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Posts posted by Erudain

  1. Quite the opposite I wish they would add some sort of gap/time before you are replaced in a WZ.


    Can say how many times my group was winning 4-0, or owning a Voidstar/Alderaan, I had 6+ medals and I had some random DC/game crash out of nowhere.....you log back in less than a minute and see yourself standing next to one of the fleet shops....

  2. I can't believe your even posting a thread about this. Yes it tells a story, however voice acting in no way affects how fun the game is or your ability to play it. If you hate the voice acting so much, there is a little thing on your computer called a mute button, then you can read the subtitles and play James Earl Jones' voice in your head for all I care. (although personally I think Morgan Freeman is better)


    Heretic!!!! how dare you say that?? James Earl Jones FTW :p

  3. Actually what many said before me...a good solution? ...no imps vs imps Huttball and qeues to enter Illum until factions are even... let the zergy side players sit in a qeue for 30mins/01hour waiting for 8 rep. players to qeue.


    Lots will endure the wait, but lots will not.

    Lets try just with my own life as example... I can prolly play 3hs on weekdays at night due to my job and family.....will I sit 1hour waiting for a WZ qeue to pop or outside a forcefield in Illum that let's me get in?....most likely won't so I'll go to the side with insta enter.

  4. they are unique and not usable till 50, you can't buy more than one.


    Well you can have actually 3 worth when you get to 50.

    - buy 1 bag for 200merc coms + 200wz coms that you cannot open till u are 50.

    - farm another 200merc coms

    - farm 1000wz coms.


    When you get to 50 you can open the bag you have, buy another one with the 200merc coms you saved + 200wz coms and with the 800wz coms left you can get another 200merc coms + 200wz coms

  5. so do 10 lvl 50 reps that leveled up normally against 10 lvl 50 imps with full battlemaster do OK? I wouldn't think so. I know what you meant by that, but you have to start somewhere. Should the incentives be that on underpopulated factions, when they hit lvl 50 they get a bag with full champion PVP gear. Maybe...don't now, but there needs to be incentives for the under populated faction, don't know what that would be exactly. Once the factions start to even up, then the incentive goes bye bye.


    Yes is hard to set the balance....my point was that lv rushing usually ends with ppl badly geared, specially for first timers on their first toons (usually worst than the guy in the same faction that lvled the "slow way").


    About the item solution, it has to be monitored very closely from BW to decide what is balance and what is a "lucky-day" (or other side being dou**es).


    Story from Aion:


    All server were(are still?) heavy elyos dominated, so to balance things NC first tryed the inc. exp solution....result? the one I said before, lots of lv50s Asmodians with green, blues items destroyed by Elyos in pvp gear.


    Abyss was a wasteland, you could fly non-stop for hours without seeing anyone. Fort sieges were NPC camping because no Asmodian wanted to siege and get ***** (you lose "valor" each time you are killed)


    So NC says "ok let's help Asmo gear by giving them medals just for attending to fort sieges". Asmodians start to siege but elyos say "me wantz free medals too or no one haz 'em!!!!"....so they start to lose ON POURPOSE for a couple days and NC happily says "see? servers are balanced.....goodbye incentives"....of course 2 days later server went back to how they used to be with Elyos dominating 24/7.


    That is an example of what happens if you start giving freebies but you don't actually keep a hard control on the server (and also shows how lame Aion community is)

  6. I don't remember what MMO is was, I think DAoC, but their solution to help with imbalance was to give a XP boost to the under populated faction. That way that faction would level faster and it would be an incentive for new players to join that faction.


    Inc exp doesn't solve the problem....put 10 rep guys who got from lv40 to 50 in 2days because of that buff against 10 lv50 imps with full battlemaster.....and it will get ugly...soon.


    Lots of MMO tryed the inc exp to balance server and in most of them, the result is just having more cannon fodder to kill...that's all.

    Remember endgame gear > lv....and in lot of cases gear > skill > lv

  7. You'd think Bioware would've learned from Aion with respect to letting faction imbalance completely ruin their game. Guess they were too busy polishing those fully voiced quests. Priorities.


    Yeah but on a funny note Aion is the only game I know where the seemingly "good looking angelic guys" (just for the looks....not because they are the good side) beat the crap out of the "bad looking/evil/demonic/emo guys"


    Edit: side note....reading a lot of "exp buff for the underdog class"...we all know end game gear > lvl....what's the point of rushing players to 50 if they don't have the gear to compite with their imps rivals?

  8. Well BW options are pretty simple:


    - Roll back and piss 70-75% of the game population (pve severs, lowies that didn't go to Illum, anyone who got lucky with that "last item out of a champion bag", and last but not least...yeah....almost all imps)


    - Don't roll back and piss 30-25% of the game pop (Rep pvpers & Imp player that care about the game health long term)


    Mmmm.....where should I place my bet?

  9. Not Bondar Crystal for sure.....really heavy imp server.

    If I did 4 huttballs last week...that is saying a lot, also I always see the same rep. guys on WZs so it really feels like there are only like 30-50 same players doing WZs.

  10. Just to clarify something not all lv50 guys have the expertise bonus. You have to grind/do dailys & weeklys/swap forts (what!!!....who said that???) to get that gear.


    A lv50 who didn't save commendations since lv10, or was a pver and decided to start doing pvp or is stuck in a imp/rep heavy server, most likely won't have a full champ set.


    Next QQ? non geared 50s complaining about brackets because they face fully geared lv50s premades

  11. If you already have a orange armor the only reason you are rolling for another orange armor is for the looks.


    You say you can take out the str mods and replace them with aim...but since orange gear is statless you already can do it with your current orange gear.


    I would roll greed on this one if I have a JG/SJ in the group

  12. Question for all since I haven't found it anywhere.


    Are there sent ligthsabers for centurion/champion tokens?


    I'm at my job so I can't check it in game now, but if I my memory works fine, all those ligthsabers/offhand saber had way more endurance than strength.

    I remember cause my actual orange saber has +86str and neither the centurion or champion sabers seemed to have more str than that.


    They do have more base dmg tough

  13. Which is the quest where you


    FFS Spoiler tags are annoying hold on edit to follow


    EDIT What quest is the quest where you

    Get married


    I finished the Voss quest



    Told Kira in the cave that it was her call and she let the other girl go with the ex-emperor childs



    After finishing that quest....nothing so far, no new quest from Kira.

    That being said, I always took the ligth sides options in previous scenes (so....no flirt) perhaps that's the end if you didn't flirt with her?

  14. Kira never bugged out for me. I did the side missions on Nar Shada and Voss for her are there anymore?


    Good question....I got the Voss mission last sunday after completing act III, to avoid spoilers, from the dialogues in that quest, I guess you must finish act III before that quest becomes available.


    Anyone knows if there are any other quest after that one? Kira has 10k affection but nothing so far...

  15. Decided to try it yesterday on my lv50 watchman sent.

    Took me 4 tries to beat him.


    Had to use around 250k and commendations to upgrade T7....at the end he was sitting around 14k hp but he went down as easy as when he had 10k.



    First try, no idea what was happening....completely destroyed, barely got him down to 70% hp.


    Second try, he was sitting now, so the figth starts in your own terms.....sent T7 first....destroyed in the first wave of adds. And me shortly after


    Third try, I went first, this time it felt better, T7 was destroyed still on the first wave of adds tough...but I got the trick of LoS with the pillars and how dumb adds are.


    Final try, I went first again but with T7 on hold, burned valor call on trascendance for the run buff, after the emp jumps and mixes with the clones, he used force storm.....ran behind a pillar, adds come one at the time around the pillars so they were easy to kill, just had to watch the aoe on the floor an run to a diferent pillar.

    After all adds are death, I activated T7 and started to burn him, to 50% hp more or less.


    2nd wave of adds, left T7 tanking, used awe and I ran again behind the pillars, T7 died but killed most adds since the were all stunned for 6secs., burned another 30 centering on my dmg buff and 1 on 1 the emp using my interrupts, shields, pacify, stasis, etc.....finished him of with a dispach and I still had 30% hp left (didn't used saved by the force)


    More or less that's what I did.....got the feeling a cybertech sent with grenades + awe would even have an easier time.


  16. I use master stike a lot as a filler specially against gold/bosses.


    rebuke + Leap + overload (mid air) + op stike (if available) + z. strike + cauterize + merciless + slash...and by now you are more or less out of focus (even with rebuke and tics focus gains)....here is the time for a master strike as filler, after that all cds are up and you can rinse an repeat (I use stasis as filler the 2nd rotation)


    That's of course asumming you are facing a melee boss you dont have to interrupt a lot.


    In pvp you can use MS in a lot of situations, against a player with a hard cc/root from a companion; wait for a knockback, leap and MS (leap root + MS root if combat) and of course you will always meet the ocasional bad who thinks they can facetank a sent.

  17. Yes very imp heavy server.....I almost never play huttball and I see more or less the same guys on my team at WZ even quick qeueing.


    Yesterday I was helping my borther with a Tatooine heroic and we saw more or less 10-12imps and no rep. while there.

    After that I went to Voss to gather some rank5 materials and more of the same, lots of imps...one or two random reps somewhere.

  18. Yes the idea of getting resources/vendors/special items by holding Illum objectives would be a good way to avoid cap trading.


    Question since I haven't gone to Illum yet. Are the maps phased? with a max number of players allowed to each side trying to cap/defend an objective?


    Because if it's open pvp with no caps, this could create a problem with inbalanced servers.

    We happens if the Empire/Rep. holds Ilum resources/vendors/special items for...lets say...3 months because of superior numbers?

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