between the forum posts please... Protip: hire people that have experience making intuitive websites instead of having your dev team do it. It's website design 101 to have visual distinction between forum posts (read: LINES SEPARATING EACH POST).
  18. More info pls..which enhancements did you replace? So you only lost 1% expertise by slotting 4 outa 5 enchantments with IA gear? So 100 expertise is roughly 1% at the 1kish level?
  19. This is correct. BW outright lied to us they specifically stated that as long as we put the mods/enchantments with the correct stats in them that they would upgrade. Either of outright lack of knowledge (read: stupidity) or they just simple didn't care to tell us the truth (since there's no way for us to know which mod/enchantment belonged to what piece of gear) they just decided to let things "go" as is and hope for the best. I spent about 400k re slotting all my BM gear back to normal only to find that my chest and legs hadn't upgraded (probably because I had the enchantments swapped despite them being the exact same ones). Put in a ticket and a post on the CR forums...got an email that it would be forwarded up to the investigation team... I've stood by this game for awhile now..but the state of PVP plus all this f ups that BW is constantly making (are the servers even back up yet??) is making it hard for me to justify spending my time and money in this game at all :/
  20. Yeah, not 'exactly" the enhancment/mod that was orginally in the gear but as long as it's the same one (read: same stats as stock) then it will update according to the dev post. Devs stated that warzone comms would be tradeble to ranked wz comms at a rate of 3 to 1
  21. Soooo...I'll be spending about 400k to reslot all my BM gear back to normal. What should I do with my 4 BM tokens? Thinking of picking up 2 sets of gloves for the +61 str mods..since all the other classes BM enchantments are pretty useless (unlike champ). I did hear rumors of some enchantments being upgraded on test, though I can't check. What are you gonna do? Edit: yay for 666 ranked wz comms right off the bat :/ Am I even going to be able to buy anything with that?
  22. This thread has so much fail advice it's hilarious. 1, use your healing debuff..next to your interrupts it's your strongest move vs healers (even stronger in 1.2) 2. Each healing class has a big heal and a small heal and many have a channeled heal as well. learn what they are called. Don't waste time on the smaller 1.5sec cast heals as you can dps through them..but make sure to interrupt the channeled heals and the big 2.5~sec cast ones else you'll never kill anything. Sorc healers are the easiest to kill, there's nothing really special you need to do for them. Merc healers can be tough once they pop their cooldowns..but w/ deadly throw and good burst they aren't a problem. The issue is that most of the time they can outlast you until help arrives which can sometimes be a pain. Op healers are a pita...I don't even want to go there.
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