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Everything posted by Halkyon

  1. Smuggler could go either way most scenes, but there's a couple dialogue moments where gunslinger doesn't make all that much sense. One class quest in particular mentions sneaking in undetected and being subtle, to which I felt like quoting Foghorn Leghorn, a gunslinger is about as "subtle as a hand grenade in a barrel of oatmeal." You get made fun of at other times for being really, really, really bad at subtlety though, so... who knows.
  2. Marauders/Sentinels have jack. No one really has the same variation of the above CC moves either.
  3. I actually used him as DPS companion entirely when I played my tank guardian, and he seemed to do pretty respectably.
  4. Lack of variety in species has nothing to do with quality of models and animations--other than the fact that the reason they probably included bo "alien" species is specifically so that they could focus on getting decent humanoid facial features/animations.
  5. THIS. Argh! Once was enough. Though I think I still like it more than, "Now you'll get to see a how a jedi does things!" Really? Just because a jedi is enthusiastic to meet a challenge, it doesn't make him an narcissistic douche bag with a flair for saying really weird things. I mean really, who says that? Something less wordy and, heck, even more generic would be preferable to that line for the knight. It's like he's being prideful (which is a non jedi trait anyways)... but not even about himself, but about the order... I mean come on, if you're going to brag, brag about yourself, not the jedi!
  6. [Threaten Child] Lol, I know it's unequivocally dark, but it was just so ridiculously over the top, with absolutely no middle ground there... "Hmm, they wont talk so logically... I MUST PUT A GUN TO THE HEAD OF THE NEAREST PERSON AND THREATEN TO SHOOT!" I feel like returning the supplies to the refugees and ignoring the hurt troops would have been neutral, while there should have been an option 3 to donate money or track down more supplies as the LS one... I can see why one is LS and the other DS, but still... (ie. asking you to decide if it's better to help the helpless or those with large infrastructure/corruption issues--Republic military on Ord Mantell doesn't have the most sterling reputation either). Choice was just binary to a silly degree....
  7. I'm guessing it's due to face clipping: Mirulaka: Potentially conflicts with mask Pureblood: Face Tentacle Clipping Might effect certain cyborgs too?
  8. Here's my latest getup! http://i.imgur.com/3cIrv.jpg No longer space cowboy, but now a freelance space commando! It just occurred to me that a Sentinel could wear that outfit and pretty much do that, lol.
  9. I think the complaints are really only for 2 reason: 1) The story is traditional, so if you're expecting dramatic twists, you'll be a bit disappointed. 2) The male character's voice-acting isn't exactly enthralling mots of the time (doubly so if you used body type 3 or 4).
  10. Seeing as there's no reason not to do both, I think the question may be kinda moot. I've seen a lot of Sith character rolling serious republic "alts" and vice versa, so... really, they aren't in competition. That said, Coruscant and the Justicar district do a helluva good job of scaring people away at early levels.
  11. That's pretty much what I've found. Risha is my No. 2, but there's zero margin for error when you're using her against anything elite. I think I could get away with Akaavi too if she had better armor. On the up side, he's probably the most awesome/hilarious healer companion in the game, so being stuck with him isn't all that bad.
  12. No, I did it as a guardian and had the same results after figuring it out; used the exact same strategy. The adds hit like wet noodles. The only essential thing is staying on him and interrupting his instant kill. Never used a single pillar. The time I killed him my heroic moment was even on cooldown. Had about 60% life left, used 1 med pack I think. His respawn bug did hit me though, so I had to wait a good 5-10 min between attempts.
  13. I think it may be different for tanks; on my knight I could solo gold star elites just fine with any of my companions, and on the whole the downtime was marginal. I think Doc had less, but it took slightly longer to kill stuff so it was more or less a wash, unless it was one of the rare mobs that could cut though all my defenses with force powers or tech attacks. Of course, despite all that, i still never used Sgt. Rusk. I didn't like his character much, so he got to guard my ship. The rest all got a fair bit of field time. On my Gunslinger I found that I much more got stuck in the "bring the healer" deal; it wasn't even a matter of convenience; there was a certain point where the gold star elites just started curbstomping me without a healer, and if I'd win it was with all cooldowns used and at 10-20% life (compared to guardian who sometimes wouldn't have to use ANY cooldowns...) That said, Guss is freakin' awesome, and I kinda wanted to have him around anyways, after I had him. The downside was that I never really got to use Bowdaar or Corso though, because they got me killed even faster (though I had some luck with Bowdaar in DPS mode in the 40s, for clearing trash stuff). Tank companions in general kinda underwhelm me.
  14. Yes. I proposed this idea way, way back when I played SWG too, and I still stand by it. Droids in Star Wars have so much personality that they really are characters in their own right. Also, droid RP would be hilarious/awesome, and it'd make it so that multiplayer content like flashpoints and operations get some droid love too! Given the way this game plays, this would mostly be either a battle droid or assassin droid, though I could see an astromech working too, potentially.
  15. Having played a smuggler and knight to 50 and the rest to 10ish, or so... (Only listing top 5) 1.) Guss - Best comic relief in the game that I've seen so far. 2.) Vette - Snarky, and shock collar shenanigans for those who roll that way. 3.) Risha - Captures the OT Princess Leia archetype pretty well 4.) Doc - A pocket healer that you can dress up as Doc Holiday! Also he's a class act guy... mostly. 5.) Kira - Fun to have around, though seems a bit too idealized. Her banter with Doc is pretty funny and makes me wish this game had more crew vs. crew shenanigans like KOTOR1 and 2 where they regularly tore each other apart. And just for fun, I'll throw in Akavi as number 6, just because she has the best character intro ever and also evolves more than most of the other characters you run into (that I've seen anyways) as you get to know her. Or at least, if she doesn't evolve, you discover there's a bit more depth to her character. Just wish she did anything relevant after she joins your party...
  16. I guess Doc (Knight) might be the one normal-ish one; he's basically just a Lady's man genius doctor with an eccentric streak and a taste for the finer things (but all the while maintaining a heart of gold... more or less). The lady's man part is debatable, since conversations with him indicate that he gets shot down a lot/has a knack for pissing off the ladies. Probably the least weird of the lot though.
  17. Once, same level as him. I was down to like 5% life though. I think tank spec and interrupting the crap out of him helped a lot.
  18. Weird, I'd have killed to swap Nolan North for David Hayter on my Knight. This may be partly because I made my knight a massive bearded guy, and hearing a nasally voice come out of him was super weird. It fits pretty well if you go for a Luke Skywalker type character, who's young, limber and energetic, but in my mind the character was supposed to be more "Burly, mature Scottish Warrior Jedi"... so hearing the voice was kinda jarring, to say the least. Part of it was the dialogue too. Most of the lines were just kind of... eh. There were a few good ones, but by and large they were kind of bland, and the voice lacked any emotion. I know jedi are supposed to lack emotion, but they're also flawed human(oid)s, and it'd have made some of the dialogue less weird. Too many moments where you find out something horribly jarring and the response is stated as if he were quoting the morning paper to a friend at work. That applies especially to dark sided dialogue options where you bragged about how you would do horrible things to your enemies in the most unconvincing and atonal diatribes ever. SHOW SOME PASSION! From my brief tenure with the JC male, it seemed like the light-moderate options tended to be sorta similar or almost grandfatherly toned, whereas the snarky/dark side options tended to get a bit back more towards the "Nathan Drake" side of things with considerably more emotion thrown in (granted the Consular is never even going to be even remotely close to a Nathan Drake character in response option... alas; 'twas one of the great things about Kotor1!)
  19. The Republic Pilot Jacket is probably as close as you can get, from the droid space vendor at the fleet. There's also the TH-15A Corpsman Body Armor, which is a bit different, but it's a pretty subtle (as far as metal armors go) set of gear that's also orange; looks sorta like an armored jumpsuit (min. level of 35). Err wait, I misread what you meant by orange... Well, the flightsuit part still stands pretty close.
  20. I wiped 3x due to losing track of his inst-kill cast and focusing on the clones. Last attempt I just completely ignored them and I wiped the floor with him. I'm not entirely sure they even do any damage worth mentioning; I just focus burned him down in Shien form (hybrid tank spec) and T7 barely even got scratched through the whole thing. Which means the clones are basically just messing with your head, which may be the entire point, come to think of it.
  21. I'd give it a solid 8.5; it's everything a good Knight of the Old Republic story should entail, albeit without the awesome "Holy Crap, I'm Revan!" kind of twist.
  22. It let's my knight kick people in the 'nads. It's fine. If you really want to kvetch, whine about the fact that the Knight special ability is Force Sweep rather than something cool like Force Push. I mean really... it doesn't even stun anything that's not elite (unless legacy one is special and does or something). Also, what elites ignore dirty kick? For me it's worked on practically everything but dungeon bosses.
  23. I went to level cap doing the build you're asking about, though I changed it a little bit after the 1.2 patch made it not quite possible to do any more. It is a really good soloing build though. I ran in Soresu form the entire game to the level cap, though I've since added Shien to the build because for one talent point that I had kindof anemically spent on 1/2 Blade Barrier I get a pretty massive DPS boost courtesy of Shien's offensive focus mechanics. I feel it's also a decent PVP spec and entry-level end-game spec, since it can reasonably tank and reasonably DPS all in the same build (though it requires a form swap). Here's what I'm running with right now: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500GMG0uzZcGrorhzzZ0M.1 When I leveled, I went with defensive tree first to maximize survivability and get a free riposte/bladestorm. Finding ways to boost focus gained/reduce focus cost is huge in Soresu form. If you find that you aren't dying too fast and you don't plan to tank too early, you could probably get away getting Momentum and Victory Rush from defense, then working Vigilance up to Overhead Slash (Possibly Grabbing Swelling Winds from Focus first?), then go back to Defense again to finish it off. When I did it, I went totally defensive, then totally vigilance, but I did feel kinda inactive for a while 'till getting overhead slash at 48. Big rationale for the way I built it was that this lets you grab lots of focus-oriented talents for when you're running Soresu while sacrificing relatively few defensive talents (not enough that they should make/break PvP or non-hard... possibly even hardflashpoints). I used courage in my original build, which made leveling as a defensive spec much less focus-starved, but I've since dropped it; you could actually still grab it if you took the point out of Stasis Mastery and one out of Accuracy, but I find I don't need it at end-game as much (in PvP anyways), so you may want to consider picking it up for leveling, especially if you don't plan to level for PvP.
  24. Boba Fett got the smack laid down on him by a blind man flailing around with a stick. Also, his screams are hilarious.
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