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Posts posted by IPaq

  1. If you are able to post your current PC configuration would at least give us a base to help you solve this problem.


    I am an owner of ATI Radeon 6870 cards (in crossfire) and if you overide the application setting in the Catalyst center (driver of your graphic card) you can put even the beffiest machine on her knees...


    Usually with all setting set to high, your computer supposed to play this game smoothly.


    Waiting for your update buddy !!


    Have a nice day !


    100cr he's playing on a laptop or some sort of brand name comp.

  2. Going to cancel my subscription, the games FPS is barbaric, even with my beefy system that can play BF3 on Ultra, Skyrim on ULTra, with no frame drop problems.


    The game engine for this game is harendous, so i will be taking my money elsewhere.


    Im going to cancel my sub, and go elsewhere.


    Its a damn shame, as this could have been a great experience.


    It is not the responsibility to EA/BW to provide you with a decent computer.


    Being the interwebz any amount of excuses will do. Provide facts.


    Else you're just complaining because of your own fault.

  3. What PSU should I buy for a radeon hd 6850 to make them work? Please help


    You should check with your HP/Store rep.


    I refuse to touch those computer since they always have some weird custom component.


    I suspect a normal PSU may not fit in their case.



    Take a chill pill.


    Ppl expectation of the effort/time it take to pug stuff has been biased by the McDo of MMO's.


    This MMO went back to community building basis, and this is what guilds are for.


    Join a big one and you'll have more chance to get good ppl at your lvl with the same goal.


    PS: Being 46 myself, and questing, I can say that I stopped doing Heroics when I started getting on planet with a pop of 9 or less... Its normal for a new MMO, I accept it, you should too.

  5. Its quite disappointing that my companion could probably beat me in a fight. My companion is getting more kills than me. How can i enjoy combat if my companion is getting all the kills. And the worst is that your companion levels up with you. I can't get ahead. I should be able to do more damage than my companion.


    Yes get passed whatever lvl are, (which I'm guessing under 20).


    And tell me about that on Voss when your tanking companion get 3 shotted by a solo quests elite.

  6. Oh, so this is a known issue that multiple people are having?


    Everything was going fine FPS wise until Taris and the number of quests tracked... and then there was Quesh...


    With everything at 11 including AA = 8 I started to have enuf FPS issue to give me motion sickness =D.


    After many tweakings, I found out that it was the grass... As soon as I turned it to 0 everything went back to nornal.


    I'm sure the Dev are on it.


    I can provide a lot of infos, but I don't have the time to deal with the forum trolls. So they know where to reach me =D

  7. Just quoting from my own post :


    P.S : For the ones who will claim this is a lag, computer or some other issue, let me tell you in advance that my computer is rock solid and runs the game with 60 fps locked super easy. I have 70-80 ms at most. Lastly, all other players experiencing the same problem obviously shows that this is not a problem on our end but on Bioware's end.


    Thus, No. It is not a lag issue at all.


    Those who claim rock solid computer play on laptops...


    PS: 23ms here.

  8. This is what I'm talking about m8, it is as if no one knows there are flash points in this game, especially the fun ones, and they drop good looking loot as well.


    And in some cases, if there are two of each class in a group, one of them leaves because he's afraid of competition.


    It's infuriating, is what it is. :mad: Bioware, FIX THIS!


    Do you think EA/Bioware is the government they cannot change how people behave.


    Jerks will be jerks and this is why they have guilds for.


    You like playing this solo with the occasional requirement to group up?


    And when it does not go your way you come to the forum to complain.


    You're the problem.

  9. Odd thing is? Outside of bugs? I don't have MOST of those issues gfx wise.


    3.0 intel duo core, 9800GT caed and 2 gigs (yes 2) gigs of ram. Seems everyone having issues are the super rigs with 4 gig plus.


    I would LOVE more optimization tho and options to change gfx wise.


    You can have a 100k computer, but if you can't set it up correctly you'll get bad result.


    My gaming putter cost less than 1k. Has only a 3Gbps SATA controller (recycle crap from a old server), i7 at 2.9Ghz, 6GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate, a GTX 560 TI and its fine.

  10. As a long time LOTRO player there hasn't been anything good coming out of that game in a couple of years. Their 'features' rich MMO' to which you refrain have long gone by the wayside. I will admit there are some features that LOTRO has right when it comes to UI, windows, stacking and the like which are small fixes that I bet within not too far away Bioware puts in here, especially as it gets suggested. LOTRO has also 'improved' some features which are actually worse than they used to be and as a whole the game is now riddled with more bugs and glitches than its ever had. I'm so glad that the small things I've been encountering here in TOR are trivial and easily ignored as compared to LOTRO.


    You can't make the difference between the feature and the content... just to support your point. This ain't politics.


    I'm talking about less successful MMO having better feature at launch.


    LOTRO had some good content patch, but it is in no way comparable of what EA/BW achieved.


    I just hoped they'll have a better platform for the amount of time and money they invested into this project.


    Remember: Content and platform are not the same thing.

  11. You guys makes me want to laugh, if you didnt know it already SWTOR is made by using the Hero Engine, do you know what that is? No? Well it's an engine that makes it so much easier to add things to the game, and that means we will get more future goodies than other games.


    Its not you guys, its me.


    *feels like their MMOized the engine they used being Mass Effect* is not hyperbolic.


    Now being a fanboy and defending their delivery of the awesome content is.



  12. I agree that it is polished, but only where the story is concerned. Some of the items you list I wouldn't say were lack of polish so much as just different from other MMO's.


    -You don't need a mod station to alter your modded gear, but they leave the quests for it in, the stations, etc. These all should have been removed.

    - I equipped a new belt on one toon and half of it was floating way off to her side - just hanging in midair.

    - I've had the crewskill bug.

    - I can hear when my republic friends log in and out on my empire toons, but I can't chat with them or see them.


    To me these are the things which really show that they rushed through the programming and focused more on the story. I love story, but these little things are annoying.


    As for load screens when travelling to different planets? I think they are doing that to give you the feel that you are really off in space. And it works! Not saying I absolutely love sitting through 2 screens to get there, just saying it does feel like I've had to travel a lot to get to my destination.


    The content is great, but the engine running it (UI, NPC AI, etc) makes me sad.


    . NPC AI Spazzing;

    . Smugglers auto Cover broke between Beta and Launch, now that's annoying when its the base of the gameplay for a class;

    . Slew of graphical bugs at early level all documented since the first beta not fixed;

    . Basic features missing, like guild bank, gkick from the guild UI (thank god /gkick works), damn rift cost peanuts, was develop over less time and has tonnes of features;


    I fell like they just MMOized their Mass Effect engine while doing the least possible work...


    Do no get me wrong, the content is A.W.E.S.O.M.E., the platform presenting it is not.


    ( Check LOTRO or Rift which are features rich MMO in comparison, and that at launch )


    I can sum it up this way:



    They painted the Monalisa on the backside of a Horse.



    I still hope that after the holidays they start pumping out those upgrades...

  13. I have the same problem. Did alot of space combat and PvP and got monster XP for it. I'm sticking around Belmorra to finish the quests since it's like one big story. I do feel like Balmorra is being dragged out. I was ready to leave and when I enter the spaceport, I get a message from a Darth that opened up a new slew of missions on Balmorra. Ugh.


    Balmorra is 1 epic quest line after the next... Just untrack your class quests that are calling for you =D it will help.

  14. Bonjour a tous.


    J'aimerai ne pas avoir de nom d'heritage, a t'on pensé a ceux qui n'etaient pas interessés? Parceque la fenêtre qui revient tout le temps... c'est gavant.


    Je suis agent imperial et chiss de surcroit, alors pourquoi dois je avoir des trait de corruption sith? Et puis, les chiss ne sont ils pas censés ne pas être du tout réceptifs a la force? (pas de chiss jedi ou sith) Bien sûr certains me diront que l'option pour enlever ces traits existe, mais elle est bug, donc pourquoi ne pas tout simplement nous supprimer l'option définitivement en la grisant? (pour les non affiliés a la force)


    Voila j'aimerai qu'un modérateur lise se message et fasse (s'il le peut) remonter l'information (bien que je pense que ce soit quasi impossible)


    Merci de m'avoir lu.


    Et pourquoi tu n'as pas poster ca dans le forum francais?


    Nice QQ btw.

  15. Well also, I would like to:


    1. board the ship;

    2. then choose to takeoff or not;


    Sometimes I just go in for Comp Convos and I find it annoying to wait for 1 extra load for no reason.


    PS: More and more I cannot grasp why after such a long beta and so much money invested those scene are so badly animated... (add that most / command dont have an animation, and those like /sit are juvenile at best, I'm sorry for the animation dept., but never leave that type of work to a intern).


    Content is great but execution matter.

  16. ITT - people who don't realize that its already been announced that is coming in a future patch.


    I know that, but the people opposing it are making a lot of noises on the forum in the hope they don't do it.


    PS: Reality check - Bugs first I think. There is a lot of it to be fixed. Content can be produced in parallel.

  17. Clearly, any issue that exists past the 72 hour mark means the game will fail.


    The issue is that most of the bugs (spell delay, mount delay, getting stuck mostly everywhere when exploring, green/blue/yellow/red beam of *** (check Tatooine) and many many many more...


    Where all documented since early Beta.


    While the content is just freakn out of this world... The platform is what I can describe as a MMOized Mass Effect engine.


    For me, while content is just the best thing ever done in a MMO... it cannot alone offset the many bugs from its engine.


    So I hope the Devs will start ramping up their work and provide for an appropriate platform to feature the awesome content from the artists.

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