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Posts posted by IPaq

  1. Correct me if i'm wrong but what your trying to say is that pve is inaccessible to solo players and many players in general at the moment due to low server populations, group forming, and lack of endgame solo content. Whereas pvp is easy to get involved with


    Basicly BW made a boo boo, they assumed that standing around in fleet typing DPS LFG would generate a better commuiity. And they assumed solo players would be happy rolling alt after alt with no character progression in mind for the next 2 years till the next xpac.


    They are addressing the random dungeon finder issue, but the pug groups will be just as nasty as they are in other games. While solo players are being ignored hoping they will continue to pay for a game that promises much but delivers little once you hit 50.


    MMO are games based on the community.


    If you choose to be anti-social and do everything solo, you get what you're looking for.


    How if you want to progress PvE wise... find a guild and start raiding.


    PS: I'm a soloer and pretty fine with what EA/BW did (usual stuff I may add). Now if they could find a way to rank PvE players, so that we don't end up with bad players costing us gobs of creds by perma wiping in FP, HM and Ops pugs... =D

  2. Yes it is the way its worded and all that jazz. But it did give me an excuse to say what I think dual specs will do to this game so yay,.. I guess..


    There is more "real" thing to complain about, beside adding functionality for players to enjoy themself more.

  3. A short wake up call:


    I just can't believe the attitude some people have. The guy is writing his opinions and in no way being negative at a personal level, and here we come across morons who call it a fail. Do you really want to throw civility out the window? Two can play that game. I'll understand criticisms that the game sucks but treating another person like a low level piece of nothing is just unacceptable and unforgivable...He says he will forgive the OP..."I forgive thee for thy transgression lowly peasent." Well who the hell do you think you are?



    Now the actual opinion:


    To the OP. The points you made about the community are valid, for now. Eventually things may change for the worse. Oh and my advice, only read, care about, and reply to the posts that talk about community cause your OP talked about community, don't let anyone change the subject by saying how this game sucks and that mechanic is a fail. That's another topic entirely.




    Yes calling people names (elitists) is very civil.


    Now there is a reason why rated WZ are coming and it is because people want to have fun with people that can play at their level and not babysitting lazy players that are just ending up riding their coat tails.


    I suspect that the OP feeling was hurt in such a way that he needed to create this thread which won't help in the community building 1 bit.

  4. Screw Elitists, I used to have that attitude until I grew up. Its a game and it should never be taken as seriously as some people take it. That being said, I do occasionally scold people with moderate smart-***-ed-ness to negatively encourage them to do better, but hey, if someone doesnt say something they will never learn.


    Rofl @ class warfare.


    If you lack the confidence to get better its not our fault if you feel bad about it.

  5. SWTOR is my first MMO so I am not as cultured as many people here or whom I play with online. However, coming into SWTOR and by immersing myself into this community, I have learned some things about the MMO culture, both positive and negative.


    Before launch one common thing I heard about MMOs was the elitism and how it kills communities and even has killed MMOs in the past because the developers created systems which benefited the "Elitist" player and the casual "I just want to jump in and have fun" type players decided to not subscribe again and thus the MMO in question usually failed.




    But what I really want to say is that SWTOR makes it that the Elitist players aren't the ones who are favored. Yesterday I was hounded twice by to different people [different times] regarding my stats. One person put me down for only having 30K damage in Huttball despite the fact that I had 70K Protection. Earlier before the match he called me out saying that I need better gear in which I responded by telling him that I had JUST turned L50 before and that I am still in the process of obtaining the right commendations [Champion/Centerion] to get better PvP gear. In another Huttball match, some guy got onto my case because I picked up the ball and I only have 12K HP. Mind you even though I am L50, I am still using the L40 PvP armor as I am in the process of collecting Centerion/Champion commendations to buy the better gear for my level. Anyways, he went on to said in quote "People with 12K Should not carry the ball". I then responded back by saying "Dude, we are winning 4-0 with 2m left, it isn't that serious!". I then put him on the ignore list and moved on. Ironic enough, I was paired up with him again a few matches later and lets just say, I scored twice, both times with m 12K HP.


    According to to many, if this were some other types of MMOs, I would just have to suck it up and live with it or else I would have a ZERO Endgame PvP and PvE experience. I know the idea of combat logs and SWTOR in some way is going to have them 1.2 from what I gather. Now you might think that this contradicts my notion that SWTOR does not favor to the Elitist. However, even with this SWTOR is still a game where the casuals run free mainly because the Warzones are so easy to get into. Even if people want to check my logs, there is nothing they can do if I get grouped with them in Warzones. They can't kick me!




    This is what I like about SWTOR and why I believe I will be playing for the long haul while the Elitist move on to games that appeal to them [Guild Wars 2?] and make them feel special and better than others.


    What are your thoughts?


    Fostering mediocrity is always welcome by lazy players.


    What happened to be "better than yourself"?

  6. I don't think it's just the start of the game. Between the storyline, planet quests, bonus objectives, bonus quest series, killing random enemies that happen to be in your way, heroics, companion quests, rested XP, flashpoints, space missions and PvP, there's simply too much XP in this game.


    After being seriously overlevel halfway through Alderaan, I managed to bring myself more or less back on track by skipping any non-storyline quests in the latter half of Alderaan and all of Balmorra and Quesh, sneaking around enemies rather than killing them, and not doing any of the bonus objectives if I could avoid it. I also avoided doing any space missions. After all that, I was level 39 when I entered Hoth - halfway through the planet's level range. I resumed doing the planet quests at this point, still taking care not to complete any bonus objectives or kill any enemies I could avoid. Now I'd level 41, closing on 42, and still have the last area of Hoth to do. I haven't done any heroics on Hoth either, save for one.


    On my next character, I'm going to try doing the pairs of planets in chapter 1 (Taris/Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine/Alderaan) in reverse order, i.e. do the higher-level planet first. This should make the quests on the lower one give little or no xp, helping me avoid overleveling.


    It seems a bit backwards to me that this game offers gobs of unique and interesting content, and then goes on to give so much XP for doing it that the player can't possibly complete everything and stay in the intended level range. Usually it's the other way around - too little content and too little XP gains, so you have to do the same content multiple times to level up. Overly fast leveling results in fighting monsters that provide no challenge and getting rewards that a far inferior to your level, both of which reduce the sense of accomplishment from completing quests.


    I think all XP in the game could easily be cut by one third without introducing too much grind.


    Yeah by forcing ppl to play like you because you dislike getting +5 xp?


    Sorry mate I'm not about to play like you: doing all the FP's and WZ.


    PS: 4x50 and lvling is fine.

  7. I dont feel like playing SWTOR anymore.


    Enjoyed the trip to level 50, but after grinding valor for PvP (57 now), I cannot motivate myself to PvP anymore, until after maybe the patch, so I can see what that experience will be like.


    Also, 3 of my friends have left all citing "monotomy" as the reason for leaving.

    I refuse to group with random players in Flashpoints due to the *****hat factor.

    Currently, I am at the "interlude" part of my Sith Warrior class quests...odd, since I thought I finished them.


    Anyway, even crafting is blah now as there is nothing to craft, I do not need any of it and am not about to waste money on crafting materials to make stuff to sell on AH because its just not worth the money to spend making it.


    Even the Champion Battle Master armor is useless for my Juggernaut as every single piece is minus power, which a Rage Juggernaut needs as a priority.

    I am at a loss as to what Bioware was thinking when they put all the time into this games development.


    You are responsible for your own enjoyment.


    PS: You'll do the same for every other MMO.

  8. Because this isn't WoW.


    Because newly to 50 players will never get the gear they need to raid if they're not allowed to participate.


    Because Gearscore, or damage output, or any other metric isn't the only way to judge someone. It's not the only reason they might be underperforming either.


    In your example, your Friends/Family isn't the weaker player in my example above. They have much less incentive to be there, and because they can ride on whoever they know in the guild, they have much less incentive to actually know their class or try to improve an participate. On the other hand, in my example above, the weaker player wants to get better, and has incentive to ask questions and find out how to improve, and practice so that he eventually is not the underperforming player.


    You should be asking why it's not a good idea to keep a _consistently_ underperforming player in your raid.


    EQ, AoC, Rift (name it)... its all the same.


    GS, Logs, etc, are just tools.


    As for the new guy, with basic gear, decent progression guild will recruit him provided he fit the profile they are looking for.


    (Which happened to me 3 times in 2 MMO)


    And one last time:


    So explain to me again why is it a good thing to keep the under-performing player in your raid?

  9. I really don't see the cause of the drama other then people just like to make drama here.


    Join a guild that fits you, it's as simple as that.


    If the guild requires logs and you want to hide that you are bad, don't join.


    Find a guild that does not care about that sort of stuff and you all all set.




    I got tired of the guild scene after "having" to carry more F&F during the Ulduar days...


    I'm now solo and happier than ever =D

  10. Because there's more to having fun than numbers.


    How did you get the gear your high level toon now has? Odds are you earned it in some way or another. Unless the raid is so tightly tuned that this person's few hundred damage difference is going to make or break a boss fight, you would be better serving everyone if you judged him by his attitude.


    Look at it this way: Who would you rather bring to a raid (Or Ops. I use raid because you're more familiar with it)?

    An Elitist Jerk who has the best gear, and amazing DPS (for round numbers, call it 1000/minute. I don't know anything about raid output so this could be way off) consistently, but doesn't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary, moves at the speed he expects the raid to move, and ragequits the moment a wipe happens.


    or someone with adequate, but not awesome, gear, who is outputting high-average DPS (if the first guy was 1000/minute, call this guy 850/minute), but who wants to be there, is asking questions and learning, and who could get useful gear from the raid, and has an interest in not only getting the gear to use in the future raids with you guys, but in learning and improving his playstyle to eventually be as good as the Elitist Meatball i described above.


    Which one sounds better?




    Now which of those attitudes would you find through experience while helping a player who wants to learn? Which of those would you only ever know based on some damage meter?




    It's time to grow up and get out of the WoW Raiding mentality. This is a game about having fun. If you want to crunch numbers and get the "perfect" Ops group, go play EVE Online. It's all about numbers and spreadsheets and getting that little extra edge out of everything you try to do. Let those who came for story and fun stay here with others like us, who want to learn the Ops because they're fun.


    Reality is that its not a few hundreds DPS/HPS/TPS that matter.


    People using that avenue to defend themself never had to spend 5 months straight perma wiping on Vash / TK because 20 people where stuck with 5 F&F (Friends/Family) because of the GM/Officers.


    Once their performance became so atrocious and they themself started to bail for new recruits we suddenly were in a position to clear it just in time before "Snow Storm" mega nerf to those 2 instances.


    There is no fun having to carry the burden of lazy employes (in life) or lazy players (in game).


    So lets ask the question again:


    So explain to me again why is it a good thing to keep the under-performing player in your raid?

  11. Why can't I play a fat woman in any rpgs that I have touched? Hell, this game is unique enough for giving us the option to play as a chunky guy but they didn't go all the way and let us play as a chunky woman. Why do I bring this up?


    Well I have a friend that has a friend and she is sort of fat. I was trying to convince her to play but when she saw the character select screen for the female twilek sith inquisitor she was going to play it suddenly dawned on her she couldn't choose one with a relatively similar bodysize as herself.


    After she saw that she went on a tirade how society never shows fat people in anything but a negative or comedic light and she said she felt discriminated against because society at large wants to "shut her away".


    Why doesn't bioware let us customize our characters the way we want? Please.. fat women arent bad people. Don't pretend they don't exist!


    Fat is a qualitative and not the proper term to use.


    There is a "healthy" body type available to both gender, beyond that you are consider obese and it is not a good row model to project in any video game.


    PS: Says this 325 pounder guy behind his keyboard that still have some work to do to get to get to his 225.

  12. The knockdown bug is irritating for sure....Kira never putting away her lightsaber is as well every once in a wile I can't send mail other then that, the game runs pretty smooth.


    Lots of companion have that animation bug for a few patches now.

  13. And now it appears the correct animations are not occurring. When I kill enemies, they just stand there. Their bodies are lootable. The text is grey, and they just stand there.


    Also, there is no animation for Force Wave.


    I've restarted, ctrl+u,u, escaped.


    Still not much luck.


    NPC dying standing up or doing the bacon dance is still happening.


    PS: Those bugs take so long to fix because EA/BW actually don't have 100% the control over their game since they spread the devs to sub-contractors

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