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Everything posted by Ron_Moore

  1. I would use WoW skins. Change the look of the races to WoW races, the classes to WoW classes, etc.
  2. I don't miss the buggy, unfinished, rushed release. Mainly because we are experiencing it all again in this Star Wars MMO. But that sure was a hell of a game. Bioware could learn a lot from it.
  3. This is an interesting new take on things. Would you mind discussing with me who they have marketed this game towards?
  4. I don't care for what you have to say.
  5. Not really. I've dreaded any patches or changes to the game since early beta. I just wish they would sell the game to Blizzard.
  6. This kind of botting is allowed. Don't ask me why.
  7. I also felt the way the OP did. Right up until I reached level 50. Thank you Bioware...
  8. I would love it if we could get some information. Actually I would like a comprehensive list of everything this update is going to involve and every facet of the legacy system, I see no reason to keep this info from us especially if it is something like adding new race options or customization options at character creation. However this is Bioware... don't hold your breath.
  9. What I don't get is why they half-*** everything. Obviously this authenticator system was copied from Blizzard/WoW just like everything else in this game. But also just like everything else in the game it is not as good as the original system (Blizzard's system) they copied. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
  10. Hate is a strong word. Who *hates* clickers? Most people just don't like bad players, and clickers are playing at a sub-par level. Clicking is not as good/fast as using the keyboard. That is just a fact. Even the world's best clicker would be faster if he learned how to use his keyboard.
  11. To be honest, I'm thinking of trying out WoW. This game has potential but it falls short, and according to others it falls short in areas that WoW succeeded in, so I guess it is time for me to bite the bullet and give it a go.
  12. Those items are not ready for release... but you can purchase them anyway through Origin! The t-shirt hasn't actually been printed yet, the key chain is without a chain, and the mug has a hole in it. But hey you can still use them... kinda...!
  13. 1 - 49 this is game is quite decent. 50 is just the same tired old MMO formula that isn't up to par with industry standards.
  14. I got a feeling the dev's to-do list for tonight involves raiding Deathwing.
  15. I have a question for you OP, it is not really related to your tantrum but it is something that I'll be wondering about for days to come. Why are you having to resort to asking random strangers for help with your quests? You said you have a wife and 2 kids that play on different accounts, why couldn't you ask one of them to help you? Do they not like spending time with you?
  16. I'm an Op, this nerf is going to hurt me and I don't like it.... but LOL @ the OP. "I'm going to take my wife and 2 kids and go home! *sniffle*"
  17. WoW had UI customization and mods at release. Seriously if you people who get your information from a wiki want to seem credible then this is one fact you need to get right. So many incorrectly spout this one off. The open world PvP was there too, what they did not have were rewards for doing so. But no PvPer worth his salt needs a reward for doing what he loves...
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