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Posts posted by Erudain

  1. Palpatine offcourse. Goku is easily manipulated.




    Palps "I'm sorry I'm really sorry, i'll be good I promise"


    Goku "Ok I believe you" - turns back -


    Pals: "haha foool unlimited powaaaaaa!!!!" :sy_consular::sy_consular:


    Goku: why you little..... - blows Palps into little midichlorians cells -

  2. Non force user can crush LotR force with much more advance technology.


    Please don't talk about the Witch King again, he got his *** kicked by a girl and a hobbit.


    well actually what made the Witch King "killable" was the enchanted westernesse sword/dagger Merry used to stab him, that's what got him open for Eowin's blow (and even with that it almost killed them both...)

    So unless you can enchant a ligthsaber or create some form of force attack that has the same effect of a numenorean spell, I think a ligthsaber/force attack will "dispell" him at best, but he will be back.


    Another question....what can stormtroopers do against the army of the dead?

  3. Lost only 2 of 6 and got to keep my legacy name (Bondar Crystal to Pot5).


    Regretfully one of the names I lost was my main...was a bit of a surprise since this is the first time in 12 years of MMO playing that I find someone else with that name...ohh well i'll have to come up with a new name or turn any other of my toons into "my main"

  4. Stewie?


    Family Guy - Blue Harvest


    General Tagge: Any attack made by the Rebels against this station would be a useless gesture, no matter what technical data they've obtained. This station is now the ultimate power in the universe.

    Stewie (Darth Vader): That is fantastic. Terrific work. So no weaknesses at all?

    General Tagge: N... no.

    Stewie (Darth Vader): You, uh, you hesitated there. Is there something I should know?

    General Tagge: No, it's virtually indestructible, like 99.99%.

    Stewie (Darth Vader): Uh, okay, wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask what's the 0.01?

    General Tagge: Well, I mean, there's this little hole. It was kind of an aesthetic choice by the architect. And if you shoot a laser into this hole, the station blows up.

    Stewie (Darth Vader): Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! That sounds like a pretty big design flaw, then.

    General Tagge: No, no, the hole's only two meters across.

    Mayor Adam West (Grand Moff Tarkin): Well, that's no bigger than a womp rat.

    General Tagge: Exactly. And even to get within range of it, you have to skim along this whole trench. It's not a big deal.

    Stewie (Darth Vader): Can't we board it up or, you know, put some plywood over it or something?

    General Tagge: Well, that would look terrible. I mean, we gotta think about resale.

    Stewie (Darth Vader): Resale? What are you talking about? This property is right above Sunset. The value is only going to go up.

    General Tagge: Lord Vader, your inside references to the Los Angeles real estate market haven't given you the clairvoyance to turn a profit on that condo in Glendale. Nor has it...

    Stewie (Darth Vader): [Vader begins to choke him] I find your lack of faith disturbing. That property is in a prime location! Twenty minutes to the beach, twenty minutes to downtown!

    General Tagge: [choking] There's nothing to do downtown!

  5. Aion had a horribly balanced PvP system and it was the epicenter of ganking. I mean, the game actually showed you on your little compass minimap where enemy players were.


    I'm not sure how any one could put up with it.


    No it didn't show my old lv34 assassin in hide 2/shadow walk as I jumped and kicked those lvs4x butts in Eltnen and Heiron :p

  6. You really compare swtor's ezmode to Aion?


    Liek you get 100-300AP for a kill and you need 1 200 000 AP just to buy a mainhand? And you get even less if your rank is higher then your enemy's? And you lose AP if you get killed in PVP. Liek you lose 15 000 AP if a Rank XX warrior kills you when you're a General. And you get around 20AP from him.


    This....if you think SWTOR grind is anywhere near Aion's grind, I want whatever you are smoking

  7. Really? you actually found open world pvp?

    Instead of being sorry for you I must tell , "you are a lucky son of a..."... Tatooine is a wasteland with no one on it (not only in the planet's geographical sense...)

    At launch at least there was some pvp where you jump on the datacron balloon....now not even that....


    Actually I think the game needs just the opposite, valor gain for pvp kills anywhere (not just Illum).

    The only reason for doing open world pvp rigth now is for the lulz, and how many do that? most of the time ppl see a red guy in Tatooine, Hoth, Belsavis, etc and they carry on with whatever they are doing without bothering each other.

  8. It was frustrating, to be sure. But having served 6 years in the Army, I had to laugh. They effectively captured the type of civilian political bull***** that can make soldiers cynical and jaded.


    In a way, they elicited in you the same type of emotion that caused Tavus and Havoc Squad to defect in the first place, bringing the story full circle.


    Think of how many real world troops... in WW2, Vietnam, Korea... had to fight tooth and nail to take Hill 67, or Objective Lima, or whatever piece of land was deemed important that day... they watch their friends die... they see and experience things that are indescribably painful... and then 2 days later are ordered to abandon Hill 67 and go do something else.


    I think either the writers were brilliant in creating that sense of disappointment and '***, are you kidding me? All that... for nothing?' bitterness... or the writers were just THAT bad and did it by accident. Haha.


    kudos to you my man....exactly what I was telling a friend a couple days ago.

    They are either brilliant or lucky...

  9. Well we all know GL states ligth side endings are always canon...that's why I guess at the end most Imp stories seem dull and without galaxy impact.


    I really hope there is "Empire Strikes back" but after that be sure there will be a "Return of the republic"

  10. Nice vid....brings back old memories


    Question....do imps below lv40 pvp at all or it's only my server?


    Played 16 WZ today and I think I saw a lv37 once, all the others 40+ guys always.

    And if anyone tells me again that a lv13 sent has a chance beating a lv47 BH....I'm going to kill him.


    So, I switched to my Jugg on the same server (lv15) queued for a WZ...again all 40+ save for me and the guys actually tell me "plese dont queue at that lvl" o.O

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