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Everything posted by Prolapse

  1. Gotta say... baddie healers who think they can outheal the dps of the entire enemy team, then call you a noob when you win the game for them.
  2. You can find it in your Abilities window.
  3. Your signature is pretty ironic given your complaint.
  4. I have the ball... stun, stun, stun, I died.
  5. Yeah if I played the game with my bedroom lights off I'd be experiencing the same sick you do, maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet and I'm just in a latent period of not realizing how bad it is.
  6. Hmph. :\ Well I'm sorry to hear that, I have some pretty hefty eye issues myself so I know what its like to get everything adjusted just perfect. I have chronic eye pain and migraines so playing games can be tricky for me. Hope you find a solution.
  7. Do you wear glasses? I wear glasses myself, if I don't wear them I get bad migraines playing video games.
  8. Take two excedrin migraine. Not a troll. Take them. If this was suggest I apologize. I'm responding directly to the op. You might also want to talk to your doctor about a promethazine prescription, its an anti nauseatic (sp). It makes the nausea go away, in a nutshell. I take it, and it works wonders.
  9. First of all I'm dead serious. This is not a troll thread, I seriously want this title on my merc and future trooper whom I will spam grav round on. I mean damn, it takes so much coordinated effort for me to spam tracer missile I feel I deserve a title, don't I?
  10. Yes. Yes they do. I find it disturbing.
  11. I delete perfectly good level 30 characters because I get bored of their appearance. Yeah.
  12. Hello community members, this message is brought to you by Prolapse. I spent 30 minutes trying to write an intro to best describe my idea in every minute detail I could possibly surmise, but alas it has all been backspaced into heaven. So I'll lay it on you simple, because simple is good for us, especially right now. Color crystals. They come in many colors, but not enough. We want more. Well, at least I know that I want more, and I'm speaking on behalf of you! Keeping it short here's the idea. Each color crystal comes with a preset of 1-10 shades based on the color crystal. Not every color crystal will have 10 shades, and I doubt any will, especially red. Now listen here... you take that color crystal, you pop it in your lightsaber there and you move a little scroll bar, or press a little arrow button up or down, and the shade of your lightsaber changes colors. That's one idea. This next idea just came to me... it may be volatile. Much like the idea above, each crystal has a certain amount of shades you can choose from. Well, what if we brought the artifice skill into the mix? Now you've got crystals you're crafting that are blue and red and green and yellow and heavens to betsy what's going on here now stop! Your inventory is full of crystals. But that's okay, because you're just going to right click them to learn them. Then when you want to pick a color for your lightsaber you just scroll through a list of colors on the modification menu and select whichever one suits you best. And you know what else? You can even buy special colors, or loot them from certain rare crystal nodes. Yep.
  13. I like to run around naked on my male Zabrak and scare/alienate people. Sometimes I pvp naked, too. I'd like to see full body tattoos on him, perhaps a legacy option? Perhaps a new cosmetic feature to be added in a later patch? What are your thoughts, gentlemen of the skin?
  14. This is going to be a little bit tricky, because I'm going to suggest that the Republic side gets Bounty Hunters as a playable class. Why? Because Bounty Hunters owe no allegiance to the Empire nor the Republic, making them Neutral. I get that the Mandalorians have a beef with the Republic based on the story, but you don't start out as a Mandalorian working for the Empire. Instead of headed to the Empire for the Great Hunt, an entirely new Bounty Hunter story could be introduced for Republic players to enjoy. So what is the Empire getting in return? We're getting Troopers in return. Actually, we're getting Imperial Soldiers. The class would be identical to the Trooper, except their advanced classes would be the Assault Trooper (Commando) and the Shocktrooper (Vanguard). Some abilities such as names would be altered but generally speaking animations and damage wouldn't be changed much if at all. Unless each class had certain faction specific abilities. Why did I mention lore? Because lore kind of dictates that bounty hunters are available for hire by anyone or any organization that can buy them off for the better price. And not being able to play the true brute force of the Empire, the Soldier, is somewhat disheartening. I myself play on both sides, and if the Republic didn't have Troopers I'd go absolutely insane. Kind of like I'm about to with the lack of Imperial Soldiers. And before someone else says it yes I'm aware there are issues with the game that require the immediate attention of the developers, so if that's all you're going to say, I just said it for you, now go. This thread is for the discussion of the introduction of an Imperial Soldier class that mimics the Republic Trooper, and making Bounty Hunters neutral.
  15. This never happened pre 1.1. Now it happens, and frequently. And is now making the game somewhat tedious to play, as opposed to pleasant. There have been times I've just quit the game because the TOR load screen popped up and never went away, even though I could clearly HEAR things happening in the game.
  16. Its everywhere. It pops up when loading planets, when loading ZONES, when queueing for warzones, DURING WARZONES, during combat on certain planets, just pretty much everywhere and its getting really annoying. I've just about reached the boiling point.
  17. Seriously, that's all troopers spam. Go ahead troopers, defend your 3kdps spam skill.
  18. I'd rather see the Falleen as a playable race.
  19. We all know that the preferred weapon of bounty hunters in the Star Wars Universe has traditionally been the blaster rifle, aside from Jango Fett in the ruinous Star Wars Prequels. My proposal is an EARLY talent point in a talent tree that allows the training of the use of Blaster Rifles for Powertechs. It's completely optional. Quite frankly, my powertech looks like a ninny with his little pistol. He deserves a ****** rifle. WHO IS WITH ME?!
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