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Posts posted by IPaq

  1. Making a thread which specifically demeans a large group of people is far from mature. Not to mention brown nosing is far from mature. Bioware has flipped off hundreds of thousands of people who had legitimate reasons for not being able to pre-order on day one, who paid just as much as everyone who did when they could. Some of us have families, bills, medical expenses, CANCER, and our money isnt always so easy to toss around.


    So dont claim to be "mature" then make a thread like this. Bioware flipped us the bird, had their CEO write us a nice letter about how happy he is to welcome ALL OF US to tor early access, then trollface as they only let people in from the first 2 days.


    Being childish is not a "large group" is a kid crying for candy.


    Chill, go to work, you "may" get it when you get back.

  2. Title says it all, which would you prefer, a big gosh darn queue and some issues with the servers at launch?




    This random wait with no info, no clue and no idea when you will get access?






    Personally i'd rather be stuck in a queue, at least then I can see how long I have to wait.




    There is nothing random and without info.


    The game isn't release yet..


    Early Access is a perk, a unexpected surprise. Go on with your life.


    Now the early access is by date... as much as their servers can deal with... 2 waves done... more to go.

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