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Everything posted by Ron_Moore

  1. I don't have access to the projected figures at the moment but I'm sure that has been factored into account. Bioware have made games before.
  2. I think when even the devs are saying at press releases, "We've basically taken the WoW model and cloned it", you really have no one to blame but yourself for expecting anything more.
  3. Just give them time man. This is how the MMO development cycle goes: The A Team (I don't think its the same guys from the movie) develops the game. Game is released. Publisher replaces A Team with a B Team because B Team is much less costly and A Team talents are needed elsewhere. B Team takes a little while to learn the ins and outs of the software. Don't worry man. Bioware got this.
  4. Kolto Probe -> Kolto Probe -> Kolto Injection That usually gets me enough agro to have the entire group hitting me. Why? Because none of you Wrath babies know how to tank!
  5. The beta testing group was garbage. Most were just in it to play a free game. Now Bioware is trying to fix the problems that a crappy beta testing group left behind. They are fighting an uphill battle. Seriously if any of you were beta testers then you should really consider your life at this point and possibly look into methods of improving it. I've never heard of a bigger bunch of failures. I have faith, Bioware.
  6. You notice the textures are low res and the year is 2012.
  7. Yeah pretty much. I was unable to cancel my 6 month payment in time (due to website being shut down) so I'm hanging around here hoping things will get better over that time period.
  8. Bump for anyone who might be a waste of space looking to turn their life around.
  9. To be honest I think that is just the tip of the iceberg to the lies and deceit that Bioware had in store for us. It is not full voiced, there are many quests that are not voiced, instead you read them off of a terminal (my guess is they were added after the VAs were released). It is also not innovative. DCUO was fully voiced and that came out a year before SWTOR. Infact DCUO is actually "fully voiced", no reading from mission terminals in that game.
  10. I like swtor. Why should I not be playing it? Your logic has so many holes in it I just don't know where to begin.
  11. hahaha! "Compare SWTOR to other MMOs" "...oh but don't compare it to the good ones"
  12. Thats how a lot of us are feeling OP. Come join the club.
  13. Yeah thanks for the knee jerk nerf Bioware. I like this direction the game is going in.
  14. No there isn't. And torhead doesn't cut it. The OP (and my good self) want pictures. We want to see what the armor looks like so we can plan accordingly. Torhead just tells you the name of the orange items (some of the things listed are bugged and can't be obtained in game so big help there...). So all you jobless wastes of space out there, build a website that shows all the orange items and what they look like in game (not just their icon), cover it with advertisements, and become a millionaire over night.
  15. I think at the moment the devs are focusing too much on raids. They need to stop raiding Deathwing every week, come back to the game they created, and try to get it out of this slump.
  16. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH I think I might have read the first two sentences so I'm more than qualified to say this: The most hardcore MMO of them all, Ultima Online (pre-Trammal), had no grinding. What have you got to say now? Oh yeah all you MMO babies can come along and say how much grinding you had to do in WoW-BC while the Wrath kiddies had it easy but come on. Don't even think you can speak for the MMO genre, son.
  17. I felt bad for you throughout your entire post.
  18. You can click on a certain part of the OP's signature and it takes you to a gold selling website... I assume it is his. Has anyone tried out his service?
  19. It would be cool but I'm not so sure Bioware could add pod racing. Blizzard haven't added anything like it, so what would Bioware base their work upon?
  20. I feel like I have let my friends down. I sold them on this game. Most of them were on the fence, some didn't want to play it at all. I convinced them to play. I was always honest though, I told them that for the most part it was more of the same but there were certain key elements that were done better which they would really enjoy. The key selling point I used (and the one that makes me feel like the biggest a-hole) were how great these interactive flashpoints were. Obviously I based my opinion solely on Black Talon (Esseles). However I've since learned the truth. There was some major bait-and-switching going on. The game from 1-49 is not like what we get after level 50. The first flashpoint is nothing like what we are given in other flashpoints. Even though I too was deceived, I feel like crap.
  21. The legacy system will not... be revealed to us any time soon. Just another thing to add to the list of bone head moves from Bioware. Tell us about the legacy system so we can prepare for it and plan out characters accordingly.
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