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Posts posted by IPaq

  1. Yes, the title is facetious.


    Let's face it, the game doesn't even allow for us to creatively come up with new and different unique builds. The character classes all have the same three skill trees, you pick one, and then simply drop your points into the bottom branch, then the next branch, etc. Which stifles all creativity and potential for innovation that makes people keep coming back for more.


    Wouldn't it have been, you know, 'cooler' if the classes had a skill system that enabled smart, dedicated players to use their intellect to come up with new, interesting builds?


    This is one of the reasons a game like Diablo 2 kept going for ten years. The players were able to come up with their own viable, unique builds that created replay-ability for the playerbase.


    SWTOR completely lacks this ability. The cookie cutter skill tree design means players might make some alts to try the other classes, but that's about it, and it will become stagnate a lot sooner, then if the game design allowed for players to create and innovate.


    Just sayin'


    Yeah the same company is actually nerfing their MMO and turning talent trees into what I can qualify as a McDo menu.


    You're comparing them to SWTOR?

  2. The OP isn't stating to take them away but implement them in a more thoughtful manner besides what they consider to be unthoughful. They're looking for puzzles, monsters to beat, etc. to get to a datacron.


    Calling for a nerf is still dishonest. No, but, if, maybe about it.


    Please feel free to spine it as you wish... I was able to do them so.




    . 2 have grappling issue and they'll get fixed; (And the are still do-able in the current condition);

    . 1 is just a question of patience and aim, calling for a nerf because YOU are not willing to take the time to get them is lame.

  3. I agree that datacrons offering combat stats makes players feel 'compelled' to find them all. This part of the game should feel optional, not 'mandatory', but that's not the case.


    When you add up all the stat bonuses, it's a very nice chunk of survivability/healing/dps. Not something most min-max people will ignore.


    If you're planning to min-max, you will not complain about datacron since you're planning to go after the hard stuff... ( bla bla bla intellectual dishonesty and so on )


    HM/OPs are harder than those hard datacrons... an the Fleet one will have its grappling bug fix soon.

  4. Dear players,


    I write this message to you, yet I also hope someone from the "amazing" Bioware/EA staff will get the idea.


    I did 1/3 of the datacrons quests although I had to say I gave up a few.

    To get datacrons you have to be a Quake player. From Bioware and from a MMORPG in general, I expect smart quests.


    I understand if you have to guess a riddle, to travel till the end of the map, to fight hard tactical fights (kind of old wow Nax) and so on.

    What I DO NOT UNDERSTAND is why I have to be proficient in virtual Olympic jumping to get those datacrons. I did not buy Quake but SWTOR.

    Not to mention that the game does NOT contain any of the force jump abilities we are used in movies and previous sw games.


    This situation, combined with a lot of bugs (already mentioned here and elsewhere on the web) and the "you pay real money, you get better stuff" policy, make me think how much I want to continue this game (which I waited since the announcement).


    I haven't reached a decision yet, but I hope that the "smart" datacrons quests writers to be given the Nobel prise for their IQ.




    I define casual and I have 67/68 datacrons.


    Why not making a thread about how fun are datacrons instead of just complaining about it?


    PS: There are all documented on youtube. leaving only 2 being hard to get: Fleet and the "super mario in space" one on Nar.

  5. Yes, the balloon does disappear... Probably has nothing to do whether you are active or not.


    Happened to me the first time, but I went for a quick bio...


    Scratch that to going /afk.


    Easy mode the second time making sure to never go afk.


    PS: Also it may be a dev ploy: The balloon "may" be on a 1 and 3/4 circuit. If you jump in at the start of the first circuit you'll be fine, if you jump in at the start of the second circuit you'll end up landing 3/4 of the way to the sand crawler.







    Typed in caps because obviously they have more then one type of reading issue.


    You going AFK is not a EA/BW bug, but something you have to deal with your physician.

  7. AFK? no lol.. maybe 1-2 min but most time at the keyboard. Like i said.. there was another player right besides me. he wasnt afk either. Both on the ground at the same time.. so yea. that thing can despawn?? who the hell programmed that bs??


    The game will put you AFK quite quickly in some instance.


    But you're more than welcome to keep up your current attitude about "your" situation.


    In my case, I'll be getting that Datacron on my 7 other alts.

  8. This datacron is absolutely horrendous. Waiting for 30 min for a baloon? Srsly? These datacrons should give some fancy clothing or something and not permanent stats. By giving permanent stats you are forcing this down the throat of raiders who want to max their character's stats. That's seriously annoying.


    And you expect me to do this for every one of my characters? The designers really dropped the ball with this. Please when expansions are released, DON'T implement these types of datacrons with permanent stat boosts.


    There is nothing that can be done to please those that complain... But:


    When do Universe, Inc. is planning to release the "get real" patch to fix those humans?

  9. Speeder bike levels, so far as I see, the level 2 and 3 variations are not worth purchasing. I did do so, not so much for the minimal speed increase, but for this vaunted knock off protection. So far, while speeding around on my level 3 bike, I've aggroed a single mob 6 times and been shot off the bike 5 times with one hit from the mob. And these are regualr mobs (well one was a wandering strong). So it helped once.


    Just thought it might need to have that protection tweaked up a little. But, the bike looks rather nice. :p


    As it stands, any future alts will just stick with the basic models.


    The faster the speeder the easier it is to get to some places.


    Sign: 66 out of 67 Datacron

  10. I wanted to get the blue Matrix Datacron today.. headed to that sandcrawler..Ballon was far away.. k.. lets wait.. about 20 min later that thing gets close.. 30-40 min travel- no problem.


    I did some crafting checked my keyboard settings for some changes, then decides to tab out to check my mail... about 30 min of traveling so far.

    Before i tabed out i saw the crawler withthe glowing datacron.. yep soon ill get it.. tab out.. check mail 2-3 min.. get back in.. i find myself on the ground !! i had antoher person with me up there... he was besides me.. NO Ballon around us! like it never excist!


    almost 1h for this? u got to be kidding!


    ( no i wont cancel, i am just pretty ****** about this bs )


    So, if u are trying this.. never tab out and watch the screen!


    You get kicked out of the balloon when you go afk.


    Nothing new.


    [usual Interwebz comments ]

  11. Heh not only do I not mind repair bills, I often intentionally get them bc I'm too lazy to walk back to quest givers (I just attack a bunch of groups, let them kill me, and res at med facility). I just seem to always be making more credits than I can use as is, so they don't bother me at all.


    That's the issue.


    The OP was (maybe) talking about lvl 50 repair bill.


    Pugged an HM yesterday, killed only 1 boss, healer being "that other MMO" reject, and kept being 1 shotted by the second boss for not being able to LOS it... withstanding the issue his moddable gear still had lvl 40 mods in it :(


    Ended up costing me 50k for 4 death.


    Solution: Don't pug or farm enough credits for it.

  12. i everyone, I am hoping to get some help.


    So I am looking to upgrade my Graphics card as it is awful, It is a Hd 5450, So I am looking to upgrade it to either the Ati Radeon 6850 or 6870 are these good cards are they worth the price?


    So My motherboard is a ASrock M3A UCC hope that helps.


    I need to upgrade my psu as I need one that has 2 external power cables to plug into the graphics cards, so what is the most cost effective one?


    also I have 4gb ram looking to upgrade it, is it worth it.


    Any help would be great.




    With the amount of bug related to the ATI/AMD DX11 drivers...


    I suggest you go with a nVidia GTX 560 TI 1GB ram.


    You've been warned.

  13. I just thought i would post from the other end of the spectrum. I have an older system, around 2-3 years old.




    3.25gb of ram because im still on 32 bit winxp


    Running on medium to high settings with shadows off. The game runs very satisfactory to me, 50-60 fps constant when I'm out questing and the same goes for warzones as well. my fps drops to 15ish on the imperial fleet but I think thats because I'm on a heavy server and theres always hundreds of people in there standing around. If my old system can run this without problems and people with monster machines cant then the problem is without a doubt on their end.


    Some guy with a 10k putter was running out of memory and using older drivers :(


    Try this, play with grass lvl.


    On my nVidia GTX 560 TI, there is something on Quesh that was making my GPU car sick =D.


    I found it was due to draw distance and grass... as usual too much grass is bad for you.

  14. Maybe you should read what I had said, I have no problems. Yes we know you can change your .ini file but that's just absurd to expect over a million players to do that, most of them not computer savvy. If a game can't have it's own graphics settings do as it said it's just ridiculous.


    As I said I have no problem but to say there is not a problem and point people toward a hidden file in their computer is dumb.


    While creating endless complaining thread is the mark of a genius.


    You have the information, use it.


    Don't, well, keep making complaining threads.

  15. I have a decent pc just upgraded for this and I have no issues anywhere except maybe a lil in pvp.




    To sit here and say that there really isn't a issue is BS, WE ALL can see that the graphics settings are fubar. Half the time going to low graphics doesn't change a thing. They don't even have all the textures in the game yet.


    To be fully honest they don't know if it's just 5% they haven't even turned on the high detail graphics for the game. What will happen now when you allow all the actual higher textures and settings into the game. Right now everyone is running the game on mediumish so I bet it will not be 5% when that is changed.


    Still most of these people would prolly not even have a problem if they fixed the settings to actually adjust things properly.


    There is plenty of in-depth documentation about their .ini format and what is the best setup for Xyz.


    Look it up.


    Knowledge is power, knowledge is fun.

  16. The highest GPU usage i have seen in SWTOR (i have MSI Afterburner running) is 35%, CPU usage perhaps 50% at highest loads, that just seems very wrong, **** i can run any other game on ULTRA without dropping below 60 FPS, so clearly there is something wrong here


    3x threads that has broken the post limit can't be fiction bro, stop being such a biodrone and open your eyes.


    Where is your GPU/FP usage?


    Where is your Real Memory, Page file, Free Memory usage?


    Stop complaining if you are not willing to provide the information

  17. I have a very powerful system but TOR runs like a dog on it. Without going into boring detail, I have a 3.2GHz quadcore processor, 8GB of RAM and an ATi 6800 graphics card.


    I get maybe 11FPS in PvP and not a lot more in Republic Fleet.


    And the real kicker? I already have all the graphics settings on LOW!


    Without those boring details, you're just complaining for the sack of complaining.


    So want help? Give us the boring details.

  18. My specc is

    i5 @ 3.6ghz

    GTX560Ti SUPER OC'D edition 1gb ram

    8gb 1600 Mhz ram


    And even i have fps drops where there should be non in wz's for one i can drop down to 30fps at random, fleet during rush hour i can maybe get 25fps


    So spare me the "This is only low end specs" because it aint.


    Again a worthless post. You guys do not understand that you need to provide fact? Whatever you're listing to boost your epeen is useless.


    TaskManager performance numbers, stuff like nVidia Inspector with GPU/FP usages, etc...


    Without it you're just someone that cannot configure your computer properly.


    PS: Like that dude with 12GB of RAM, 6GB in Paging and 0MB free wonder why SWTOR is slow loading.

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