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Posts posted by Erudain

  1. Hello guys.


    Can anyone confirm is EA is sending the retail registration codes today?

    Anyone got one already?


    Wasted all money trying to confirm/deny with Origins live support if they were sending them today and during the weekend, and all I got were "I don't know" or "you will get the code when the game launches" from the guys on the other side.

  2. Uhhhh, no. Some of us have lives and jobs. I'm level 6 after playing for a few hours last night, playing with characters, exploring a bit.


    Stop trying to represent the population using a skewed sample (people being level 20-40 the first day...LOL!!!!)


    Yup...I'm gonna take something I saw in other thread (real credit for the author Omechron).


    "Lots of people have this really crippling disease called "adulthood". Basically, it afflicts them with a compulsion to feed their families and pay for their houses, so they have to get these things called "Jobs" which are kind of like the daily quests in WoW.

    So when people come home from their "Jobs" then they load the game and try to play".


    I'm only lv11...is all I could get before it got really late last nigth up until I get back from work

  3. http://www.swtor.com/server-status


    Notice how the US servers are at light or standard, but the UK servers are at heavy and worse?


    I'm gonna lay some heavy quantum physics on you now:


    See, because of the way the earth's magnetic field reacts with the magic of Christmas, the UK actually exists in the FUTURE. That's why their fuel prices are so high, they've already used up more in their home timeline. Look,

    here's an image of a completely average british citizen.


    So how is this important? Well the other thing you need to know is that a lot of people have this really crippling disease called "adulthood". Basically, it afflicts them with a compulsion to feed their families and pay for their houses, so they have to get these things called "Jobs" which are kind of like the daily quests in WoW. Most people in the USA are still doing their "Jobs", but the people in the UK who live in future are already done for the day so they get to play now.


    So tonight, when people in the US come home from their "Jobs" then the load on the US servers will increase. But if they added another wave right now without carefully balancing the load, the US Servers will explode and kill everyone in the bioware office in a giant fireball which, admittedly, would be pretty sweet... but it would be bad for the long term life of the game.


    Sheldon from the Big Bang?

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